
Bernie Sanders is Heroically Fighting Trumpism

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Bernie Sanders is heroically fighting Trumpism and technological oligarchy. 83 years old, and he stills follows his life purpose and honors his political standpoints and moral values more enthusiastically, passionately, and effectively than 1000 other American  politicians put together. To say nothing of how his cognitive skills are immensely sharp. Always making worthwhile observations. Brilliant thinker and politician, who deeply inspires me


Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Indeed, true pioneer. Absolute Legend.

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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I’ve seen a few of his speeches on YT recently. He’s such a fucking good speaker

I struggle so much to understand how some people can listen to Trump speak and then listen to Bernie speak and think “Trump is the best president we could ever have!”

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Bernie Sanders is an amazing guy!

Self-love is the force behind every decision you make.

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This one for fun:

America: The oligarchs broke in, ransacked our Republic, ended democracy and took everything. We just sat there and watched. 

World: omg. WHY?!?

America: Decorum.


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I'm writing this from a Bernie rally in Michigan right now! Probably a good 2000-3000 people here.

I've been handing out phone banking flyers 🙂

(Bernie hasn't arrived yet).



I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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I don’t like how the tour seems focused on himself, he is really old and should have brought along a co-speaker on tour to cultivate a successor. Or at least focused on expanding some sort of political action organization.

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I hope he will become the next US president, still, it's not too late for him! :) 

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I fell asleep during one of his speeches. Not because he's boring, but because he helped calm all my worries.


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Update: 9000 people (!!!) showed up to the event in my hometown of Warren, MI. (While I was there my guess was maybe two or three thousand in attendance).

Dr. Abdul El-Sayed and UAW president Shawn Fain spoke before Bernie. The entire event was highly energetic and incredibly well organized.

Would highly recommend attending one of these events if you have the opportunity. Great opportunity for face-to-face solidarity with people from your community.


Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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I was planning on seeing Elizabeth Warren this morning, but the event was too early for me. I didn’t wake up in time :|


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God works in mysterious ways, Trump's 2nd disasterous term might just be the tipping point that finally gets someone like Bernie into power.

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Bernie Sanders is a saint. In the most literal sense, he’s the only major politician in the federal government that I respect. 

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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