5-D - L O V E

How to experience the love that is the gift of god in the world

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58 minutes ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

@gettoefl That becomes glaringly obvious when I transcend my ego on psychedelics, it happens to me in regular states too, but the sadness aspects of my life seem to hold more weight than any insight or realization I get, even god realization

It boggles my mind whenever I see people talking about their 5Meo experiences on youtube and saying how much of a shift that has on their lives, some peoplle get that with other psychedelics, others even with various other spiritual practices, whatever they may be...

I have been there, I consider myself having gone deeper than most people, yet due to where I come from I can't seem to reap the benifits of said experiences, I know this screams ego and lack of integration, but I beg to differ, I wish I could explain my situation with words.. It's just like having an insight into god, it can't be conveyed, so goes for what I'm struggling with and trying to point out


The best pointer I can offer (and one that helped me) is

awakening (A) is to get a momentary scrumptious taste and enlightenment (E) is to have made that taste all that you now consume.

The work is going from A to E.

And you don't change anything in the world, rather you just change how you see the world.

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You gotta stop taking psychedelics man. If you already have all the answers but you're still mostly sad, then what are you doing? You're obviously not taking responsibility for your life because you have some assumptions about how it should be. Instead, you're waiting for God to do something, but it's already done, as you must know by now. 

The people you hear about who have everything figured out after this and that are mostly either lying to themselves or just lying to everyone else. If you talk to people in real life, you'll see that the situation is very different than you think. Most are unhappy with glimpses of happiness and only a few are even looking for solutions, and of course that's a struggle since we've buried ourselves so deep in lies for most of our lives. You've already done good work, now keep going!

Edited by Grateful Dead

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@Grateful Dead Psychedelics are not the issue.

Me not taking responsibility is not the issue either, it's rather the symptom of the real cause of suffering, anyone who is taking responsibility and acting in a purposeful manner has a basic layer of self love I lack

Life is not openning for me, that's my issue

I lack love, touch and validation, that's my issue

I can't seem to find joy to evin begin anything, and I do know my purpose, I just seem to have lost love for anything including life itself, and that's my issue

I need a miracle, anyone who has done anything (no matter how small or big) has had the kind of miracle I'm reffering to, I just need life to work with me, but I don't love myself, so nothing seems to work because everything I do lacks the most fundamental catalyst, LOVE,  and I don't know how to break that cycle

Think fundamental, more fundamental than you can even picture, I'm talking baseline levels of fundamental

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4 minutes ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

@Grateful Dead Psychedelics are not the issue.

Me not taking responsibility is not the issue either, it's rather the symptom of the real cause of suffering, anyone who is taking responsibility and acting in a purposeful manner has a basic layer of self love I lack

Life is not openning for me, that's my issue

I lack love, touch and validation, that's my issue

I can't seem to find joy to evin begin anything, and I do know my purpose, I just seem to have lost love for anything including life itself, and that's my issue

I need a miracle, anyone who has done anything (no matter how small or big) has had the kind of miracle I'm reffering to, I just need life to work with me, but I don't love myself, so nothing seems to work because everything I do lacks the most fundamental catalyst, LOVE,  and I don't know how to break that cycle

Think fundamental, more fundamental than you can even picture, I'm talking baseline levels of fundamental

There is nothing worthwhile in this world and nothing worthwhile in a body either one's own or others.

It's all a trap to keep you chasing and craving.

The truth is not found here in illusions, instead illusions must be brought to truth.

Then life is good - the way it is meant to be.

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I know that the fabric of reality itself is love, so how can anyone ever lack that, yet here I am, it's not a problem of identification, it's not anything anyone has touched on so far, it's not me needing to do basic self work, or seeing a therapist, or having some kind of new realization or awakening, it's about manifesatation, self love (in the small self sense) and realizing that god cares for me, sensing that when I wish or pray for something atleast I get some sort of response, if I am god, then why can't I be complicit with me, yet anyone who dwells in ego (as long as they have enough self love) seems to have that ? 


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3 minutes ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

I know that the fabric of reality itself is love, so how can anyone ever lack that, yet here I am, it's not a problem of identification, it's not anything anyone has touched on so far, it's not me needing to do basic self work, or seeing a therapist, or having some kind of new realization or awakening, it's about manifesatation, self love (in the small self sense) and realizing that god cares for me, sensing that when I wish or pray for something atleast I get some sort of response, if I am god, then why can't I be complicit with me, yet anyone who dwells in ego (as long as they have enough self love) seems to have that ? 


The ego was built in order to block God from awareness.

But that's fine because you are not actually an ego.

The work is to abide with the higher you.

Then God can get a word in and be heard.


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1 minute ago, gettoefl said:

There is nothing worthwhile in this world and nothing worthwhile in a body either one's own or others.


Or both the world and physicality hold immense worth, see it could all be just semantics (or not), if that was the case then why don't anyone who realizes god immediately just leave this world ? 


4 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

It's all a trap to keep you chasing and craving.


What if my path was to fulfill these cravings ? 

I know it's mostly vain, and I see through it, and I do aspire to higher things, but I can't even work on my purpose and I do have all the time, skill and money is not even an issue at this point in time, yet here I am, I can't bypass this

I wish I could just say "I fogrive myself, I allow and release" and just go on doing my work, but I can't get 10 minutes in without being bombarded by mind


6 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

Then life is good - the way it is meant to be.

What is a good life ? is it similar for all people ? can it be the case that some people need more ego ? other to eradicate their ego completely ? can it be the case that some people have had so little development when it comes to the ways of the world that they can never be fully functional as classical egos so they just have to surrender all their life to god, and when they do god pushes them exactly in the direction I'm trying to follow? 

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48 minutes ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

Or both the world and physicality hold immense worth, see it could all be just semantics (or not), if that was the case then why don't anyone who realizes god immediately just leave this world ? 

There is an adjustment period where one becomes the message. When you have the message, you should share with others since they are you too.

48 minutes ago, 5-D - L O V E said:


What if my path was to fulfill these cravings ? 

I know it's mostly vain, and I see through it, and I do aspire to higher things, but I can't even work on my purpose and I do have all the time, skill and money is not even an issue at this point in time, yet here I am, I can't bypass this

I wish I could just say "I fogrive myself, I allow and release" and just go on doing my work, but I can't get 10 minutes in without being bombarded by mind

Yes that is every ego's path. Not only is it all worthless here, it is not understandable and trying to figure it out and have dominion over it is a fool's errand. This place was meant to fail and foil at every turn. If that was not the case, this place would be the same as what is beyond which clearly it isn't. Mind is a great servant but a terrible master. You need to take back the reins and stop running on unconscious auto-pilot. You will do this eventually; it just depends how much suffering you choose to endure beforehand.

48 minutes ago, 5-D - L O V E said:


What is a good life ? is it similar for all people ? can it be the case that some people need more ego ? other to eradicate their ego completely ? can it be the case that some people have had so little development when it comes to the ways of the world that they can never be fully functional as classical egos so they just have to surrender all their life to god, and when they do god pushes them exactly in the direction I'm trying to follow? 

The good life is living like you were created to live, in oneness in innocence in purity in joy in extension in love in perfection. None of those are possible in this dream except for fleeting moments that can't be made lasting.

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@gettoefl Consider this, before you reached your spiritual liberation, did you have ego based desires ? (I would assume yes) and I would also assume that you had atleast some success regarding some of those, if not a lot of success, but atleast you had the ability to manifest, where the intent came from is not what is of interest to me, but rather you having that ability, I used to have this ability as well, if you think about it deeply you will realize that self love/joy, innocence and clarity of intent are the most important factors when it comes to manifestation


Now, if that's the case then you start suffering from your desires and you surrender everything and go for god, after that you'll still "have" the mechanics of manifestation working for you (like they did before), it's like having a muscle and never having it go so broken and atrophied that it just dies afterwards...


My case is that I have already surrendered my life to god, and I know too well that ego is a failed project (not to say absolute madness), BUT me having had the joy and innocence parts so broken in the past makes my ability to manifest close to nil, so I know what my higher self wants, but (A) I can't go for it because (B) I feel stuck on things I can't seem to get over 


If anyone could put themselves in my shoes it would make SO much sense, but I'm targeting something so fundamental and which is taken so much for granted by almost everyone that almost no one can even see let alone validate my issue, or help me find solutions which are not projections

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27 minutes ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

@gettoefl Consider this, before you reached your spiritual liberation, did you have ego based desires ? (I would assume yes) and I would also assume that you had atleast some success regarding some of those, if not a lot of success, but atleast you had the ability to manifest, where the intent came from is not what is of interest to me, but rather you having that ability, I used to have this ability as well, if you think about it deeply you will realize that self love/joy, innocence and clarity of intent are the most important factors when it comes to manifestation


Now, if that's the case then you start suffering from your desires and you surrender everything and go for god, after that you'll still "have" the mechanics of manifestation working for you (like they did before), it's like having a muscle and never having it go so broken and atrophied that it just dies afterwards...


My case is that I have already surrendered my life to god, and I know too well that ego is a failed project (not to say absolute madness), BUT me having had the joy and innocence parts so broken in the past makes my ability to manifest close to nil, so I know what my higher self wants, but (A) I can't go for it because (B) I feel stuck on things I can't seem to get over 


If anyone could put themselves in my shoes it would make SO much sense, but I'm targeting something so fundamental and which is taken so much for granted by almost everyone that almost no one can even see let alone validate my issue, or help me find solutions which are not projections

There is nothing in this world that I want. Before yes it did hold tremendous appeal and allure. Now it is seen for what it is, a place where sad souls come to wither and die. Unless that is they can see through the illusion. This world is a desolate wasteland and I don't care to contribute one bit to its shambolic state. There is so much better at hand. Ego is smart; I am smarter. I have broken its spell and all the treasures and wonders of reality are mine for the enjoying.

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Spiritual liberation is not permanent, it is something that happens for a while and then you are completely implanted in the Matrix again.

For a while you see that you are the being, what is, it is absolutely obvious, and your life, the human, is absolutely irrelevant, it is simply the temporary form that you have. It does not matter if you are a drug addicted beggar or a successful person in all aspects of life. All that is empty, irrelevant. Stages that the form takes because that is how reality flows. The only thing that is relevant is the infinite being, it is completely real, you are what is, there is nothing else, your serenity and your perfection are absolute, your expansion is total. Nothing matters, your plenitude is complete.

After a moment you are again in the Matrix and you want to protect this body at all costs and develop your human potential at all costs. You have needs, you must meet them. You must evolve, move, breathe, create, go deeper. It is absolutely important.

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Spiritual liberation is not permanent, it is something that happens for a while and then you are completely implanted in the Matrix again.

For a while you see that you are the being, what is, it is absolutely obvious, and your life, the human, is absolutely irrelevant, it is simply the temporary form that you have. It does not matter if you are a drug addicted beggar or a successful person in all aspects of life. All that is empty, irrelevant. Stages that the form takes because that is how reality flows. The only thing that is relevant is the infinite being, it is completely real, you are what is, there is nothing else, your serenity and your perfection are absolute, your expansion is total. Nothing matters, your plenitude is complete.

I understand these aspects of the spiritual process, my issue lies somewhere else

It has to do with developping one's potential, living, being open to experience, having life open up and manifesting desired experiences.

What I struggle with is feeling such a lack of love and joy that I can't find the will to do anything, I do/did more in terms of effort and had almost no results to show up for it, and my conclusion is that it's all due to a fundamental lack of love overall, I lack faith faith, joy and love in every endeavour I partake in, and it shows

My premise is that if anyone was in my shoes, they would have exactly the same experience I'm having, I have a beautiful home studio and I don't have to work for the time being and what I would want to do with my time is work on music, but I find myself lost in apathy, negative thought loops, smoking cigarettes all day long, and I don't know how to break out of this, I am construct aware but it's an energy thing, all my life I have struggled with having an inexistant support system, never felt being geniuenly loved by anyone, and as much as I would have that not affect me, it does A LOT


Now I just see it clearly, the difference between me and everyone else who has accomplished anything worthwhile is that they have experienced love, I have not, how could one remedy that ? 

Most people don't understand how much love is necessary to do anything in life, it is taken for granted because nobody had to deal with what I'm dealing with

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10 hours ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

Most people don't understand how much love is necessary to do anything in life, it is taken for granted because nobody had to deal with what I'm dealing with

There are tons of people who have grown up surrounded by narcissists and psychopaths.


10 hours ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

Now I just see it clearly, the difference between me and everyone else who has accomplished anything worthwhile is that they have experienced love, I have not, how could one remedy that ? 

It is not easy, the reality is that the human interactions we have experienced in life condition us. When you see that your human scheme is so deficient, the only way out is the transcendent way, the opening to the energy that flows from reality, from yourself. The problem is that if you have lacked human love, you cannot avoid looking for human love, but it is never enough. Most humans, to a greater or lesser extent, are there and deceive themselves by telling themselves that they are satisfied. We are all addicted to love, which often translates into being addicted to drugs, work or whatever. It is the engine that drives us.

The true mystic is not driven, he is still, but who gets there? It is difficult. But punctual openings can make life much more satisfactory. Even if you feel the sting of lack, you know that it is a filtered, deceptive interpretation, a mirage that moves humanity forward through suffering. The more openness you achieve, the better. You don't have to be a Buddha and live in paradise, sometimes seeing it is enough, then you return to the battlefield, like everyone else.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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