Initiation Into Mature Masculinity - Dr. Robert Moore

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Are you lost about your masculine role in the world?

 Watch this interview, read his book and contemplate.

The 4 Archetypes:

King: The King represents order, creativity, and generativity and embodies a sense of internal monarchy. A mature King fosters stability and inspires others. In its shadow form, it manifests as the Tyrant or the Weakling.

Warrior: The Warrior embodies discipline, courage, and decisiveness, acting with purpose and integrity. The Warrior pushes forward aggressively. Its shadows are the Sadist and the Masochist.

Magician: The Magician symbolizes knowledge, insight, and transformation, channeling wisdom for the benefit of others. The Magician learns a great deal about everything. However, the Magician can devolve into the Manipulator or the Detached Observer in its shadow form.

Lover: The Lover reflects passion, connection, and appreciation for beauty, celebrating life. The Lover seeks sensation and connectedness with all things in life but may become the Addicted Lover or the Impotent Lover in shadow form.


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