
Killing vs Sexual Violence: why is one more acceptable?

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The whole thing is one giant immature clusterfuck of psychological retardation and mass emotional reactivity.

Edited by Aaron p

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14 hours ago, Aaron p said:

So my first observation is that we have a broken system. Quite clearly. In the UK it's safe to assume that many (probably most) of these are published and the UK names and shames people, the outlets also freely fabricate additional facts that the "perpetrators" can do nothing about...if they contact the outlets the outlets just report again.

It is a tricky situation but there are many things that could ruin your life that are more likely to occur. You are unlikely to be falsely accused of rape in the first place. Counter-intuitively, by stigmatizing false accusations you risk discouraging vulnerable people from reporting real sexual crimes.

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1 hour ago, Basman said:

It is a tricky situation but there are many things that could ruin your life that are more likely to occur. You are unlikely to be falsely accused of rape in the first place.

I am less concerned with how likely it is to happen to me, than I am with the fact that is does happen to many.

In fact, pointing to the unlikelihood of me having to experience it personally as a means by which to try end the debate (not our conversation but the debate at large) is only congruent with my previous statement that this is all simply being swept under the rug. Tens of thousands of innocent men (hundreds of thousands if not millions at a global scale, according to the stats) are being named publicly as having been investigated for rape. This naming alone is devastating, as previously mentioned. I don't want to come across to heavy here but saying "it'll probably not happen to you, don't think about it." Is kind of literally the definition of sweeping it under the rug...

1 hour ago, Basman said:

Counter-intuitively, by stigmatizing false accusations you risk discouraging vulnerable people from reporting real sexual crimes.

Well first of all let me correct the phrasology of this statement. I think it's slightly more accurate and phrasologically coherent to say " focusing too much on false accusations, you risk discouraging vulnerable people from reporting real sexual crimes." Because...they happen. They exist, they are real. And becoming more frequent. A lot more frequent.

But yes This is very very true and probably one of the primary reasons why more action hasn't been taken thus far. And the reality is that particularly females have been undermined and treated terribly for thousands of years and that this has gone unquestioned. My estimate is that everything that is happening in this region is essentially a mass energetic reaction to many many years of bigotry, violence and sexism against women. 

On this point we agree. However there are laws that put a lot of effort into ensuring that misinformation is limited and simple objective reporting of facts is maintained. And so I'm not suggesting that we focus too much on the tens of thousands of false allegations destroying men's lives, I'm simply saying that we report on the false allegations as frequently as they occur...just like how we do with what we assume are legit cases. Simple objective reporting on facts.

Of course then identifying which ones are false in which ones are legit is very difficult given the fact that 97% of cases don't result in convictions... But bro just open your eyes, there is virtually no one standing up and making any effort at all to try and correct any aspect of this devastating area of criminal justice as it continues to destroy. 

And like I also mentioned even people who do break the law...a growing number of those people have been coerced themselves. Lots of victims of sexual or psychological abuse become perpetrators. Tarring all perps with the same brush, and even using words like perpetrators, is sending the wrong message. Actually stigmatising perpetrators actually increases recidivism rates according to studies. 

There are many things that need to be changed in this area. I don't claim to have all the answers, but i have eyes and I have ears and a reasonable degree of cognitive functionality and critical thinking ability. This area is seriously unintelligent and fucked up. Just wait till it's your family who get falsely accused of being rapists or paedophiles... you'll think, damn...that guy on actualized...I think I need his help now.


Like think about this logically...with so much effort being put into punishing socially unskilled people as heavily as physically and psychologically possible...and making them out to be rapists and creeps and degenerates and spreading that shit for all their families and lifelong friends to see...such that everyone abandons them and they are completely psychologically isolated and we expect this to somehow help them reintegrate? Does this result in the decrease or increase of angry, isolated perpetrators...


The likes of Holland for example has methods, when dealing with serious and less serious crime, that are much more intelligent than that of the UK and US. Holland prioritises education, liberty, compassion, understanding, firmness and actual rehabilitation. UK and US seem to have many leaders who display low levels of intelligence. 

Edited by Aaron p

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6 hours ago, Aaron p said:

I am less concerned with how likely it is to happen to me, than I am with the fact that is does happen to many.

In fact, pointing to the unlikelihood of me having to experience it personally as a means by which to try end the debate (not our conversation but the debate at large) is only congruent with my previous statement that this is all simply being swept under the rug. Tens of thousands of innocent men (hundreds of thousands if not millions at a global scale, according to the stats) are being named publicly as having been investigated for rape. This naming alone is devastating, as previously mentioned. I don't want to come across to heavy here but saying "it'll probably not happen to you, don't think about it." Is kind of literally the definition of sweeping it under the rug...

I don't like that it is a thing and I think it is unfair when it does happen but it is not as big of a deal as it tends to be portrayed as. Arguably, it is a symptom of society taking women more serious, as false allegations are nothing new. The problem is that there is no neat solution that I can see at least that also doesn't undermine real rape victims, which by far outnumber the amount of false allegations levied.

If there is a viable solution then by all means but don't get all doomer over it, is what I'm saying. We can eat the cost as a society.

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3 hours ago, Basman said:

it is not as big of a deal as it tends to be portrayed as

This is false. I have already been privately contacted and deeply thanked for some of these instrumental insights. You don't understand the calibre of psychological damage. Research suggests that the likelihood for a male to commit suicide after having been accused of sexual misconduct can be 300% more likely.

3 hours ago, Basman said:

Arguably, it is a symptom of society taking women more serious, as false allegations are nothing new.

This is true.

3 hours ago, Basman said:

The problem is that there is no neat solution that I can see at least that also doesn't undermine real rape victims, which by far outnumber the amount of false allegations levied.

This is true. Although there are obvious adjustments that could be made. There for sure already have been some but nowhere near enough. Also because society leans heavily onto stigmatised words like rape or sexual assault...even when the reality of what happens is often very minute in contrast to situations that contain actual extreme violence or assault. 

3 hours ago, Basman said:

We can eat the cost as a society.

Yeah, except we don't eat the cost as a society. Most people in society who are intelligent and empathetic see the situation, feel reasonably bad about it for an hour and forget about it the following day when the individuals, guilty or innocent, are permanently destroyed. Even when they are able to recover a bit or even in rare cases when they are extremely strong like Tyson, there is always a part of that person who will stay destroyed. I know it might not look like it...but trust me, they are destroyed. 

I have had many conversations (past and present) with people, innocent and guilty...from the oblivious teenager to real the deal. I've done my homework. The young ones especially...who are forced to live as pedos and rapists ...16, 18, 20 year olds who don't understand. Even some children who police have to deal with. Trust me, they would take physical torture instead of this if it were an alternative.

But I digress... ultimately it's hard to really do much about this, but I'm willing to shine some consciousness on this typically highly over-simplified topic. Some seriously need it. I have no doubt that if these words were spread nationwide it would significantly improve the devastated minds of many a young man I have already been informed has happened just yesterday.

Edited by Aaron p

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sexual violence is better because at the end of the day its just sex

having sex vs death by bullet


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