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When can God not do something?

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If God is absolutely infinite and sets His own limits, is there any situation where He cannot do something?

For example, is it possible for God to not be God? If not, why? What stops God from breaking that “rule”? Wouldn’t any such limitation contradict omnipotence?

I get that anything “outside” of God is still God, and that God can imagine Himself to not be God (e.g., by dreaming He is a human). But why can’t God create a situation where He genuinely isn’t God, rather than just imagining it? If He can’t do that, doesn’t that mean He isn’t truly all-powerful?

my understanding is something like this - God is inherently limited in some ways eg. God cannot be.. not himself. But paradoxically, that’s what makes him infinite (because infinity includes limitation) maybe that is what being truly unlimited means, rather than just ‘anything goes’? 

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The Mind of Consciousness is realizing that the human was fictional the entire time.

Now you can give God back the controller.


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God is endowed with creation and imagination. Imagination is limitation. In limitation there's things possible, things impossible. Imagination and creation are one not two but I'll save that for another day.

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Imagine there is a thing that literally cannot do anything and it hides itself behind a fake construction that its sleeping when its looking at itself in the mirror. And every night when in deep sleep you are looking in a mirror not sleeping and you are that thing hiding from the fact that you cannot move see hear or taste or feel anything.

Edited by Hojo

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15 hours ago, woohoo123 said:

If God is absolutely infinite and sets His own limits, is there any situation where He cannot do something?

For example, is it possible for God to not be God? If not, why? What stops God from breaking that “rule”? Wouldn’t any such limitation contradict omnipotence?

I get that anything “outside” of God is still God, and that God can imagine Himself to not be God (e.g., by dreaming He is a human). But why can’t God create a situation where He genuinely isn’t God, rather than just imagining it? If He can’t do that, doesn’t that mean He isn’t truly all-powerful?

my understanding is something like this - God is inherently limited in some ways eg. God cannot be.. not himself. But paradoxically, that’s what makes him infinite (because infinity includes limitation) maybe that is what being truly unlimited means, rather than just ‘anything goes’? 

There is where logic fails, You and most everyone is using Logic or Intellect of sorts to figure out the nature of Existence and non Existence, but it won't work, too  many logical fallacies and paradoxes, and eventually You get stuck or suffer it (frustration etc).

First You say God is Infinite, then You say God sets his own limits, so what is it, is God infinite or limited? How about it can do whatever, it can be limited (we are it, humans are limited, so God/Absolute is living and experiencing thru Us), or unlimited, which means no Body, No Mind, No Experience possible, so utter Potential and Possibility waiting to explode and be Realized and lived out.. That is what is happening, not these logical misguided, off base rationalizations to prove a biased POV that will make You feel good the next day then leave You will more questions and further un-realization..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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It's very simple, if God is infinite, it is not God, it is the infinite. The infinite cannot have a concrete will, since that would make it finite, it is infinite flow. It is not an entity that decides: OK, now I am going to create a totally traumatized crack addict in a hellish existence. No, it is something that arises from the infinite synchronous flow between each of its infinite relative movements. God is the infinite being reflecting itself infinitely, the infinite being is you, but at the same time you are a concrete structure of reflections that branches out infinitely.

God is an infinite fractal coordinated with itself to infinity, in which what is synchronous appears and what is not does not manifest. Only the perfect appears, in the sense that it is infinitely synchronized. A minimal lack of synchrony is infinite chaos and chaos does not manifest, just dissapear before be, because at the end everything is just reflection, then if something doesn't reflects in everything, doesn't exist 

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