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Mickey 17 - a 5/10 AT BEST

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So I watched this movie in the theater and I'm here to advise you guys not to do it.

I rate it a 4 or 5 out of 10. 5 is being generous.

The "Plot":
I write "plot" in quotes because there is no plot. The movie is an awkward sequence of events. It has many sub plots, many of which don't even evolve. There is no overall conflict in this story. There are many small conflicts which lead to a finale. Basically, the protagonist, Mickey 17, is in a space mission, and each time he dies, he is "human printed". His role in the mission is to die in a variety of ways so the scientists gather knowledge on viruses, life expectancy in certain cenarios, etc.  This main plot goes nowhere.

The Message™:
The villain of this movie is a stupid narcissistic politician whose plan is to create a superior race of humans in another planet. A white race. And his fans are stupid and wear red hats. Yes. It's quite obvious there is an anti-Trump message here. I'm European, and I'm not a Trump supporter, so I couldn't give less shits about the Message. The bald man who owns this forum loves to insist that Hollywood is only bad because of capitalism, and that wokeness has nothing to do with it. Bullshit. Terrible 1 dimension villain who isn't remotely interesting or believable.

The "Humor":
This movie isn't 100% a comedy, but you can tell they were going for something lighthearted. Even the IMDB page says "action/comedy". There are many of jokes in the movie. Not a single one of them made me even smile. Also, the characters swear a lot, because it's part of the "humor". I swear a lot myself, and I'm ok with swearing, but in a story it's important to have the dialogue make sense. There are many instances in the movie where characters swear for absolutely no reason. It feels really contrived. The humor is also very self deprecating and unoriginal.

The protagonist:
The protagonist might be the worst aspect of this movie. It's played by Robert Pattinson, I love the actor. But his role here is terrible. Mickey is a pathetic little wimp who lets everyone and anyone around him to treat him like trash. He is very insecure and has a fake whiny voice. Terrible protagonist. Terrible voice.

The good parts:
There were aspects in the movie that I enjoyed. One of the characters, Mickey's girlfriend, was somewhat well written. And she is a good actress. I also like the scifi setting. And I like how the alien planet looks. It actually looks somewhat original. And the alien creatures they encounter are also interesting and intelligent.

What saddens me is I feel there was a lot of potential in this movie. They had a concept, but didn't know how to work with it. They had an interesting scifi setting, and even a good plot and conflict near the end of the movie. But overall, the movie is a huge mess. Not a terrible movie, just mediocre. Not worth a theater ticket's price.

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