5-D - L O V E

How to experience the love that is the gift of god in the world

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And just working on the small wins, having faith, and doing the work no matter what doesn't work either for me, because I have done too much, I've given too much of myself into everything (whether it's spiritual work, purpoose, relationships, ...) , and now I just feel hollow inside, I need some sort of external miracle, how do people go about pulling those of out of nowhere ?

I believe it is grace, divine grace is the only thing that could save me, but I have always felt being denied that, I know that by law of mirroring/attraction logic, me being negative about it wouldn't bring about a positive outcome, but even when I was geniuenly positive I didn't have positive outcomes... hence me believing that life doesn't work for me, and me talking about a feeling of ontological betrayal

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The love people seek in this world means to give them a dream upgrade.

Real love is let's both get out of here alive so we don't have to do all this again.

You are here for only this reason.

You can only bring love, you can not find love.

Love is to stop seeing people as bodies, to realize your real eyes

and acknowledge those around you as your one ticket back to base.

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@5-D - L O V E Surrender away everything every moment of every day and desire will never come your way.

In the state of total surrender that brings eternal bliss which makes total surrender easier to achieve  when in total eternal bliss.

Forgive and forget is the key to starting this journey. You must forgive yourself completely every time. We want to stay away from matter.

This carries a profound paradox—surrendering everything dissolves desire, yet in total surrender, bliss emerges, making surrender effortless.

It's a cycle of ease rather than effort. Forgiveness becomes the gateway, and forgetting—the release from identification—allows for transcendence.

To surrender everything, even the desire to surrender, is where the flow of life becomes absolute. No resistance, no grasping, just being.

To surrender all, even the very idea of surrender, is to become the infinite unfolding of life, where bliss is not an achievement, but the natural state.

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@gettoefl I like the dream upgrade analogy, it's on point

The thing is, that is what I'm desiring, not only in the romatic escapades sense, but in a broader sense, I would love to travel, to achieve some of my artistic dreams and to be desired, those are my main obssessions, and yes I realize this can be far from true godly love which is all that is, inclusive of all states


But why is it that some people have some sort of secret way to achieve all they want in life, and they are encouraged by people around them to do so, while other are pushed towards leaving it all ?


Why does the world still values and rewards charisma and personality more than soul ?


I don't believe in the ticket back to base proposition the way you framed it because if detachment was the point, then why come here in the first place ? and why is it that almost no one displays godly love in the sense you alluded to, almost everyone is selfish, it's just that some people have more tact and finesse when going about things

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@Mannyb I get the hardest backlashes whenever I choose forgiveness, it's like certain parts of my psyche only come up stronger and more resentful whenever I choose to forgive, it's like "how dare you"


I wish I could just do it, and have it be permanent, but at this point it's almost counter productive, it's like not forgiving is better because everytime I forgive I only grow darker... 

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@5-D - L O V E

YESSS! This is it! Every backlash, every pushback—pure gold!

Life saying, ‘Here’s your next level of freedom!’

How fun is that?! Breathe it in, love it, dance with it!

Nothing is wrong—EVERYTHING is opening!

Laugh, feel the rush, let it all be GREAT NOW!

You’re not stuck, you’re EXPANDING!

And ohhh, what a ride!!! 🚀💫✨

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1 hour ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

@gettoefl I like the dream upgrade analogy, it's on point

The thing is, that is what I'm desiring, not only in the romatic escapades sense, but in a broader sense, I would love to travel, to achieve some of my artistic dreams and to be desired, those are my main obssessions, and yes I realize this can be far from true godly love which is all that is, inclusive of all states


But why is it that some people have some sort of secret way to achieve all they want in life, and they are encouraged by people around them to do so, while other are pushed towards leaving it all ?


Why does the world still values and rewards charisma and personality more than soul ?


I don't believe in the ticket back to base proposition the way you framed it because if detachment was the point, then why come here in the first place ? and why is it that almost no one displays godly love in the sense you alluded to, almost everyone is selfish, it's just that some people have more tact and finesse when going about things

An important awakening required is that death doesn't exist. When this happens, you won't sing from the rooftops. The world around will slowly but surely start disappearing. Ego keeps you far away from exposure to such experiences and wants you to dismiss them as idle nonsense. Ego is smart and cunning and devoted to keeping the dream alive. Once you depart its clutches, then love can have meaning for the first time. You will be able to exude as a pure vessel of love and light. All the while, you can certainly enjoy the dream and do all kinds of fun stuff. I myself am a starry eyed joyful  vagabond on a multi-year world tour indulging my whims. Good things fall into your lap when you align with good news.

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@5-D - L O V E you cant give yourself to stuff. All you can do is pretend to give yourself away. Everytime you pretend to give a part of yourself away you assign it to an object and say that thing makes me feel this way and i am giving this emotion to it. You can still feel the emotion you have as you cant give parts of yourself away you are just saying this object makes me feel this way. Thats all bullshit. Thats why you feel like shit cause you have pretended to give yourself away to stuff and left yourself with no emotion or only negative emotion. The good emotion is still there and you didn't give it to anyone or anything you just assigned it to that specific thing.

You need to do shadow work. Sit alone and remeber all your memories and reclaim any emotions you have attached to them. Watch cartoons you watched when you were a child and feel what emotions they are attached too. Feel what your body feels and say thats me and I am taking it back.

Edited by Hojo

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18 hours ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

what can I do ? 

Find something that you love on this side of the psychedelic curtain.

I really mean it: Find something that you love! There has to be something.

If it's psychedelics, have you thought about starting some project by which you can share your love with others? Or it's something else entirely. The important point is sharing it with others!

I feel you also need physical touch and the warmth of another human — physically as well as psychologically and especially emotionally! Work on that, too. This could be a therapist.

You're not alone, believe me. I know a lot of those thoughts and feelings. The difference is that I have a why that makes me able to bear this burden. I have found something that I love (which is my music). It could be something completely different for you, but I know that it is my divine duty to bring the music in me into this world, because that is, what she needs the most.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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@gettoefl What makes you believe that I haven't awakened to the fact of the self being immortal ? 


My problem is quite the opposite from almost what everyone is assuming about me in this post, I have gone for the light, no one that I personally know of has brought as much love and light to themselves and their surroundings, but instead of life opening up for me, I got the opposite of that, things closed of, and in retrospect I feel like I got punished for it, and now I just feel empty, bitter and resentful and I don't know how to repair this kind of damage, YES it feels THAT fucked up! more than I can ever express

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@vibv fun fact, music is my purpose too, and I am supposed to be working on a record... and I do love music, but the feelings and thoughts I wake up to everyday seem to overpower my love for everything including life itself, let alone any project I could do


Sharing what I was passionate about with others is one of the reasons I find myself in this place to begin with...


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12 hours ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

I believe it is grace, divine grace is the only thing that could save me. 

That’s sort of in the right direction. One needs the right practice and grace and sincerity. The right practice is watching desire, although the entire book could be written about it because there's a lot to unpack there. Grace can come in many forms. You can find someone who lives in that frequency of love and it would assist you to elevate yourself to that state also. Or the assistance of grace could come from certain books that are inspirited with that energy. Or maybe through temples etc. Sincerity is on you. Nobody can give that to you. All three are needed to succeed. If you're serious about this I can share in pm the material, the right practices and the grace that helped me attune to that brilliant light of God's desire within each soul and experience love as a permanent companion. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus I may sound confused and conflicted by saying this, and yes I am

But I don't believe in most things that are being proposed here (sorry) 

Not rejecting the validity of what anyone is proposing, but rather that none of the solutions proposed seem to address my specific situation, I don't think that anyone quite grasps what I'm dealing with, and it's partly my poor conveing of it all

As much as I want to find the love of god, I want a solution that deals with everything in one fell swoop, 

Expressions such as "God's love" or "serving one's ego" or "shadow integration" are quite vague, here's where I'm coming at all this from

I'm big on comparaison, there's this one thing I see almost everyone pull of except me (which just boggles me... but let's not go there)

This specific thing is that anyone who puts out a desire or an intention into the universe gets a manifestation of said desire, no matter how spiritual they are, in this sense life just seems to work for "everyone", and the fundamental reason that everyone is overlooking and cannot grasp and which is taken for granted is that almost all people have a basic layer of self love, no matter it's source or how thin it is

I have never had that, I could have done more spiritual work and more self help work, more shadow work... than anyone in here and it wouldn't show for that simple reason, I don't fundamentally love myself

So the kind of grace I'm looking for is its own agenda, I'm not going for the big pie (god's love), or rather I want the universe to show me that it cares about my ego like it seems to do with everyone else 


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If anyone in here had a similar experience to what I'm reffering to you would understand the abyssmal depth that heartbreak could take, and that with such scares, most people (if not all) wouldn't even want to continue living, and to be honest, I don't either, I'm just aware that there's nowhere to go, and that if I overcome this I may be one of the strogest and most rezilient people to have ever lived, but that isn't a motivation (no matter how much I try to recontexutualize this situation) 

I have an immense sense of faith, but I don't see that faith working for me

I know I sound crude, bitter, raw and completely dysfunctional, which is the case, I also have positive and functional sides, but I'd rather be true than try to paint a false picture, this is also who I am

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Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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9 hours ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

@gettoefl What makes you believe that I haven't awakened to the fact of the self being immortal ? 


My problem is quite the opposite from almost what everyone is assuming about me in this post, I have gone for the light, no one that I personally know of has brought as much love and light to themselves and their surroundings, but instead of life opening up for me, I got the opposite of that, things closed of, and in retrospect I feel like I got punished for it, and now I just feel empty, bitter and resentful and I don't know how to repair this kind of damage, YES it feels THAT fucked up! more than I can ever express

You designed all this for your own express needs and development.


God, ever practical in His wisdom, allows your carefully-designed dreams and uses them as means for waking. For you they are a means to remain asleep. The first change, before dreams disappear, is that your dreams of misery are changed to happy dreams. For that God uses all your relationships. He does not destroy them, nor snatch them away. He uses them differently, as a tool to make His purpose real for you. The relationships remain, no longer a source of anguish and guilt, but as a source of joy and freedom. And they will not be for you alone, for therein lay their misery. As their unholiness kept them all separate, their holiness is now an offering to everyone.

Your relationships are now a means for undoing the guilt in everyone touched through them. It thus will be a beautiful dream, and one which you will share with all who come within your sight. Through it, the blessing God has laid upon it extends far and wide. Think not that He has forgotten anyone in the purpose He has given you. And think not that He has forgotten you to whom He gave the gift. He uses everyone who turns to Him as the sure means for the awakening of everyone. And He looks to waken everyone through you who gave your relationships to Him.

Let not the dream take hold to close your eyes any longer. It is not strange that dreams can make a world that is unreal. It is the wish to make it that is incredible. Your relationships have now become ones in which the wish has been removed, because its purpose has been changed from one of dreams to one of truth. You are not sure of this because you think it may be this that is still part of the dream. You are so used to choosing among dreams you do not see that you have made, at last, the choice between the truth and all illusions.

God is here. This is no dream. Its leaving means that you have chosen truth, and it has gone because you have been willing to let your relationships meet the conditions of perfect forgiveness. In its place God has gently laid the real world; the world of happy dreams, from which awaking will be so easy and so natural. For as your sleeping and your waking dreams represent the same wishes in your mind, so do the real world and the truth of God join hands with the Will of God. The dream of waking is easily transferred to its reality. For this new dream reflects your will joined with the Will of God. And what this Will would have accomplished has never not been done.



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9 hours ago, 5-D - L O V E said:

Sharing what I was passionate about with others is one of the reasons I find myself in this place to begin with...

What do you mean by that?


If anyone in here had a similar experience to what I'm reffering to you would understand the abyssmal depth that heartbreak could take, and that with such scares, most people (if not all) wouldn't even want to continue living, and to be honest, I don't either, I'm just aware that there's nowhere to go, and that if I overcome this I may be one of the strogest and most rezilient people to have ever lived, but that isn't a motivation (no matter how much I try to recontexutualize this situation) 

I do know what you're talking about, believe me or not.


I know I sound crude, bitter, raw and completely dysfunctional, which is the case, I also have positive and functional sides, but I'd rather be true than try to paint a false picture, this is also who I am

It's good that you're open, but you don't live in truth — but that's okay.

It seems you're holding your suffering a little too dear. What would happen if you'd just lose it all of a sudden? Are you even ready to let it go if you could?

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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34 minutes ago, vibv said:

What do you mean by that?

There was a period where I was way more functional, optimistic and aligned with truth, but I still felt alone, so I put aside my own goals to make connections, find people, or share what I found valuable with the ones that were already in my life, and I got zero support, worse than that I was just brought down in many ways, and the joke of the situation is that those same people used the inspiration I brought to up their lives while I stayed behind


40 minutes ago, vibv said:

It seems you're holding your suffering a little too dear. What would happen if you'd just lose it all of a sudden? Are you even ready to let it go if you could?

I am ready to let it go, it is it which seems to be clinging to me, I had moments where I just let go of everything, I've had profound cathartic moments of release and forgiveness, I set my intentions on new beginnings more times than I could recall, but the pain and regret just seem to always come back, I have yet to find a definitive solution


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All that happens is utter perfection

all that is bar unsound interpretation

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@gettoefl That becomes glaringly obvious when I transcend my ego on psychedelics, it happens to me in regular states too, but the sadness aspects of my life seem to hold more weight than any insight or realization I get, even god realization

It boggles my mind whenever I see people talking about their 5Meo experiences on youtube and saying how much of a shift that has on their lives, some peoplle get that with other psychedelics, others even with various other spiritual practices, whatever they may be...

I have been there, I consider myself having gone deeper than most people, yet due to where I come from I can't seem to reap the benifits of said experiences, I know this screams ego and lack of integration, but I beg to differ, I wish I could explain my situation with words.. It's just like having an insight into god, it can't be conveyed, so goes for what I'm struggling with and trying to point out


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