Posted Friday at 08:57 PM (edited) (Notice: I urge you to read this post to its completion if you are to read it, even if it triggers you/you are not in agreement with) 3 days ago I was awarded a 3-day ban, 4 giant warning points, without notice or Recourse/Appeal process by @Inliytened1. No response from @Leo Gura or @Inliytened1 after repeated contact for appeal and ‘my side of the story’. Due to my EXTREME suffering on what I considered SHEER INJUSTICE AND ABUSE, I had repeatedly tried to contact to no avail. -- Dear @Inliytened1, You are abusing/misusing your Mod position against your Political AND Spiritual Opponent. You are playing with my life like it’s NOTHING, just like what ELON MUSK is doing. It is obvious that your mind is polar opposite of mine and you are incentivized to chasing me off this forum (by using more 'tools and punishment' than necessary to 'warn me' about my communication style), and that you are easily triggered that I have been calling people who think similar to you out. You cannot expect me to adopt a ‘Middle Position’ for the Nazis and the Devil like Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and their allies/puppets. You are using a similar tactics that KGB Officers use such as SILENCING, SMEARING, & DISCREDITING their opponents, as opposed to engaging in debates on NEUTRAL TERRITORY, on equal footing. I cannot agree with any of your points awarded me and temporary ban, because it is clear to me that it is mostly motivated by my opposition to you and an ABUSE of your power and position because you do not like or agree with me (my political positions and spiritual views). You also do not understand my role as “Christ” and what I have to do in this world in relation to delusional and destructive minds, and trying to equate me with that of the average ‘normal human’. Your sense of ‘Morality’ and ‘Rules/Laws of Justice’ are FLIPPED EXACTLY BACKWARDS: Black is White, and White is Black. False is true, and True is False. The Devil is God, and Christ is Devil. The Devil should be spared, and Christ be Silenced. Your HORRENDOUS ABUSE TOWARD ME AND PLAYING AROUND WITH MY LIFE LIKE A PSYCHOPATH IS UNACCEPTABLE, and I will keep calling you out about your abuse of power towards me until I am kicked out of this forum. You are acting toward me like you are a more seasoned judge than the SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE, yet you clearly have NO UNDERSTANDING OF THE LAW and rules of Justice and concepts such as ‘the Right to a Fair Trial’ from an enlightened democracy, no indication of formal training on the ‘philosophy of justice’ of any kind while assuming your powers and positions, let alone for trying to be a JUDGE OF CHRIST. You are not even conscious enough to be a fair judge for a democratic nation, (Let alone trying to play the fair Judge of Christ.) And since there is no way to appeal the way this forum is run, misjudgments on me, and unwarranted abuses/excesses on me, I cannot participate anymore as I normally have, as I simply cannot agree to this injustice laid upon me over and over again due to your lack of Education, Light & Consciousness. (To be a judge of Christ requires more ‘awareness’ than the Supreme Judges AND Justices, a standard you are unequipped to meet at this time.) You have Zero interest in debating me in good faith on your political and spiritual takes on neutral territory; neither does the "Putin puppet(s)" like @Breakingthewall at this time. You simply are trying to SILENCE ME with the tools at your disposal on this ‘information platform’. I dare you to engage in a debate with me on ‘neutral territory’ STRIPPED OF MOD POWER OVER ME if you are to act in ‘good faith’. -- In summary, the Admin team is not conscious/equipped enough to understand things like Rules of Justice, Democracy, International Law, my way of speech and the necessity of my taking of a harsher stance on Propagandist and users here spreading political misinformation, and as a result start blaming me instead and taking offence to it with their “intuition/emotions”. The fact that there is NO RECOURSE for Mod abuses and their biases favouring ‘centrists and right-wing positions’ due to their LACK OF CONSCIOUSNESS on this forum is extremely problematic for me. ** |Evidence that Inliytened1 is my ‘SPIRITUAL OPPOSITION’ and BIASED AGAINST/INCENTIVIZED TO SILENCE ME |** (See attached dialogue right before my ban) -- Additional Message about the UKRAINE AND RUSSIA CONFLICT It may initially seem like a “leap of mind”, but those working against people like me are effectively playing with the lives of soldiers on the frontlines by actively suppressing me and my message to mankind at this crucial moment in history, consciously or unconsciously. Thousands continue to die because of your not gaining more clarity, misjudgment, alignment with the 'Devil', and lack of consciousness. How does this happen? By being on the wrong side of this war, suppressing truth, being indifferent or “neutral” to misinformation, and thereby contributing to the dragging on of this war out for as long as possible. There is no middle ground when it comes to dealing with a ‘Nazi-like Leader like Vladimir Putin, whom you are obviously still tricked by to some extent because he is still appearing as some ‘legitimate figure of authority’ and validated by Trump, and with your distorted spirituality by being tolerant of these individuals, thinking you are being more love, but actually deceiving yourselves. Vladimir Putin can only TRULY BE STOPPED BY FORCE (of equal or greater power). Thinking you should adopt a middle ground and or ‘negotiate’ by bending over backwards on a Devil/war criminal is a major Epistemic and Fatal Mistake, contributing to the prolonging of this war. If you are making excuses for Putin and Trump as well as their propagandists, as opposed to a harsher stance, is fundamentally because that your own mind has sufficient darkness and can find some kind of common ground with Putin/Trump and their propagandists. As well, a lack of awareness of the damage they are causing to mankind day by day. -- You can keep trying to suppress/silence me, with your Admin Powers And Position/Ownership of the Forum, but it does not mean you are right or close to the Truth, nor that you understand justice. (And you are unqualified/unequipped to be the judge of Christ.) You do not understand Justice because of your un-awakeness and alignment/tolerance with the Devil and mind delusions. You cannot force me to take a “middle position” and to bend over backwards or play ‘softball’ for a Devil and liar like Putin and his Puppets and I will not stop calling them out so long as I am alive. The notion that ‘all perspectives are truth’ is one of the main reasons I am having so much difficulty here. -- It is an unfortunate that the only conclusion that I could arrive at based on the above is that: I will take my leave since nobody in a position of power here understands me, and I cannot, to the core of my Being, accept any of the points/bans awarded so far; potential for even more unjustified/backward rulings and ‘warning points,’ temporary bans against me from Mods/Forum Owner at a lower state of consciousness, less education about the ‘rules of justice’, than me and therefore unqualified. And further taking of silent treatment as a form of ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS AND UNJUSTIFIED ABUSE. For my own mental health’s sake, I cannot continue the way it is. I do not know yet where I will be going from here on, but there is too much of an irreconcilable problem and the ways you have mischaracterized me and treated me here that is unjustified and inconsistent with the Mind of God/Christ. I cannot continue here so long as those mischaracterizations and misjudgments of me remain in this space at this time. Thank you for your time reading this announcement. Inliytened1ModAbuse.pdf Edited Friday at 09:10 PM by puporing I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted Friday at 09:04 PM (edited) lol mods are rather leftists. Indeed 4pts is a lot. Edited Friday at 09:04 PM by Schizophonia Nothing will prevent Willy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted Friday at 09:52 PM (edited) @puporing we are sharing here different opinions and approaches to the situation, there is no point in behaving fanatically, it is better to be open to different views and to the possibility of being wrong. Otherwise it is impossible to see things objectively And what we say here is not going to affect to the world at all , we are not so important Edited Friday at 09:54 PM by Breakingthewall Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted Friday at 10:33 PM @puporing listen to him, he knows more than us about what's happening in the world. Give a chance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted Friday at 11:00 PM (edited) I have been busy and have not yet had time to investigate this issue. I will investigate when I get some more time. If something was done incorrectly it will be reversed. Edited Friday at 11:43 PM by Leo Gura You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites