
How much time do you spend in Solitude?

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I spend nearly all my time in solitude. Recently I've been communicating more with people on this forum than in real life. And I don't even spend that much time on this forum. I've found that I have become more comfortable in my aloneness over time, but it has taken a long time to get to this point.

Not having to rely or depend on anyone has it's benefits. I have so much freedom and the only thing I am responsible for is looking after myself. I don't even have a pet.

I have friends, but only one of them visits me. I've also had romantic relationships and I am pretty confident when it comes to the opposite sex, but I've had bad experiences in this domain, so I have been single for about two years. Men and women often ask me "why are you single?", because I have a lot of good qualities. I'm not tooting my own horn...but I am tall, handsome, athletic, smart, funny, talented musically, artistic, deep, interesting, unusual, eccentric...these are not things only I recognise - I get genuine compliments all the time. And I get lots of attention from women. Don't call me arrogant or big-headed, but a number of people have described me as "perfect". This is just what people have said. I don't think I'm perfect. Hahaha.

Probably my biggest downside is that I'm too sensitive, and terrified of being hurt. i have been bullied at many times throughout my life, and this stops me from forming intimate relationships. Part of the reason I was bullied is precisely because of the good qualities I have. Because people were jealous. I'm also quite socially awkward. I am also aware that this wounded little child within is the real me, and I am not one for putting up a front. I'm not a good actor, and i can't be around people who are playing their false roles in normal day-to-day scenarios. It drains me.

So that's why I spend most of my time alone. 

What about you? Do you spend a lot of time alone? And do you think solitude is important to be a "spiritual" person?

Also, check out this Alan Watts video which has some useful thoughts on the subject.


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Posted (edited)

I am pretty much the exact same. I spent all my life living with people renting rooms and stuff and I recently bought my own house and awaken in it and I have been able to be alone and I realized it was what I needed probably more than anything. I work fulltime and all other time spend is alone. So roughly 80 percent of the last 4-5 years I have been alone, not totally as I am permanently online.

Edited by Hojo

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Posted (edited)

@TruthFreedomI dont think we get to choose our solitude either. God does it its like hes putting you in your own box, to fix your mind.

Edited by Hojo

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Posted (edited)

5 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@TruthFreedomI dont think we get to choose our solitude either. God does it its like hes putting you in your own box, to fix your mind.

Someone once said "A man who delights in solitude is either a Wild Beast, or a God". 

Edit: yeah it was Aristotle

Edited by TruthFreedom

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It is completly natural for some people. Some people are introverts,some extroverts,and most people sonewhere in between. 

I am also very intoverted, I love my alone time, and although I am married, my wife knows me well and gives me my alone time a smuch as possible.


I think it can help your spritual work for sure, since it is a kind of work that requires going inside. I believe introverts have some intrinsic advantage there! Not to say it is fully required for spirituality.

Solitude is a blessing indeed, if it fits with who you are as a person.

Just be careful not to be alone because of negative feelings like fear and anxiety. This could have negative impact on your your life and spirituality in the long term.

Enjoy your solitude dear friend! 

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Alone is best. Company is problematic. Have to be careful who you grant your presence. The world is a classroom. You have to be deliberate and intentional else you will keep repeating destructive patterns. Alone is needed to see that ego is about making trouble where none exists. Only seeing this makes progress possible. People are needed for advancement. Awakening is impossible in a 1-person universe. Goal of life is to make each encounter a holy encounter. This takes work. I will only find God, love, truth, reality ... in another. I need to be very selective and careful in my boundaries and my attachments. Once I have cracked it then it is easier to deal with the multitudes on the regular and not be solitary. Step by step.

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I also spend a great deal of time in solitude, immersing myself in mathematics or spirituality. I enjoy socialising, but rather do it once in a while. Can’t reach the depths with anyone but yourself.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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