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5-D - L O V E

Does God (as the absolute) completely understand itself

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My question is very simple, does the godhead "know" everything and I mean everything, does it see beyond potentialities and the seeming free will of different conscious agents ?

To give a further analogy, picture the exapnsion of the universe which as a process is faster than the speed of light, that means that any phenomenon at any point in space cannot be perceived by any observer (that experiences light and relativity the way we do) if that observer is at the edge of said expansion, and vise versa, now is it the same for god? does its infinitude "escape" him, and it's undergoing some sort of process to understand itself, or does god simply know the totality of itself even as absolute infinity ? 

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Posted (edited)

I dont think it knows anything Godhead is braindead. Awakening is seeing you are the permanent braindead space that carries everything, pretending to be smart from one pov of itself.

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo It may be devoid of bias but braindead doesn't compute in my own understanding, infinite potential carries infinite intelligence, and infinite intelligence doesn't emerge from a dead brain, if it was braindead how could it generate anything, whether it's experience, insight, love, strive, will to exist... ?

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Posted (edited)

@5-D - L O V E The idea is that God did it, the brain dead space there is no other explanation. We come from nothing. Thats the same thing someone who is braindead in a coma is experiencing or a dead person is experiencing. The idea is that you still exist there, the more you can become braindead now the easier it will be to transition into that state and not fight it. When you become that you are that and you will have no more problems as you dont even exist anymore, but you do at the same time.Then reality becomes a braindead space and a not brain dead space that co exists forever dreaming, you being the braindead space and God the simulation. You can even see that your thoughts are just a braindead algorythm, playing out like code in a computer.

Its the realization that dead 'exists' as something and its completely first person. The dead state is creating your life in 1st person inside of itself.

Edited by Hojo

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3 hours ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

My question is very simple, does the godhead "know" everything 

One thing I learned from Leo's latest video on god is to be careful about assumptions and getting your terms defined clearly. 

You might want to clarify exactly what the hell you mean by the word "godhead ".

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Of course He knows Everything.

Aren't you talking about GOD?

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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Anything finite already happened. Anything infinite is unchanging.

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