
What are psychedelics from the metaphysical perspective?

91 posts in this topic

Here’s what I think:  


Psychedelics are merely agents in this dream we emplore to carry out our bidding in an indirect manner.  

Ultimately, there is nothing stopping us from choosing that state now, but since we believe that we are creatures of time and space we still have internal blocks that stop us from experiencing the full extent of the power of our mind because we are afraid of it. 

I don’t disagree that in the dream you could measure the dosages and see changes in brain chemicals and neurological activity, but those are merely effects. The cause of everything is our desire for it. And the only issue is that we must choose to emplore our desire consciously or unconsciously, masterfully or foolishly.   

What do you think

@Leo Gura throughout your hundreads of trips and reportedly omniscient levels of intelligence, have you not asked yourself why exactly can you not stay in that state permanently? Why does it leave you? If it’s all mind and you are the only mind there is — what must you be doing to leave that state? You know that those states are magnificient - all disease is healed there and all is perfect happiness. So why does it go away? What is the main blockage here?  

I loce that psychedelics show us that we can move about in a dream and barely be in it because if we fully surrender we would dissolve into mahasamadhi. But that is not the case now — why does that Infinite Love leave us? Why do we need to spend a lifetime of meditation to merely get glimpses of it? Don’t you think that the more advanced someone is the lower amounts of psychedelics they need and the longer they stay there? And ultimately, when you are clear and pure so as to for Heaven not to leave you, it does not. I’ve been able to maintain a state of unity and love for around 72 hours - 3 full days and nights. I did not sleep, only walked around in parks and enjoyed the beauty of God. I ate a few oranges and that was it. Every step I was showered with bliss and beauty. I was home, yet still walking within the dream. And I would have it none other way - I would love to spend a few years or decades in the borderlands between heaven and earth, with one foot in both, just to get used to that magnificient shift, as it can get uncomfortable to stay in that perfect love for long periods just because it’s so unfamiliar and everything is so new. 

Another thing about psychedelics is they show you if you are choosing Spirit or ego in an extreme way. If you enter the trip from a place of resistance - you will see that you are fucking up and it will be very difficult to stop doing it at that point. And it can be traumatic or at least very very uncomfortable and scary. But the lesson here is that you are doing this unto yourself. You have failed to properly control your internal state and are now seeing the effects. 

I wrote in another post that psychedelics can be violent — but actually, now I think that even that depends on you. I’ve had intense and uccomfortable trips where I got entangled in my mind and wasn’t able to escape the conceptual realm, which is horrible on psychedelics as they just show you how insane the conceptual mind is, but I’ve also had many more, like 50 of the 55 I’ve had which they were not only peaceful beyond understanding, but also where you dissilve into Love and you become formless infintie bliss itself. Hmm. 
It’s a shame there’s no one publicly available who has been able to lock in a psychedelic state.  
I see teachers who live from presence, but not a single one who is living from profound bliss and peace. And if he’s not careful and completly let’s go he would dissolve into mahasamadhi, so he still maintains a very basic desire or two, like food, which anchors you into the dream just a bit. But most of the days he spends in extreme bliss.  


Now is this a fantasy of what enlightenment truly is? How can it be a fantasy when I’ve lived that dozens of times, but only momentarily?  

I haven’t tripped properly for around a year now and I’ve advanced tremendously because of A Course in Miracles — obviously the wisest document/teaching/book/path in all of existence. I think I’ll try and see how long I can maintain it if I do not engage with the conceptual mind and live a very simple life where the human side is minimised and I mostly live in the embrace of God. What if that’s the secret to maintaining that state? I think at the end of the journey something magical like this can indeed happen. But you have to be ultra wise, like one in a billion wise. Yet when you remember that there’s literally only you, then is it really a stretch to think that this dream was built to be a perfect learning place only for you and you are now one of the wisest globally? I don’t think so.

If you know that this is a dream which is symbolic of your state of mind and you also know that to escape the human domain, suffering and resistance, you must live from Silence, then psychedelics might just be a road to permanent enlightenment. Maybe. But this applies only to the most advanced few. To be honest - only to one human out of all the seeming billions.  

So, what are psychedelics in your opinion? How long have you been able to maintain a high state of consciousness and how was it? Do you have any theories as to why that state goes away? Do you think it’s possible for the most advanced ones to use this literally magical tool to awaken fully and stay awake? I was sceptical but I don’t know now - why not? Why couldn’t I extend those 72hours I’ve spent there to 100 and then 200 and then to forever? Very interesting. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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I think psychedelics (psds from now on) are like giving a call to Shakti and saying; hey, let’s meet up. She comes and either you are pure and totally commited to be in an eternal relationship with her and no longer participate in most of the desires of the world, or she sees that you are not ready to totally commit, kisses you, and leaves.  

That’s how I will treat Her now. I will treat Her as Goddess with which I am in a commited sexual relationship with, and I am only no longer partaking in the desires in this dream. I eat only what is perfect for my body - mostly fruits and veggies, rice, etc. I go on walks, do yoga, but that’s pretty mych it. My attention is all on Her, so I live an outside life of utmost simplicity, but inside I am showered by infinite love.  

I basically live the same life Ananda Ma lived. No sex no other things just living in perfect bliss, being totally commited to that Bliss as though you are in a deep loving relationship with That. Isn’t that was she was teaching by demonstration? Look how blisfull I am and taken care of if I dedicate myself totally to God.

I expect Her to take care of me financially in whatever way She sees fit. She might instruct me to do something and of course I will. Or she might just miraculously take care of me in Her way withoy any of my effort. I know that if I am with her all my worldly concerns are taken care of. That’s one of the benefits of being in a commited relationship with a Goddess. I won’t quit my job or anthing, but I expect something magical to happen without my effort.

The hallmark of being ready to re-enter a relationship with Shakti is living from Peace. You can’t jump from ego, fear and resistence to Love. You go from the mind to Silence and then when you are identified with Shiva you can re-enter the relationship with Shakti. If you are not able to maintain a state of Peace throughout the day then you are not ready for Her. She will just drive you crazy. You have the potential to make bad decisions. You can also create a spiritual conceptual identity and get stuck in it. No, we use the mind only here and there and in between we surrender to her Love and live in Silent embrace. 

This might not work but I will try it. This is based on my experience and vision and it might transpire to be something magical. Total commitment to Peace and a life of utmost purity + low dosages of psds to call Her and hopefully to keep her. There might be a reintroduction period where we are closer and a bit futher apart, so the Love does not overwhelm me, but that is perfect. Still going to my job ofc, not going there high or anything, just trying this on the evening of Friday and seeing if it stays until Monday if I live as though I live only for Her.  

Perhaps I am all she wants and if she is all I want then our desires meet in beautiful unity and the state of Heaven is restored. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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9 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

So why does it go away?

Because my human life is Love.

It's Love.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, RendHeaven said:

Because my human life is Love.

hm, I think my human life is a choice I make because there are still things I value in the dream and want to experience, but wisdom is showing me that it’s time to make a higher choice for true Love.  

It was an interesting experience to play around in a dream of my creation without being in a relationship with Her, but now I see what I lose when She is not with me and I want Her back.  
Enlightenment is total commitment, exactly like commiting to a partner in a relationship, but this relationship with Love is actually more real than any relationships in the dream. The thing that stands is that a perfect partner - the Goddess of Love - requires you to be perfect as well - to be pure Shiva - empty, silent, pure and peaceful. Then she can enter you and become One with you, which brings infinite love and beauty. 

It’s exactly how it was for me in my first human relationship - she was perfect, loving, kind, gentle and extremely beautiful, but I cheated on her because I wanted to experience something else. I did not value her, did not yet see her perfection, so I left her. That’s just a symbolic expression in the dream to show what happened in my mind when I left Heaven wanting to experience something else. What a beautiful symbolic story and how profound — such a huge lesson to learn. 

So thats why, I believe, Shakti leaves you — not because she does not Love you, but because you yourself are not pure enough and have not yet totally commited to be with Her. You can no longer value and play with things of this dream, you must become commited only to Her. You can use the body to talk about Her and eat if there’s still a need for it, among some other basic things, but that’s pretty much it. Your life has to be Her’s.  

Basically, your life has to be this: 





Unknown 7.jpeg

Unknown 9.jpeg


Edited by CoolDreamThanks

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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The contemplation of "What are Psychedelics?" alone has induced deep insight and awakening experiences for me over the past 9 years. 

It`s a beautiful question to take on. Don't assume that you reached the end of this inquiry. 



Ananandamayi Ma :x 

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1 hour ago, Verg0 said:

The contemplation of "What are Psychedelics?" alone has induced deep insight and awakening experiences for me over the past 9 years. 

It`s a beautiful question to take on. Don't assume that you reached the end of this inquiry. 



Ananandamayi Ma :x 

Yes, I'm being very careful not to build some sort of a theory based on assumptions and extrapolations. I will experiment and see if this understanding brings fruits or if I am mistaken once again. Haha. 


1 hour ago, RendHeaven said:

@CoolDreamThanks That sounds very authentic for you man, Godspeed

Indeed very much so! 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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22 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Ultimately, there is nothing stopping us from choosing that state now

No. It's beyond your choice or will.

You do not have this kind of control that you imagine.

You can't choose a salvia state. You can't even imagine it or think it. It's completely beyond you.

That's the crazyiness of psychedelics. There's no alternative to them. You can't huff and puff and fake your way there.


@Leo Gura throughout your hundreads of trips and reportedly omniscient levels of intelligence, have you not asked yourself why exactly can you not stay in that state permanently? Why does it leave you? If it’s all mind and you are the only mind there is — what must you be doing to leave that state? You know that those states are magnificient - all disease is healed there and all is perfect happiness. So why does it go away? What is the main blockage here? 

It's very hard to get an answer to that question. I have not gotten it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No. It's beyond your choice or will.

You do not have this kind of control that you imagine.

You can't choose a salvia state. You can't even imagine it or think it. It's completely beyond you.

That's the crazyiness of psychedelics. There's no alternative to them. You can't huff and puff and fake your way there.

true true..

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

That's the crazyiness of psychedelics. There's no alternative to them. You can't huff and puff and fake your way there.

No, Daniel Lawton, he smoked salvia and like a person came out of the TV and chased him around a repeating version of his house.

He was really unimpressed with it because he has crazier cooler stuff sober every night. And he's not some genetic freak. He's just done the work.

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7 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

And he's not some genetic freak.

Freaks don't know they're freaks.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 3/13/2025 at 7:33 PM, CoolDreamThanks said:


@Leo Gura throughout your hundreads of trips and reportedly omniscient levels of intelligence, have you not asked yourself why exactly can you not stay in that state permanently? Why does it leave you? If it’s all mind and you are the only mind there is — what must you be doing to leave that state? You know that those states are magnificient - all disease is healed there and all is perfect happiness. So why does it go away? What is the main blockage here?

Perfection lies in the ability to take itself away from you.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Freaks don't know they're freaks.

Not really. Carlos said he's a "bored fuck", which means his parents were bored while they were conceiving him and so he came out with suboptimum energy levels for sorcery.

Carlos had three witches named Carol Tiggs, Taisha Abelar, and Florinda Grau. Carlos fucked all of them, and they all wrote books about sorcery.

Like this one:


But if the freak thing was true it reminds me of a scene from Carnivale and Samson the midget has sent Ben to go look for a lobster girl, and the stuttering albino working at the gas station is like, "That lobster girl, real freak she is."

Ben's like, "Thank you."



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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's very hard to get an answer to that question. I have not gotten it.

@Leo Gura Attachment to being a human living your little life, no? Maybe at some point you're truly done?

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's very hard to get an answer to that question. I have not gotten it.

Lol, okay, no, it is not a hard question. It's because it was derived from a chemical. The chemical disconnected from your receptors, got dissolved by enzymes. 

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It has nothing to do with attachment.

You do not have to be attached to the idea of being human to remain human.

You do not have the choices you think you have.


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@The Crocodile 

If that’s what you think— you should take those chemicals, safely, at your own discretion and let the results speak for themselves.

Alternatively, if you have had those chemicals, and this is your conclusion, I would recommend never taking them again and to enjoy sobriety.


Edited by yetineti

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10 minutes ago, yetineti said:

@The Crocodile 

If that’s what you think— you should take those chemicals, safely, at your own discretion and let the results speak for themselves.

Alternatively, if you have had those chemicals, and this is your conclusion, I would recommend never taking them again and to enjoy sobriety.


No, that's literally the answer.

The reason the effect is not permanent is not some grand metaphysical necessity that strong experiences of God must always go away under all circumstances as if there would be any metaphysical inclination for silly anthropomorphic "you need to go back to your human attachment, that's why the experience goes away", it is because it comes from a drug. It's a neurotransmitter, then the neurotransmitter gets dissolved. There's no metaphysical necessity for it to go away. It's a drug. (and whatever activities are on other planes)

Edited by The Crocodile

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@The Crocodile

You do not comprehend how necessary it is that you are human right now.

Or that when you take these chemicals you cease to be human at all.

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