
Psychedelics are violent compared to natural awakening experiences

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That’s the main difference I’ve found. When I dedicate myself totally to awakening and do nothing but meditate for a month or two and begin to experience various degrees of Oneness, they appear in a very gentle and peaceful manner. They literally feel natural and organic.  

Psychedelics are much more violent, it’s like the drug preys your mind open. You also end up in bliss and Oneness, but the overall feel of the experience has a synthetic vibe to it, which goes unrecognised if you haven’t had natural awakenings. There’s also a tendency for ego to come in at earlier or later parts of the trip and ego + blissed out state = bad decisions. The ego becomes grandiose, like Connor Murphy or Leo or me when I look back.  

I wished so much that this was a way to awakening. It’s so fast and efortless.. But psychedelics don’t have the ability to awaken you permanently and they are not the real thing, they provide merely a caricature of what natural awakenings feel like.  

But natural awakenings are soso difficult to achieve, you literally have to let go of everything and just sit for months and then you might have a glimpse or two, and to really awaken you have to commit totally and decide to end dreaming forever, and most don’t want to do that because they still value their individuality and don’t fully comprehend the costs and consequences of choosing the ego.

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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Both are necessary.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I believe awakening requires clarity, precision, and stability of mind which comes from a meditation practice that increases focus and concentration except for the few who awaken spontaneously (perhaps due to practice is past lives).   

Something like Ayahuasca or Mushrooms activate the unconscious mind and produce cryptic hard to interpret hallucinations from past memories similar to a dream state.  They can also produce strong emotions which increase anxiety and destabilize the mind.   Thus, in Shamanism, they are used for healing.   5-meo is different but I have found that it is still a memory that next day and doesn’t create a permanent shift in consciousness.    

I think that those who are trying to use psychedelics as a tool in the awakening process (not just healing) are experimenting with something new and trying to figure out how to fit it into their unique practice.   It’s not a slam dunk.   

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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I like how Neem Karoli Baba said it: "LSD allows you to come into the room and pranam to Christ, but after two hours you must leave. The best medicine is to love Christ."

Awakening with psychedelics can also feel very peaceful and natural, but set and setting must be optimal..

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Yes, I agree that they can be very helpful if used wisely, we just have to be clear that they won’t bring permanent awakening.  

As the comment above correctly points out, it’s a taste of what’s to come.  

I’m just not sure if tripping beyond a few breakthroughs has a point besides delaying the actual work needed to reach those states naturally. 

Edit: actually, nevermind, doing 50 or 200 trips might just be a part of someones path, who am I to judge or decide what’s right for others 💁‍♂️

Edited by CoolDreamThanks

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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@CoolDreamThanks True, it all has its place, problem is ppl use psychedelics with no foundation in place, no natural realization up to a certain level, no stability, they know nothing really of reality and life, and then come down proclaim God Hood and then they are messed up, narcissist, and worse off then before

Go the natural way, use whatever method available and effective for You, build up a natural realization, have natural peace and clarity, let it sink in for a year or two, then try some psychedelic, I guarantee You won't do the typical I am God, You will be I am With God, I am within Everything, complete and inclusive in Experience, naturally Blissful...

No, ppl will only want to use the drug again if no foundation is set up, then experience chase, then end up suffering in one way or another. Guaranteed!!!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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32 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

@CoolDreamThanks True, it all has its place, problem is ppl use psychedelics with no foundation in place, no natural realization up to a certain level, no stability, they know nothing really of reality and life, and then come down proclaim God Hood and then they are messed up, narcissist, and worse off then before

Go the natural way, use whatever method available and effective for You, build up a natural realization, have natural peace and clarity, let it sink in for a year or two, then try some psychedelic, I guarantee You won't do the typical I am God, You will be I am With God, I am within Everything, complete and inclusive in Experience, naturally Blissful...

No, ppl will only want to use the drug again if no foundation is set up, then experience chase, then end up suffering in one way or another. Guaranteed!!!

It sounds ridiculous to hear this from someone who never touched any psychedelic to give such an confident advice. 

You never had any God experience at all. You never had any psychedelic experiences at all. But here you are throwing out unproven claims, Guaranteed!!!

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10 minutes ago, OBEler said:

It sounds ridiculous to hear this from someone who never touched any psychedelic to give such an confident advice. 

You never had any God experience at all. You never had any psychedelic experiences at all. But here you are throwing out unproven claims, Guaranteed!!!

What is ridiculous is that You do not know Me one bit, all of what You say in regards to my post is completely Biased, its not based on Reality, just on what YOU think reality is and what it should be.. As I do not really know what You are about, only what You post here, which could be totally opposite of what You are, its the same with Me or anyone, You don't know me, or anyone, only Yourself and Your outlook, the question is is it via a Clear vision or perception of reality, I think it is not but I could be totally wrong, but I am absolutely right when saying You know nothing about my outlook, experiences or anything significant about what I am or not!

Please quit harassing Me!!! I've reported You post!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Ishanga what I know about you is that you never tried any psychedelics by yourself but you talk like you are an expert in this field and constantly attack psychedelic users as some narcists. If you make such big claims expect some criticism.If you cannot handle that then maybe think about your writing style.

By the way your writing style is confusing and hard to read. Please use correct grammar and punctuation here at least.

Edited by OBEler

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17 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Ishanga what I know about you is that you never tried any psychedelics by yourself but you talk like you are an expert in this field and constantly attack psychedelic users as some narcists. If you make such big claims expect some criticism.If you cannot handle that then maybe think about your writing style.

By the way your writing style is confusing and hard to read. Please use correct grammar and punctuation here at least.

Don't have to try, its clear as day, just see the OP, he's tried and says it clearly...

Just pointing out to You how Biased blinds You, as in my reply post to OP, I did not say I am against psychedelics, that I am against the timing of it is incorrect for most, at least in my research, ppl can do it for sure, they can do whatever they want its a free country and world for the most part, its just I see a pattern of sorts, and it comes forth all the time, long users saying after doing it and then doing natural practices there is a big difference, but You don't see that in my post, as well I mention that I am wanting to try them myself when the time is right, so how am I against it??? I claim no expertise in it, just observation and sharing, which is what forum are all about correct?

Also see You reply above, grammar errors as well, funny how You mention that since this has nothing to do with topic???

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Ishanga please read carefully. I never wrote that you are against psychedelics. I wrote that you attack psychedelic users for their experiences they make, dismiss them, call them narcissists - which you can do. But expect that not everyone shares your opinion and handle some criticism.

I gave you warning points for your writing style. I warned you before. It's hard to read, please correct your grammar and follow basic syntactic rules before you post something.

Edited by OBEler

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28 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Ishanga please read carefully. I never wrote that you are against psychedelics. I wrote that you attack psychedelic users for their experiences they make, dismiss them, call them narcissists - which you can do. But expect that not everyone shares your opinion and handle some criticism.

I gave you warning points for your writing style. I warned you before. It's hard to read, please correct your grammar and follow basic syntactic rules before you post something.

Please Leo, other Mods, OBEler is harassing Me, giving out warning points,  please investigate! 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Ishanga if you don't follow basic rules about discussion I will give you further warning points.

Don't play the victim card here and grow up. I told you in a friendly way that you should overthink your writing style. You cannot behave and write here like a child.

Edited by OBEler

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This forum seems to be a great place to practice kindness, learning how to accept other peoples’ paths and practices as no less valid than the ones that work for you.  

It’s so easy to have this or other mystical experience, then realize this or other thing, and then begin to think that you know what is right or wrong for other people.  

I think there’s just soo much variability in people’s paths that it’s virtually impossible to give any specific advice to anyone in regards to how their paths towards awakening should look like.  

Someone can get enlightened working in an addiction center, where they lean how to be perfectly non-conflictial, whilst others might learn the same lesson through hundreads of psychedelic trips living in Las Vegas and going to nightclubs, who knows?  

If a specific path makes someone kind and peaceful, how could we say that it’s wrong? 

Edited by CoolDreamThanks

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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5 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Yes, I agree that they can be very helpful if used wisely, we just have to be clear that they won’t bring permanent awakening.  

Yeah, I also think that once psychedelics have served their purpose, you should put them aside and do whatever it takes to overcome your ego once and for all.

I think a few hundred trips are appropriate, then you should have understood what is necessary.


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