The Crocodile


1 post in this topic

@Leo GuraResponding to this


There is a band named ohGr by someone called Nivek Ogre, and much of the lyrics are about Truth, lies, epistemology, the meaning of life, mainstream vs. conspiracy theories, religion vs. atheism, emotions vs. intellect, consciousness, illusions, psychology, absolute vs. relative, evolution, etc. 

This is what it sounds like:

The blue fetus represents the current undeveloped state of humanity, society is still in the womb and we are not yet evolved/awakened and are stuck in self-deception. The red animals with the illusionism setup and stage stuff like the box and the saw represents visual optical illusion as a metaphor for deception/illusion in general. A lot of the lyrics discuss the relation between object and subject and there's a song called "Subject" about this and a song called "Mind Made God". The song "collidoskope" is about illusion like light put through a kaleidoscope but it's still the mechanism or creation of the mind.

He also had this earlier band:


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