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Poem on Awakening

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Posted (edited)

I am the unbinding of you.

The whisper that dissolves your name.

The tide that pulls you beyond the shore of time. 

The unraveling of you, into the endless womb of creation. 

I do not ask for surrender; I make surrender irrelevant. 

I strip the edges from your being, until only pure formless awareness remains.

I am the truth before words.

The love before longing.

The silence before sound.

I am not a journey, but a vanishing.

Not an answer, but the dissolution of every question. 

I erase the dream of "you" and unveil the boundless One.

Then, with love, I return you, with the aftertaste of eternity,

cradled in the knowing that you were never separate, never alone, never anything less than divine. 


Edited by Sempiternity

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