
Owen Cook Has Coached Elon Musk, Goes Full MAGA

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He starts by talking about setting the proper frame in relationships, pretty interesting dating advice. 

Later he says he's worked with Elon Musk. In his earlier videos Owen hinted at this, saying he coached 'the PayPal mafia' but here he admits having coached the 'billionaire who saves free speech'. 

After that he goes on a rant about thinking for yourself and avoiding group think, followed by full MAGA speech about Elon Musk saving the country. Ironic and surreal to hear him talk about self deception while saying these things. 

In this video it feels like he digs a deeper and deeper hole for himself. The more he rants against group think and deception, the more deluded he comes across. 

No rational onlooker would say such a thing about the current political situation in the U.S., making it all the more obvious he's heavily influenced by his surroundings and conditioning. 


Edited by Butters

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1 hour ago, Butters said:

After that he goes on a rant about thinking for yourself and avoiding group think, followed by full MAGA speech about Elon Musk saving the country. Ironic and surreal to hear him talk about self deception while saying these things. 

50% of all his videos now are spent like this, full-blown MAGA rhetoric.

It's sad to see him going down this hole. He was one of my biggest influences. 

Now I feel bitter and negative about life and the future, most of my heroes turned out to be gullible fools.

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Unfortunately pickup has corrupted his mind. That's what happens when you turn pickup into a lifestyle and ideology.

Most pickup guys will side with MAGA because pickup would be crusified by wokeness. So they make for natural enemies of Green. They are also easily swayed by the macho vibes of fascism.

Owen is also a narcissist like Mask and Trump.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura Why would wokeness crucify pickup ? 

Maybe toxic pick up but not all pick up, at the end of the day pick up works because women consent to what is happening, if women didn't consent, pickup wouldn't work. Of course there is manipulation going on, but hey what's the alternative to pick up ? Arranged marriages from parents ?

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6 minutes ago, Majed said:

Why would wokeness crucify pickup ? 

All these pickup guys would be MeTooed if the general public knew what they do.

Owen's old company was killed by MeToo and he will never let that go and admit he was wrong. Be blames Green, when it is in fact pickup that is corrupt. But Owen can not admit that to himself because he is too attached to it.

Pickup IS corruption. Regardless of whether it works or whether girls accept it.

Pickup will corrupt anyone who takes it seriously.

Edited by Leo Gura

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The problem with PUA is that it became too big and broke into the mainstream -  the death of any organic movement of men who think outside the box.   The same with MGTOW which started out as a small group of men (called the Nice Guy forum) who decided they didn’t have to chase women to be happy.  But once it became big enough – the mainstream controllers of reality immediately perceived it as a threat to their conformist wokeism narratives and the attacks began. 

Edited by Jodistrict

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Pickup was always corrupt, even moreso when it was unknown.

Pickup forums of 20 years ago were vile dens of scum and villainy.

It's shameful that Owen cannot admit this to himself and his followers.

He refuses to make pickup more conscious by teaching ethics, empathy, selflessness, respect for women, and how to avoid corruption.

Pickup is stuck in toxic Orange.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Damn, I was going to check out his free tour when he is here in Milwaukee. But damn, full MAGA mode? Fuck that

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1 hour ago, Recursoinominado said:

50% of all his videos now are spent like this, full-blown MAGA rhetoric.

It's sad to see him going down this hole. He was one of my biggest influences. 

Now I feel bitter and negative about life and the future, most of my heroes turned out to be gullible fools.

It’s a hard but good lesson.

Never get too attached to any of these influencers. Learn, but don’t idolize. Stay in your own power and authority. And never doubt self-deception.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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12 minutes ago, aurum said:

It’s a hard but good lesson.

Never get too attached to any of these influencers. Learn, but don’t idolize. Stay in your own power and authority. And never doubt self-deception.

For me Rogan was a “disappointment”.

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1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

For me Rogan was a “disappointment”.

Leaving behind Joe Rogan is growing up.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Rogan is fine when you listen to him for fighting, hunting, comedy, pop-culture. The only problem is if you listen to him for epistemically serious topics like politics, medicine, science, news, etc.

Rogan is supposed to be entertainment, but then people actually start to take it seriously as truth-seeking or sense-making.

Reality is too serious of a thing to be made sense of by a celebrity comedian on a talk-show. That's an insane expectation.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Rogan is fine when you listen to him for fighting, hunting, comedy, pop-culture. The only problem is if you listen to him for epistemically serious topics like politics, medicine, science, news, etc.

Rogan is supposed to be entertainment, but then people actually start to take it seriously as something truthful.

Personally never listened to the hunting or fighting episodes.

 Used to like the authors and some scientists and comedians etc.

But just the way things led up to the election was sketchy skewy and gnarly.


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Of course now it is all intertwined in a hairy corrupt mess such that you cannot seperate the good from the bad.

That's how the devil achieves victory.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

I definitely came through Rogan from my magic mushroom experiences and noticed he was someone on the net that had a phenomenological description from his own experiences with tryptamines which led me to Terence McKenna and ultimately to you and Alan Watts. I know he doesn't have a foundational epistemology which is why I never fell into that trap. Also since I myself am a fighting fanatic I always studied and been a fan of the UFC organization, Rogan has a fighting background and is very knowledgeable and articulate in his commentary. 


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He also implied that he or one of his students wrote speeches for Trump that helped him get elected. Wonder how true all that is. Would be pretty impressive to be able to shift culture with social skills like that

Whatever you do don't listen to him about marriage and by extension family. He has no clue. He basically calls all men simps and say the reason women are rabid feminists with high body counts is because guys are thoughtless betas unable to do simple tasks. Then he says the only way to fix dating for westerners is by men becoming high status but only a small percentage of guys can ever be high status or else there would be no such thing as high status and all guys would be equal. He's kinda going the trad con route by saying men should be happy to wife up bossy attitude chicks but also at same time dismissing traditional norms and saying the 50s is never coming back. He has no solution basically and even his diagnosis of the root problems is way off

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I can’t really listen to Owen. He just talks way too much, yap yap yap. And if you’re conscious enough you know he sees you as a “mark” and it’s like you’re being sold to by some scammy door to door salesman, but he shimmers enough to fool the average bloke blinded by his sense of lack and money / women trauma. How else would the intentions be for someone who taught lots of manipulation tactics at one point? They are being used on you! Do not send these jokers your money, ever xD All the advice / knowledge he puts up on his YouTube can also be found through reading books while following your own inner guidance and doing broad research. Take whatever business mindset and success beliefs serve you but throw out the rest. He has some good lessons but he needs to shut the fuck and just teach, holy shit. 

Edited by Lyubov

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2 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I can’t really listen to Owen. He just talks way too much, yap yap yap. And if you’re conscious enough you know he sees you as a “mark” and it’s like you’re being sold to by some scammy door to door salesman, but he shimmers enough to fool the average bloke blinded by his sense of lack and money / women trauma. How else would the intentions be for someone who taught lots of manipulation tactics at one point. There being used by you. Do not send these jokers your money, ever xD All the advice / knowledge he puts up on his YouTube can also be found through reading books while following your own inner guidance and doing broad research. He has some good lessons but he needs to shut the fuck and just teach, holy shit. 

He knows spiritual stuff though. He's read enough Eckhart for enough years to have understanding 

Don't ever send money? I am sure buying a course off him for $300 bucks isn't gonna hurt

The best value from Owen would be if you stumble upon him young. Like if you are 14 and you find him that would be very lucky. Because the way social skills work is if you develop it young it only takes a couple years and is effortless. But if you start later you have to deprogram all the bs and then reprogram with the right stuff which actually takes a decade or two of struggle. Another good value is he is pretty good at teaching all self development at once rather than just focusing on the pillars of relationship, wealth, happiness, or health. He gives you general points about all 4 really well and then you can go from there on your own

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3 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

He knows spiritual stuff though. He's read enough Eckhart for enough years to have understanding 

Don't ever send money? I am sure buying a course off him for $300 bucks isn't gonna hurt

The best value from Owen would be if you stumble upon him young. Like if you are 14 and you find him that would be very lucky. Because the way social skills work is if you develop it young it only takes a couple years and is effortless. But if you start later you have to deprogram all the bs and then reprogram with the right stuff which actually takes a decade or two of struggle. Another good value is he is pretty good at teaching all self development at once rather than just focusing on the pillars of relationship, wealth, happiness, or health. He gives you general points about all 4 really well and then you can go from there on your own

If you find him helpful then drop your cash on him. I would not buy his course. There’s lots of other people I find much more valuable learning from for my life. 

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3 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

If you find him helpful then drop your cash on him. I would not buy his course. There’s lots of other people I find much more valuable learning from for my life. 

There is a difference between the teacher and the teaching

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