Santiago Ram

Why the hate against Christianity?

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Notice this forum is heavely biased against Christianity.

Aside from Fundamentalism, which is stupid in every religion, Christianity has a lot to offer. Christ's story can be seen as a manual for God-realization.

There can be State Turquoise Christianity as well.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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Christianity, by definition, is the worship of a single human being. Literally, a personality cult.

Is that an intelligent way of understanding God? Or is it a corruption? Do you really think worshipping a single human will not have negative epistemic and spiritual consequences?

Have you not been told to not worship idols? Yet you insist on doing so? Why?

Contemplate all this seriously and honestly.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It’s Bakhti yoga.   Cultivating a loving relationship with a personal deity can lead to spiritual enlightenment.   I didn’t really understand how Christianity works until I studied Hinduism, which explains the underlying mechanics.

Edited by Jodistrict

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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It's true that the love and wisdom is the ultimate value. But we need a Way to attain to love and wisdom. Jesus is one of those ways. It's good for certain type of people. Especially if you have a karmic connection to that lineage. Why would anyone be against a way to attain to love and wisdom? Beats me. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Christianity, by definition, is the worship of a single human being. Literally, a personality cult.

Is that an intelligent way of understanding God? Or is it a corruption? Do you really think worshipping a single human will not have negative epistemic and spiritual consequences?

Have you not been told to not worship idols? Yet you insist on doing so? Why?

Contemplate all this seriously and honestly.

You can still take the good stuff and not throw out the baby with the bath water.  

Wanderer who has become king 


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33 minutes ago, AION said:

You can still take the good stuff and not throw out the baby with the bath water.  

I claim you can't.

Because Christianity is inherently self-deception. Christianity is not a solution to self-deception. And any self-deception in you prevents realization of Intelligence and Love.

I have not seen one Christian who understands God or Love. That's no coincindence. It must be that way because they have no interest in truth-seeking.

Kissing Jesus' ass is not truth-seeking and will never grant the fruits of actual truth-seeking.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There’s just a bias against it here because a lot of people here are from Anglo-Christian countries so we have seen a lot of the issues that arise from all the group think and lack of self inquiry about what one believes and knows to be true. Most theist / worship based practices get this wrap here because they have been taught in such a way that you sort of deceptively give your power away if you partake in worshiping. This is a holistic community that looks at everything so anything that’s fundamentalist gets a bad wrap here but there’s also times people reference Christ as a great teacher to understand and apply love. So yeah, generally speaking fundamentalist organized religion isn’t held in high esteem here. 

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"The Christian faith makes it possible for us to affirm that man is a child of God… This belief gives us a basis for the love of our fellow man. We don’t love people because they are lovely or because they are perfect… We love them because they are children of God, and in them we see the image of the divine." 

- Martin Luther King  Jr.

"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. We never get rid of an enemy by meeting hate with hate; we get rid of an enemy by getting rid of enmity. And this is the way that Jesus Christ taught us to live… It is this type of spirit and this type of love that can transform opposers into friends. It is this love which is at the basis of the Christian faith."

- Martin Luther King  Jr.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I claim you can't.

Because Christianity is inherently self-deception. Christianity is not a solution to self-deception. And any self-deception in you prevents realization of Intelligence and Love.

I have not seen one Christian who understands God or Love. That's no coincindence. It must be that way because they have no interest in truth-seeking.

Kissing Jesus' ass is not truth-seeking and will never grant the fruits of actual truth-seeking.



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31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I claim you can't.

Because Christianity is inherently self-deception. Christianity is not a solution to self-deception. And any self-deception in you prevents realization of Intelligence and Love.

I have not seen one Christian who understands God or Love. That's no coincindence. It must be that way because they have no interest in truth-seeking.

Kissing Jesus' ass is not truth-seeking and will never grant the fruits of actual truth-seeking.

Truth and falsehood are no absolutes. All we can do is takes steps towards the truth like explained in spiral dynamics or LOC. If we could assume you are a great enlightened being, you didn't get there in 1 iteration. In that sense we as humans need necessary fiction (what you call falsehood) to survive, prosper and stay alive. A too high dose of truth might disrupt people's lives and destroy civilization.

Edited by AION

Wanderer who has become king 


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12 minutes ago, AION said:

A too high dose of truth might disrupt people's lives and destroy civilization.

Yes indeed. Truth will expose all humans as full of shit and corrupt.

Welcome to real spirituality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I was born in a ultra Christian Eastern Orthodox community, and I lived almost all my life in this village.

MAN.... The amount of stupidity, the levels of sheep herd mentality... all their horrendous customs and practices and traditions... the way they fanatically queue to kiss corpses every year on some specific date.... made me totally abhor this religion. I hate it will all my guts and I hate everyone that practices this mindless retarded cult. It made me hate all my relatives because they shoved this cult on my throat since the day I was born.  And the second I speak against this cult they threaten me with violence. 

I WIPE MY ASS with every thing Eastern Orthodox Christians hold dear the most. 

Sorry for getting to vulgar here but, after a lifetime of being bullied into following this piss poor cult I could no longer be nice in regards to it. 

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39 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes indeed. Truth will expose all humans as full of shit and corrupt.

Welcome to real spirituality.


To children you tell necessary fiction so they mature and grow and only when they are mature enough you tell certain truths depending on the age and depending on the truth that needs to be delivered.

God and his children (humanity) are no different. Christianity is necessary fiction for humanity to evolve and only when it reaches a certain maturation in the spiral dynamics it can be exposed to the naked truth.

Just imagine your teachings becoming mainstream and pre-teens or teens using 5 MeO on massive scale. The amount of people committing suicide would be staggering if you extrapolate the amount of people who already committed suicide or going apeshit like that youtube fitness guy.

Most people go to religion because they have problems. Giving 5 MeO to them is like putting a fire cracker in their ears. You are not doing God's work here. People like Jordan Peterson do God's work by keeping people alive and giving them meaning to fight to good fight. And after they healed themselves they could possible move to a higher truth.

I hope you and Jordan Peterson should do a podcast together. It would be a blast to see. But probably you won't. And you should contemplate why.

Edited by AION

Wanderer who has become king 


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The evidence that a religion can help you rise in wisdom and love is plenty. My own personal experience has confirmed that many times. Religion will simply adopt to your level of development and will help you move further and it has the potential to take you all the way. It's just that for more advanced levels you have to look a bit off the main street. If you're genuine, the grace will help you find the truth through that particular expression of religion. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Christianity, by definition, is the worship of a single human being. Literally, a personality cult.

Is that an intelligent way of understanding God? Or is it a corruption? Do you really think worshipping a single human will not have negative epistemic and spiritual consequences?

Have you not been told to not worship idols? Yet you insist on doing so? Why?

Contemplate all this seriously and honestly.

Wow, Leo, I expected more from you. That's a misleading and oversimplified account. Christianity does not worship Jesus as a mere human being but as the incarnate Son of God. So the worship of Jesus is not about his personality, but about recognizing him as the visibile expression of God: 'Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father' (John 14:9).

This is why there is the teaching of the Trinity, which says that God exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit - three approaches in one divine essence which is God. That means worshipping Christ is not worshipping a seperate human, but much more worshiping God himself, who has revealed himself in Christ.

And idolatry, as condemned in the Bibel, refers to the worship of created things in place of God. So if Jesus is trurly divine, which you're own teachings claim (you are God), then this worship is not idolatry but only a access to God, so that in the end you can realize that you yourself are Christ.

The irony here is that what you've created around yourself is much closer to a personality cult...

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As long as the energy body of a particular founder of religion is available, for that long there's a window for people to attain to devine knowledge. Jesus is like an energetic substance. If you absorb this substance into your heart, it will transform your life. No ego can survive the one who has accepted Jesus fully. That's the beauty of this path. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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14 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

Wow, Leo, I expected more from you. That's a misleading and oversimplified account. Christianity does not worship Jesus as a mere human being but as the incarnate Son of God. So the worship of Jesus is not about his personality, but about recognizing him as the visibile expression of God: 'Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father' (John 14:9).

This is why there is the teaching of the Trinity, which says that God exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit - three approaches in one divine essence which is God. That means worshipping Christ is not worshipping a seperate human, but much more worshiping God himself, who has revealed himself in Christ.

And idolatry, as condemned in the Bibel, refers to the worship of created things in place of God. So if Jesus is trurly divine, which you're own teachings claim (you are God), then this worship is not idolatry but only a access to God, so that in the end you can realize that you yourself are Christ.

The irony here is that what you've created around yourself is much closer to a personality cult...

No, Christianity is inherently demonic because it recognizes only ONE man.


13 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

No ego can survive the one who has accepted Jesus fully. 

hahaha what


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1 hour ago, AION said:

Christianity is necessary fiction for humanity to evolve

No it isn't. I grew up without any religion and it was the best gift I could have received from the universe.

Why do you think my mind is so free? Because it was never corrupted by an human religion.

Christianity is child abuse. If evil was actually real, Christianity would be it.

38 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

Christianity does not worship Jesus as a mere human being but as the incarnate Son of God. So the worship of Jesus is not about his personality, but about recognizing him as the visibile expression of God

That's even worse. This is pure devilry.


This is why there is the teaching of the Trinity, which says that God exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit - three approaches in one divine essence which is God. That means worshipping Christ is not worshipping a seperate human, but much more worshiping God himself, who has revealed himself in Christ.

I know. And I'm saying this is self-deception and corruption.


And idolatry, as condemned in the Bibel, refers to the worship of created things in place of God. So if Jesus is trurly divine, which you're own teachings claim (you are God), then this worship is not idolatry

It is absolutely textbook idolatry.

Jesus is no more God than a dog is. Worshipping a dog is idol worship. Worshipping Jesus is idol worship.

Christians are so deluded that they don't even understand they are doing idol worship. Christianity is a corruption of Judaism.

38 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

The irony here is that what you've created around yourself is much closer to a personality cult...

No. The key difference is that I show you guys and force you guys to contemplate and question everything.

No one in the world shows you how to question reality more than me. THAT is the proof of the goodness of my teachings. I even force you to doubt nonduality. I even force you to realize I am your own imagination. I even force you to doubt enlightenment.

Of course if you ever start to worship me you would have violated everything I ever taught. So that mistake is on you.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's impossible not to feel reverential towards someone who has fully committed himself towards your wellbeing. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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