
Is normal meditation a trap?

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I was re-watching Leos 250 traps video, and in it he mentions that normal meditation that most people do could be a trap, and real meditation is that which you do in a retreat setting.

I think he might have meant that if you want to go really deep, the retreat is the way, but I am also a little confused, do you think if I just perform simple vipassana meditation, say for 30 minutes, every day, It is not useful? or a trap that can hold me back from advancing in my meditation practice? I appreciate any comments on this.

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Maybe he means it’s not gonna get you to god realization so it’s a mistake thinking it will. But science says even short meditation has benefits, but maybe not for the mystical experiences, there you need more is my guess. 

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@Sugarcoat Sure, this makes sense. I still don't think of it as a trap. God realization needs even more than retreats, its a complex endeavor for sure.

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It could be a trap if you just sit there and mechanically do exercises that you don't enjoy at all.

For me, daily meditation was a game changer. In the beginning, 30 minutes a day is fine, but over time you should try to invest more and more time so that it really has an effect.

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I tell people to begin with 5 minutes. Mediation is a muscle that needs building. If you try too much too soon you will fail. Plan to do it for life or until awakening. Plan your whole day around meditation since there is nothing as important. First activity of the morning works well. It's a trap if you don't keep taking it to the next level.

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@Grateful Dead


So from what I understand from your responses,it could be a trap if you just get stuck in beginner phase and do not develop your practice. 

Well I've been meditating for almost 7 years now, with some pauses in between, but I've never been on a retreat.

It has its ups and downs. I need a kick to take it to the next level.

Thank you guys.

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1 hour ago, Mohammad said:

So from what I understand from your responses,it could be a trap if you just get stuck in beginner phase and do not develop your practice. 

Yeah! Theoretically you could meditate for 40 years without it having a big impact. But if you build up slowly and then manage, for example to meditate for 4-5 hours a day for a few years, it can have an impact on your experience that you can't imagine right now. So if you've been building up for 7 years now, you're in the perfect position to take it to the next level.

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It’s not. It’s a really important piece of this work.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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Only going to retreats and never doing daily meditation is also a trap. Consistency is key, but going really deep a few times in a while is also key. Either/or-thinking is generally speaking definitely a trap regardless of the subject.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 hours ago, Mohammad said:

@Grateful Dead


So from what I understand from your responses,it could be a trap if you just get stuck in beginner phase and do not develop your practice. 

Well I've been meditating for almost 7 years now, with some pauses in between, but I've never been on a retreat.

It has its ups and downs. I need a kick to take it to the next level.

Thank you guys.

Retreats are good. Can be done at home as well as organised ones. To take things to the next level, it's necessary to read and listen to good content as well as meditate. Meditation makes one a receptive vessel. Good teachers are helpful though it's good to be exposed to as many teachers as possible.

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7 hours ago, Mohammad said:

@Sugarcoat Sure, this makes sense. I still don't think of it as a trap. God realization needs even more than retreats, its a complex endeavor for sure.

I don’t see it as a trap either. Less but consistent meditation has its benefits

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nobody can honestly answer that question for you. 
you should do an honest inquiry and try and find out. 

For me, I tried both hardcore and 30 min style daily meditation. only the hardcore monk style 10 hours a day really had a profound effect on my consciousness. 30 mins a day was literally a waste of my time. 

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2 hours ago, NoN-RaTiOnAL said:

30 mins a day was literally a waste of my time. 

Try 60-90 minutes a day, in one sitting.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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