Santiago Ram

Why the hate against Christianity?

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Even if Jesus didn’t exist, what does exist? It is all in your mind. If he physically existed or not, his spirit is real as anything else. And it saved millions of people. Religion is not about truth but about if it works or not. Jesus, Mohammed are all archetypes in the collective unconscious and people draw power from these avatars. You can’t do philosophy or stick 5 MeO DMT up yours if you are dead. We shouldn’t shame people favoring survival over chaotic lifestyle filled with psychedelics. 

Edited by AION

Wanderer who has become king 


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17 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

You are the love.

That's why submitting to love is the wisest thing. And love expresses itself through many forms to which we will naturally feel inclined to bow down as it touches our hearts. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Because Christians are sneaky bastards.

They demonize and hate non-Christian stuff without thinking and also without questioning themselves. They are such closed-minded people.

All of their "spiritual" talk serve for their primitive survival.

Seriously, they don't even know what awakening entails.

Edited by Nemra

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5 hours ago, Santiago Ram said:

There can be State Turquoise Christianity as well.

If there is a way for Christianity to exist in a more conscious state, it would require a complete transformation. At that point, would it even still be Christianity?

It would have to actively work on undoing the harm it has caused. But the reality is that the people doing the real work of putting an end to its abuse are the ones who leave Christianity behind. Why do you think this is?

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13 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

Your work calls for you to be perceived as the sole authority. Of course, you won't admit that.

You are the sole authority.

I shared thousands of good sources with you. What teacher shares as many diverse sources with you as I have? Name him.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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27 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You are the sole authority.

I shared thousands of good sources with you. What teacher shares as many diverse sources with you as I have? Name him.

Sharing sources doesn't change the fact that you position yourself as the sole authority on their interpretation. Providing sources is good, but the way you present them and reject opposing views makes you the final authority on the truth. That's exactly what you're doing in this topic..

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1 hour ago, The Crocodile said:

Don't demonize demon demonizers.

God loves demonizing demons.



God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's the raw truth here: no one alive knows Jesus. No one! And anyone who claims otherwise is self-deceived.

I'd say nobody knows Yeshua nowadays but you can know Christ.

It's a state of Consciousness. It happened on LSD, sublime Awakening. One of the jewels that I encountered in this path. Although If such experience would happen to a priest they'd be baffled. I shouted omg The Christ, I'm really Christ, now I understand. 

With time I feel that there are sweet spots in consciousness or universal archetypes of crazy consciousness. Christ, Babaji and Buddha are the one I've tapped into. I'm uncertain how this comes to be, but I oscillate between timeless principles that human beings align and radiate or human beings that caused a timeless imprint in consciousness that you can still tap to.

Christianity and most religions are unaware of this. People who awaken through religion were either lucky or extremely talented to begin with, it's not proper Awakening technology.

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have not seen one Christian who understands God or Love.

Please read the following verse from the Bible in "The Passion Translation" - whoever wrote this crearly got it ;) 

PSALM 103:

With my whole heart, with my whole life,
and with my innermost being,
I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God!

Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration.
How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness
you’ve done for me?

You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done. 
You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease.
You’ve rescued me from hell  and saved my life.
You’ve crowned me with love and mercy.

You satisfy my every desire with good things. 
You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again 
like a flying eagle in the sky!

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Then there is Aaron Abke, a stage turquoise teacher (who was an ex pastor born in a Christian family) who explains Christianity through a completely different, more awakened perspective:


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's the raw truth here: no one alive knows Jesus. No one! And anyone who claims otherwise is self-deceived.

That level of confidence itself is self deception. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, The Crocodile said:


I knew it

The thing with demons, I want to talk about them more literally.

Daniel Ingram told me his hand was broken by a demon.

@Leo Gura OK demon story time.

Daniel Ingram grew up interested in the occult, reading Castaneda, playing Dungeons and Dragons and reading Jack Vance stuff.

When he was an adult still learning his friend had a problem. Every time he would touch a piece of technology like a computer or a generator or a light or whatever, it would stop working.

So Daniel did the basic scrying, and said, "Okay, it looks like you have two demons. One of them seems to be a tech demon, sure. Let's see what we can do about that." So they did an old-school banishing ritual. Daniel now thinks that could be a terrible idea because of the effects it had and it could have been more caring, understanding, and empathetic to this thing's circumstances. Anyway, they did the banishing, sent the tech demon away, and all of a sudden all of the problems with the technology stopped.

Weeks later Daniel was working on a house, standing on a ladder with a drill. The drill malfunctioned, spun around, and fractured his hand. Then he got pulled into some other space, saw the demon standing there smiling and it stuck out its hand and said, "Gotcha!" Then Daniel went back to his shooting pain from his broken metacarpal.


There's also Daniel Lawton who was a student of Castaneda and in an arranged marriage by Castaneda with a witch that can levitate objects and has lifted him feet in the air with a single finger. He said this about this being:

Sounds like something Minx would do.

He used to make some funky looking squirrels for me. And he let me stroke his pink and dirty purple colored fur.

Anyone else would have run for their life from what he was looking like at the time.

It's almost as if, having been the Devil's Weed entity at one point, Minx still likes to "gross you out".

The way the lizards did with Carlos.

In fact, the first time I encountered Minx in an ultra realistic form he was pretending to be a large lizard with long toenails scratching on my wooden floors as he hobbled along.

I thought he was real.


My friend who got one of these allies said:

"As a woman who suffered from this don't ever do sex with them in dreaming Never Don't have orgasms and such because they will suck the life out of you" "I was an empty cell. I couldn't think of anything or do anything. With much struggle and will I canceled work for that week. I was watching the wall lifeless for good 10 days and it took me 5 days to start be myself again. I was a leaving dead Literally I thought that if this lasts for more than 20 days I will go to the hospital I was in sleeping dreaming She showed me a room only for me with some female pleasure toys Next thing I know im tied and she is starting to do her thing I told her no but she didn't listen Not that I didn't like it But I didn't want it So I had a strong orgasm and woke up dead"

She and her boyfriend also verified they could activate the water heater on demand by instruction.

Lawton has said they have bent the water in the shower at a 90 degree angle.

When the one I got from Lawton one of the times it visually attacked the orientation of the body, went into the physical body and auditorily screaming vibrated the body really hard, like the strongest vibration or an electric shock made out of boiling bubbles. The water system in the house went crazy.

They're able to influence water because it's a fluid light and open system, and when viewing their world to our perceptual interpretation it often appears as water, because that's a closer emanational overlap than ordinary physical perception.


Aurobindo called them vital beings. Castaneda called them inorganic beings.

“Can we perceive those inorganic beings, don Juan?" I asked. "We certainly can," he replied. "Sorcerers do it at will. Average people do it, but they don't realize that they're doing it because they are not conscious of the existence of a twin world. When they think of a twin world, they enter into all kinds of mental masturbation, but it has never occurred to them that their fantasies have their origin in a subliminal knowledge that all of us have: that we are not alone.”

Read The Eagle's Gift and The Art of Dreaming.

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Christianity is a very profound religion if you interpret it metaphorically. That is, Christ is any human being, not a guy with powers, not someone specific. Sin is not something bad you do that deserves punishment, but a mental frequency of separation that isolates you and keeps you in a state of suffering. Salvation is the opening of the focus of the egoistic mind to the totality of existence, and suffering is the key to salvation

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I claim you can't.

Because Christianity is inherently self-deception. Christianity is not a solution to self-deception. And any self-deception in you prevents realization of Intelligence and Love.

I have not seen one Christian who understands God or Love. That's no coincindence. It must be that way because they have no interest in truth-seeking.

Kissing Jesus' ass is not truth-seeking and will never grant the fruits of actual truth-seeking.

@Leo Gura, this take doesn’t just collapse it never stood up to begin with. Let’s walk through it real slow so you can watch the illusion dissolve in real time.

"Christianity is inherently self-deception. Christianity is not a solution to self-deception. And any self-deception in you prevents realization of Intelligence and Love."

So let me get this straight mate, you’ve defined Christianity as a delusion and now anyone inside it is automatically deceived? That’s... not insight... that’s what's called a self-referential feedback loop that's inherently bonded with a self-referential contradictory solipsistic naive-realism based on the belief that (1) you have a comprehensive understanding of all Christians, I am Christian for example, yet you barely understand my critiques while asserting yourself as the god authority on spirituality.

Your whole argument is like that guy from the film in Idiocracy in a supermarket saying "Welcome to Costco, I love you" as people walk past, devoid of any real humanity and empathy, as there's logical equivalence there in analogy. And its like you're saying “Dreams aren’t real. And if you think your dreams are real, it’s because you’re dreaming.”

…Bro. Let’s continue running on this recursive breakdown.

How do you actually define “self-deception”? Because you claim self-deception blocks Intelligence and Love. Ok, how would you falsify that claim?

You’ve shifted ideologies multiple times over the years. Were you deceived before? Or are you deceived now? If your model has no way of checking itself, how is it different from religious dogma? There's clearly an internal struggle to spot personal patterns spanning years concerning your desire for rigid adherence while you yourself must admit you, as a normal being does, grows and changes their beliefs over the years, which does inherent damage to others that you have no empathy for. 

Like you claim no Christian understands God or Love. That’s cute. Okay, let's test that barely heart eating hypothesis against reality.

  1. John Lennox – Oxford mathematician, philosopher of science (but nah, you’ve got it figured out).
  2. Francis Collins – Led the Human Genome Project (but sure, he’s too blind to see “Truth”).
  3. Christopher Langan – IQ estimated at 190-210, cognitive model of metaphysics (but yeah, he must be deceived).
  4. David Bentley Hart – Linguistic prodigy, metaphysical philosopher (but you, a guy on a forum, clearly surpassed him).
  5. Raimon Panikkar – Harvard PhD, mystic-theologian, fluent in 10+ languages (but nah, he didn’t “really” seek Truth).

So what exactly are you saying? That every single one of these intellectual heavyweights is incapable of basic reasoning, but you, a dude who spent a few years meditating and dropping acid, figured it all out? Something that by the way I would respect if you actually had more respect for your own self-assertions regarding ridding yourself of self-deception. Like if you just pegged yourself as 'trying to reach the infinite', I'd have far more respect for you as its an honest appraisal of reality than pretending you experience the infinite while having never created any rigorous model whatsoever that reflects that on literally any domain of human enquiry including the most sentimental aspects of us concerning emotion. This mocking of religion for being dogmatic but your entire stance is straight-up fundamentalism, it shows such a lack of self-insight man as you don’t truly engage with counterarguments, you not only pre-dismiss them, you rely on your own shallow responses followed by any critiques being swallowed up by the lack of awareness, critical thinking and development of followers. It's a thought-terminating cliche in transition not an argument, you employ at best 'frame control' techniques by dating gurus you later call narcissists while calling yourself reformed while demonstrating the least of those gurus empathic abilities to clear yourself of said narcissism. Your whole take on Christians boils down to “They’re deceived because they’re Christians, and Christians are deceived.” That’s not an insight, it’s a linguistic loop caught in the same memetic dream world you claim they just can't see the self-deception in spite of the many valuable contributions to humanity that high level Christians like those noted have made.

If I applied your logic to your own worldview, you’d fail your own test. You didn’t escape ideology, again you've just built a new one and called it “awakening" and "enlightenment" where you set yourself up as the sole arbiter of Truth, then call anyone who disagrees blind, that's literally a religious hierarchy with extra steps, 'spiritual bro'. This worldview is unfalsifiable and enables your false sense of authority, and is exactly like the dogma you claim to have transcended but have just fortified yourself from others and their critiques, believing yourself beneath it while somehow, in someone's delusional fantasy, you have the opposite level of power in critiquing any and all; this isn't higher consciousness man, its just consciousness looping in higher egoic resolution.

You talk about Love, but where’s the embodiment?

You talk about Intelligence, but where’s the epistemic rigor?

You talk about self-deception, but where’s your falsifiability?

The irony? You spent years preaching “ego death,” but your entire philosophy only works if people accept you as the highest mind in the room.

If your system actually worked, you wouldn’t need to defend it, your presence alone would prove it.

But here we are.

I don't care what others think about my words here, I'm sick of the bs. If you reflected your philosophy or at least told what your philosophy really was honestly, I'd have nothing to protest against and I'd respect being here a lot more, its the lack of character behind the words. That's all. And this isn't a once off, its the same pattern for years with child level improvements. Think about this logically Leo, if a random guy like myself casually develops theories on super-consciousness and its relationship to infinity, and has friends he has conversations with on this topic regularly, what are the chances that his inner circle is the only one in the world that generates high end models on this subject and the likelihood that either you or this guy are the highest authority? Dude, we're just two guys on a spinning globe. Quit the act. Neither you or I are the most conscious or 'infinite'. Don't lie. Don't self-deceive. Quit the narcissism or embrace it fully and tell everyone the truth about it rather than just projecting your insecurities onto others.

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28 minutes ago, cistanche_enjoyer said:

Please read the following verse from the Bible in "The Passion Translation" - whoever wrote this crearly got it ;) 

PSALM 103:

With my whole heart, with my whole life,
and with my innermost being,
I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God!

Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration.
How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness
you’ve done for me?

You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done. 
You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease.
You’ve rescued me from hell  and saved my life.
You’ve crowned me with love and mercy.

You satisfy my every desire with good things. 
You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again 
like a flying eagle in the sky!

That's fine, but that doesn't mean anything about today's Christians realizing what God is.

24 minutes ago, cistanche_enjoyer said:

Then there is Aaron Abke, a stage turquoise teacher

You mean a MAGA conspiracy theorist?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 minutes ago, Letho said:

against reality.

  1. John Lennox – Oxford mathematician, philosopher of science (but nah, you’ve got it figured out).
  2. Francis Collins – Led the Human Genome Project (but sure, he’s too blind to see “Truth”).
  3. Christopher Langan – IQ estimated at 190-210, cognitive model of metaphysics (but yeah, he must be deceived).
  4. David Bentley Hart – Linguistic prodigy, metaphysical philosopher (but you, a guy on a forum, clearly surpassed him).
  5. Raimon Panikkar – Harvard PhD, mystic-theologian, fluent in 10+ languages (but nah, he didn’t “really” seek Truth).

So what exactly are you saying? That every single

I'm not gonna assume that any of these people knows what God is.

See, if you really understood God, you wouldn't need to cling to Christianity. You'd drop it as an unnecessary limitation upon your mind.

The fact that you need to defend a religion shows that you do not understand the epistemic damage it does to the mind.

Just because you cite some smart intellectuals means nothing about the damage that Christianity has done to hundreds of millions of minds.

Chris Langan does not have enough intelligence to understand that Trump is pure corruption. His IQ means nothing to me.

It does not matter how smart any of these people appear. Says nothing at all about their grasp of Consciousness.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I generally don’t mind European Christians for example.

Many old Churches are beautiful.

I don’t like the American Christians sects. The ones who want to change school subjects and do all sorts of dumb stuff.


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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I'm not gonna assume that any of these people knows what God is.

See, if you really understood God, you wouldn't need to cling to Christianity. You'd drop it as an unnecessary limitation upon your mind.

The fact that you need to defend a religion shows that you do not understand the epistemic damage it does to the mind.

Just because you cite some smart intellectuals means nothing about the damage that Christianity has done to hundreds of millions of minds.


@Leo Gura As I already said above quoted below in my response, another shallow move I already anticipated from you.

19 minutes ago, Letho said:

it shows such a lack of self-insight man as you don’t truly engage with counterarguments, you not only pre-dismiss them, you rely on your own shallow responses followed by any critiques being swallowed up by the lack of awareness, critical thinking and development of followers.



Quoted once more.

19 minutes ago, Letho said:


Like you claim no Christian understands God or Love. That’s cute. Okay, let's test that barely heart eating hypothesis against reality.

  1. John Lennox – Oxford mathematician, philosopher of science (but nah, you’ve got it figured out).
  2. Francis Collins – Led the Human Genome Project (but sure, he’s too blind to see “Truth”).
  3. Christopher Langan – IQ estimated at 190-210, cognitive model of metaphysics (but yeah, he must be deceived).
  4. David Bentley Hart – Linguistic prodigy, metaphysical philosopher (but you, a guy on a forum, clearly surpassed him).
  5. Raimon Panikkar – Harvard PhD, mystic-theologian, fluent in 10+ languages (but nah, he didn’t “really” seek Truth).



Leo this just proves your lack of self-awareness, you don't have self-referential intelligence, you just spin on the same narratives that you don't know how to auto-correct; its spiritually toxic.



Edited by Letho

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Megachurches and protests against homosexuals. I’ve never seen it here from Christians. Here Christians are just kind of low profile understatement living their lives.

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I don't know about the 'hate' part directed at any particular religion, but it turns out that religion and true questioning are pretty much antithetical pursuits. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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