
I literally have seen the light

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19 minutes ago, aurum said:

Relative = the absolute!

Otherwise you are making a duality.

All you have is experience. 

No , relative means the absolute reflecting in itself. without two any experience is impossible. the absolute is the infinite being, and the relative is the infinite mirage of the absolute reflecting in itself. the relative is an appearance, but it always happens, because non-experience is outside of time, therefore it does not happen, it is.

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15 hours ago, aurum said:

You say we have knowledge good and evil, but you've still yet to define or give any criteria for what that is.

Seems rather strange given that good deeds are what get you to heaven, and bad deeds take you to hell.

If such knowledge is objective and innate, why is there so much disagreement among people?

How do we know we should listen to Jesus and not someone else? 

Watch the personal attacks.

OK, I'll answer as best I can.

We have knowledge of good and evil as innate intuition. This innate intuition comes from observing what is beneficial and what is not beneficial. Now. you could argue that murder is beneficial, because what is detrimental to one person may be beneficial to another. However, murder may give an individual access to resources or satisfy someone's sense of retribution or revenge, but how would it actually make the murderer feel? Do you think any murderers are actually happy? NO, of course they're not, because they've given in to a very animalistic desire for power. Our innate responses of shame and guilt negate these actions in most people. If we didn't have shame and guilt, then we would be no different from animals. Evolved individuals do not need to operate on animalistic impulses, as they can see the problems they cause. Evil literally means "not beneficial". Something that is "good", brings joy and peace to the greatest number of individuals. Something that is evil brings suffering. In Genesis, it says something like "God created the world. And He saw that it was good". Because it's easy to see what is good.

The reason that I mentioned Jesus is because he is an example of someone who was extremely spiritually aware, so he was able to guide people on what was beneficial and what was not beneficial. The proof is in the pudding. If you actually follow his instructions, then you will see that it is "good". Whereas, the murderer I mentioned earlier has done evil and his own conscience sends him to Hell, whether that is a physical place or simply an internal feeling.

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