
What is true love for God?

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Came across this poem in the book "Love Poems from God" 

Can't remember which mystic wrote it exactly but wanted to share it here as it's pure gold


 I said to God, “Let me love you.” And He replied, “Which part?” “All of you, all of you,” I said. “Dear,” God spoke, “you are as a mouse wanting to impregnate a tiger who is not even in heat. It is a feat way beyond your courage and strength. You would run from me if I removed my mask.” I said to God again, “Beloved I need to love you—every aspect, every pore.” And this time God said, “There is a hideous blemish on my body, though it is such an infinitesimal part of my Being— could you kiss that if it were revealed?” “I will try, Lord, I will try.” And then God said, “That blemish is all the hatred and cruelty in this world.”


"That which the world calls day is the night of ignorance to the wise." - Bhagavad Gita

Becoming Conscious

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Lovely except change last two words to, your heart.

That indeed is the blemish one can heal.

The world is outside one's ambit and one's influence.

Besides, if one fixes oneself, the world will return to its edenic perfection.

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