Apparition of Jack

CMV: It’s time we seriously considered giving the United Nations some actual teeth.

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This might be a controversial topic, but with the increase of global instability over the last few years alongside the broad changes to society in general (the internet, global trade etc.) I think now more than ever is the right time to genuinely seeing the UN as a government in its own right, and not just a limited forum for discussion / international policy making.

Take a look at the recent violence in the Middle East. Can we honestly say that, say, having both Hamas and Israel vehemently fight to assert their nationalistic claims is leading us to a better world? Even for their own citizens? Of course the most radical in each of these countries will never see eye-to-eye, but for the broad groups of people caught up in the crossfire, what good does it serve them to have governments wage war unchecked to assert obscure nationalist claims going back thousands of years?

Or how about the massacres in Syria? The cause and responsibility of these massacres seems murky at best, and in a nation still reeling from a decade-long civil war and now being carved up by dozens of competing powers (Turkey, Israel, Iran, Russia, the US, the EU etc), is it really so insane to think that some sort of international governing body committed to democracy and the rule of law would lead to worse outcomes for the people in Syria? 

The challenges of the 21st century are sometimes too great to comprehend, so how is relying on the same nationalistic dick-waving humanity has done so for the last 10,000 years going to solve any of them? Are we not one people? One species? One humanity? Does it really, genuinely matter if it’s Russia, or Iran, or a bunch of Sunni radicals who control some small strip of East Syrian coast? 

What else is our endgame? Constant shit-flinging endlessly, dragging each other down over arcane disagreements that serve no purpose other than to puff up the egos of a handful of people? In a world where literally everyone is now online, where everyone can talk to anyone else anywhere on the planet at the drop of a hat, is it really so crazy to think we should start using our collective human resources to build a co-operative, prosperous society that respects law, democracy and arbitration? Are our ties to our limited pieces of land so great that we’d rather die in a rocket crater, flag in hand, than prosper with our neighbours who might look slightly different to us? 

At what point do we say that cooperation and agreement is better than division and bloodlust?  How many more random massacres, pogroms, bombings, wars, riots, assassinations, invasions are we going to brook until we say enough is enough?

What’s the point of all this bloodshed? Where does it leave us? What does it accomplish? There has to be a better way, and there is; and that way is for us to genuine look to genuine world cooperation.

Thank you for coming to me ActualizedTalk.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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Even though it may sound good in theory, in practice foreign meddling/influence only radicalises and deepens the problems. It alienates the subject country/people of the choice to make their own decisions and suffer the consequences.

Despite what it may seem like, we humans have went through worse. Put things in context.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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Well spoken Sir,

It’d be awesome if globalism became the next trend instead of all this MAGA backwards nonsense and stage green snowflakes. We need a global power that keeps all the potential tyrannies in check, so they stop fighting their neighbors. Otherwise, we will just keep looking at our neighbors with distrust and spending more budget on military.

We need to to convince people that the outdated 20th-century belief that more competition leads to greater efficiency is false. Huge goals will be achieved if we join forces.

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When the radicals on each side set the tone, no one except US will be able to stop them. Paradoxically, Trump has become the responsible adult in the current situation, relative to our government.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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