
Owen Cook Has Coached Elon Musk, Goes Full MAGA

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The problem of people today is that people want 1 person to be everything

Both a dating coach + everything else (in the case of Owen)

Podcast host + everything else (in the case of Rogan)

And so on

No, just use Owen for dating advice and don't listen when he talks about politics. In his programs he doesn't talk about politics. Either buy his program or just skip the video when he talks talking politics.

I mean this guy goes around giving free workshops to people. I think people need to be mroe thankful instead of always biting the hand that feeds them. His dating advice is the best, hands down, and nobody can come close. I don't care two shits about Owen's politics. Why would I? I just want his social skills.

Do I care about the political stance of my friends? Yes, because that is a different kind of relationship. It is more intimate and you want to vibe well and values should align to some degree.

The whole Trump thing is just a toxic cesspool that will implode on itself. No amount of barking against Trumpists will change their mind at this point. Only thing one can do is just to let them be.

Edited by AION

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Owen has been a sleazy salesman from day one. Why would anyone bother with him is beyond me. I remember even Blue/Orange pick-up artists having a low opinion of him back in 2014 or something. 

Much healthier sources of advice out there. He is so popular because he is corrupt and always has been.

Edited by Girzo

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1 minute ago, Girzo said:

Owen has been a sleazy salesman from day one. Why would anyone bother with him is beyond me. I remember even Blue/Orange pick-up artists having a low opinion of him back in 2014 or something. 

Much healthier sources of advice out there. He is so popular because he is corrupt and always has been.

He is (somewhat) entertaining i guess that’s why people watch some of his vids. Haven’t watched in years though.

But i remember people leaving his company and saying it was shady. Especially Owens partner.

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Owen is a predator marketer first who just stumbled upon dating niche and then saw it’s profitable. He is an expert in dating second. 
It’s not a story of an expert who successfully marketed his services, it’s a story of a marketer who took a persona of an expert, because why not, why would I share profits with someone else, when I can promote their materials AND then promote myself too, getting 100% of profit for myself and at least 50% of profit of all his pua partners.

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49 minutes ago, Girzo said:

Owen is a predator marketer first who just stumbled upon dating niche and then saw it’s profitable. He is an expert in dating second. 
It’s not a story of an expert who successfully marketed his services, it’s a story of a marketer who took a persona of an expert, because why not, why would I share profits with someone else, when I can promote their materials AND then promote myself too, getting 100% of profit for myself and at least 50% of profit of all his pua partners.

That’s deep.

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On a side note:

Leo is right when he said:

Pick-up will corrupt you.

I fell for the trap.

I hurt people. Lied, manipulated, and cheated. And even felt good about it! I was the man!
I was lost in the validation of sex and intimacy and feeling worthy.

In pickup if you are not a bit conscious, even when you win, you lose.
Thats the worst kind of trap.
You win in the beginning, but at the end you have to pay the receipt. And you are not going to like it.


You hurt others.

You waste time that could be invested in better things.

But hey, if you are in your early-20s, virgin, no social skills, what can you do?

Maybe some of us have to go thought this phase, and once we want out, we must heal that part of ourselves and move on.

An this is for the students.

Imagine the ego trip for the instructors, which aside from banging tons of girls and the validation they get, they become rich while doing it.

I imagine is hard to stop.



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Yes, Owen is a sleazy marketer, however he also pioneered a lot of important concepts within pickup and just motivated and inspired a lot of people into seeing its potential. So he does deserve credit for that.

As said above, you should not be listening to Owen for his politics but his other good advice. You gotta get good at cutting out the corrupt parts of people because most people are corrupt in some way.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

All these pickup guys would be MeTooed if the general public knew what they do.

Owen's old company was killed by MeToo and he will never let that go and admit he was wrong. Be blames Green, when it is in fact pickup that is corrupt. But Owen can not admit that to himself because he is too attached to it.

Pickup IS corruption. Regardless of whether it works or whether girls accept it.

Pickup will corrupt anyone who takes it seriously.

Maybe because Pick Up dont alling with True Deep Intimacy. And although in one level God,Love,Universe accept that level of Superficial Utilitarian Hedonistic Self Serving Style of Relationship ( Pick up-Dump Down) True Intimacy is Higher form of Intimacy, even is people dont recognize that that is what they ultimately want. I meet a lot of girls in Clubs that I could see that were disapointed with the superficiality of all that, even if in the end they ended up going to a one nigth stand with any guy they found the best for them in that nigth. Is as the soul desire some nutritive food but as the only thing the person have avaliable is that Fries with maionese so they become satisfied with that. Ironicaly at 4am when the Pubs close is exactly the food people go to eat after drinking their lifes away. 

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Engaging with Owen content is too risky, he’s a sociopathic Zen devil type. I would just avoid. 

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Is it a coincidence that all those weird gender wars started after Owens mentor Mystery had that tv show about pushing women buttons for sex without them even knowing it? That show was 2007? Since then the culture has just been feminism, mens rights, red pill, mgtow, me too, passport bros, black pill, decentering men, and whatever other movements have popped up

Edited by Twentyfirst

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Well, Imagine being surrounded by MAGAS and debate with them Trump actions?

The Majority Report Guy Did it.



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Sam is a boss.

One of the smartest progressives.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1:14:58- "That same guy who can't build a business, is the same guy that supported 2020".

....so according to Owen, if you supported Covid-19 lockdowns and a mask mandate you certainly are not entrepreuerial by nature.

Low perspective makes simplistic, absolutist statements that lack nuanced/sophisticated distinctions.

Note: Owen criticizes wokeness as group think, but doesn't acknowledge his position itself on "woke" is coming from group think (echo chambers formed in intellectual dark web and alternative media circles).

** this is great for studying how self deception works on the human mind.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Cause we all know that Trump supporters are masters at starting businesses and never fail. Like how Daddy Trump never failed at business.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Terell Kirby said:

this is great for studying how self deception works on the human mind.

Not just self-deception, corruption.

It is obvious to anyone with a lick of intelligence that making a career out of chasing sex will severely corrupt you.

Edited by Leo Gura

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It is obvious to anyone with a lick of intelligence that making a career out of chasing sex will severely corrupt you.

To engage in it at all is to dabble in corruption, unless you’re seriously interested in a relationship. I gave it up because I knew most girls didn’t want to be used for sex, which is all I wanted them for. Its not right to get their hopes up and to string them along when you know you don’t want what they want. 

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5 minutes ago, Joshe said:

To engage in it at all is to dabble in corruption,

Look, we also shouldn't be too puritanical. A bit of corruption is okay. It's not like the non-pickup dating field is free of corruption. All sexual relations are filled with various corruptions and women do corrupt things to, and in the end guys need to get laid and women too, and humanity needs babies.

The problem is easily addressed by just teaching some dating ethics and using some empathy.

You can do pickup in relatively ethical ways.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Look, we also shouldn't be too puritanical. A bit of corruption is okay. It's not like the non-pickup dating field is free of corruption. All sexual relations are filled with various corruptions and women do corrupt things to, and in the end guys need to get laid and women too, and humanity needs babies.

The problem is easily addressed by just teaching some dating ethics and using some empathy.

That’s a good point. I wasn’t being judgmental really. We’re only human and somebody has to fuck them. Lol. I’m not above some corruption here and there but I just couldn’t do it anymore. Probably a combo of the ethical concerns and just the hassle of dealing with it all. 

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20 hours ago, AION said:

The problem of people today is that people want 1 person to be everything

Both a dating coach + everything else (in the case of Owen)

Podcast host + everything else (in the case of Rogan)

And so on

No, just use Owen for dating advice and don't listen when he talks about politics. In his programs he doesn't talk about politics. Either buy his program or just skip the video when he talks talking politics.

Sorry, but this is such a stupid take. 

Who wants Owen to be everything? Who says that? It's his choice to talk about everything because he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut on topics he has no clue about. 

And people just don't want to follow and financially support a corrupt idiot.

And why should they? Why should they give their money and time to someone like Owen when there are millions of other influencers nowadays and they can easily find someone whose values they align with.

If I know that a restsurant owner is a dick who treats his employees like garbage - I am not going to go to that restaurant. Not because I expects this restaurant owner to "be everything" and teach me about how to run a conscious business. I just don't want to support him because I don't like him and don't want to enable his corruption. It's that simple.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Not just self-deception, corruption.

It is obvious to anyone with a lick of intelligence that making a career out of chasing sex will severely corrupt you.

@Leo Gura It has been on my mind for days. I have been listening to Owen's old videos, and I just absolutely do not understand what happened to him. I did a lot of deep analysis on this, because beyond just owen, it makes no sense how a human being so involved in eating healthy, traveling the world, interesting creative ideas, so funny I can never stop laughing in some of his videos, somewhat deeply philosophical, a nice chill prescence turns into a hardcore trump supporter, he posts andrew tate on his instagram stories, has more hate towards some relationships in the past, I think he might have mentioned becoming christian, far more angrier as a human being, way less adventurous, looks like he's not taking care of himself physically even like he used to, and one of his recent courses was absolute garbage compared to his past courses like blueprint decoded. I mean I just really don't understand how someone so deep into personal development turned out this way. I personally think something else is going on. What is it? I doubt he got radicalized, because he has always been open-minded.

I think his dark past may have caught up with him and won. I can't see any other way someone so on top of his life has become this way. 

On the other hand is talks are still enlightening to this day, and I'm sure a lot of him is still high quality. Like I know he's a solid public speaker still. But I went in person to see him, and I couldn't stand a lot of it. And he treated his kid really poorly on stage, just putting him down over and over again, emotionally manipulating him like I imagine he might have done to some women. 

I say all this not to put Owen down. I have immense respect for him for what he's done over the years in terms of contribution to humanity. I just don't understand how he has become like this. 

Then again it shocked me how a lot of the popular intellectuals I listened to all turned out to be trump supporters, but Owen's case shocked me the most because it seems like many parts of his life took a 180. 

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