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Whatever you think you are - you are not that!

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I have come to the realisation, that the self-image is the entirety of the ego!

I thought it was enough to just clear my mind of every thought and be still...

but in the back of my mind, there was still a sense that I existed, and I was the one doing the meditation, and clearing the mind. In the back of my mind, there was an image of my face, my body, my personality, my name, my intellect, the voice in the head...

but it's ALL the self-image.

Get rid of the self-image, and you get rid of the ego!

.......And then you find peace.....

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Posted (edited)

Also a cool paradox: whatever you think you are - you are that! 

Cuz you exist only as what you think you are. 

A cool insight that I had is that it's actually the ego that says "get rid of the ego." And so my methodology is to allow myself to fully be the ego, but to maintain a clever recognition that what I am is not it. It's kinda like how law enforcement are aware of certain criminal organisations but allow them to exist because at least they can then work with, manage and moderate the crime when they know where it's coming from like a necessary evil. Also high level law enforcement knows that if you cut off one head, three more take it's place.

Edited by Aaron p

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