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How much control does Trump actually have?

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Ok, so it's clear that there has been an underlying strategy in the gutting of democracy for a long time. It is a well-executed coup. What is also clear is that Trump is not the mastermind. He's too impulsive and doesn't think ahead.

When watching him talk about tariffs it doesn't seem like there's any strategy there. Trump is just reacting. Which makes me wonder, is anyone on Trump's team actually backing his executive orders? How would any of these tariffs benefit even the oligarchs? His back and forth with the tariffs is creating fear and turbulence in the local economy.

Why is he upping tariffs, then dropping them? There can't be strategy here. Just listen to him talk, he's just like, "It's not fair how they're treating us." FAIR?!! What a child.

Canada is like, "Bro, we don't have fentanyl here, the border is secure, WTF else do you want from us?"

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Posted (edited)

The point is that while Trump distracts the public with his stupid inept actions and plans, his rich friends rob the American people blind and then he pardons them all. The end.

That's the real game.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

What Trump is doing is laying down a foundation that says: I'm going to do what I want and I don't care about your opinion. So be very careful about doing something that is against my interests, both inside and outside the US. I suppose Trump's intention is to push the US up or at least get it out of the drift towards recession. It's not just ego, there's a lot of ego, but there's also the intention to do a good job. Seeing Trump as absolutely negative is total confirmation bias, but that's how almost everyone works.

Of course, trump's management at such a critical moment could be disastrous, but we must wait to say for sure

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Just now, Breakingthewall said:

I suppose Trump's intention is to push the US up or at least get it out of the drift towards recession

That is absolutely not what he is doing.


Just now, Breakingthewall said:

Seeing Trump as absolutely negative is total confirmation bias

That's like saying seeing Hitler as totally negative is confirmation bias.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The point is that while Trump distracts the public with his stupid inept actions and plans, his rich friends rob the American people blind and then he pardons them all. The end.

That could be. Will def keep that in mind.

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2 hours ago, Breathe said:

That could be. Will def keep that in mind.

It's textbook late stage corrupt corporate capitalism.

Crash the market, the rich swoop in and buy everything up, everything is now privatized and ran by the elite wealthy few.

Never thought America would devolve into this dystopia in my lifetime, but here we are.

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11 hours ago, Breathe said:

That's like saying seeing Hitler as totally negative is confirmation bias.

Hitler had the subtle characteristic that he was a war fanatic and a proud racist. Honestly, I think Trump wants to leave a positive mark, another thing is that with how unstable, maybe stupid and crazy he seems he causes chaos, but his idea is to elevate the US and go down in history as a great leader. I'm not saying that with these strange attitudes like putting tariffs on Canada he will achieve it, I'm saying that it is what he wants. Of course Hitler wanted the same 

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Posted (edited)

Consider it a possibility that Trump doesn’t care if he wrecks the U.S and runs it into the ground. This is consistent with his character. People project their own decency onto Trump and Trump knows and exploits it. 

When Trump stiffs his buddies and “forgets his wallet” when he loses a golf bet, or when he uses bankruptcy as a tool to enrich himself, or when he stiffs thousands of workers, do you think these indicate someone concerned about a lasting reputation? Everyone in New York hates him because he precisely does not care about his reputation. He only cares about it in so far as it allows him to effectively con. 

I could find dozens, if not hundreds of examples that are consistent with someone not giving a fuck about what you think of them and more than willing to not care what you or anyone else thinks so long as they “win” the game they’re playing in their own mind. 

Trump shakes everyone’s hand, even the construction workers. He acts like he cares and likes people in order to get what he wants but as soon as it’s convenient and he has no more need for them, he stiffs them, doesn’t pay them, and writes them off. 

Trump would likely trade the lives of more than 50% of humanity in exchange for ultimate power, fame, and riches and wouldn’t consider what the other 50% thought of that because he would just find a way to spin it to get them back on his side, and it would work on half the remaining population because they’re fools, and those fools would call the ones who despise Trump for it as “TDS” and “woke”. 

When you watch him, just consider it a possibility. Look to see if you can pick up on these things and the truth might emerge. 


Edited by Joshe

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