
Are islamic practices like prayer and fasting in ramadan, legit spiritual practices ?

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Are islamic practices like prayer, fasting in ramadan and dhikr, legitimate spirtual practices to reach higher and altered states of consciousness, and deep insights ? 

Edited by Majed

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Why not?

Aren't all these practices practiced in all other religions as well?

Praying, fasting and mantras?

They're the same everywhere so they're legit for sure.

Although fasting need not be only abstinence from food for the belly you can also do it with your words and do a silence fasting or with your thoughts or with anything you might need fasting from.

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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Yes the goal is to become nothing and godlike that means no eating no drinking no thinking. The spiritual practices include all of these. Once you do these you will become closer to God.

Edited by Hojo

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It can be if that's what's gonna make you feel spiritual.  But at some point you gotta just "enlighten up". Everything is a spiritual practice. Truth & God are not exclusive to Islam. A piece of horse shit is a full God into itself.

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Sufism get you to non dual states. It leads you to stages similar to end goal of budhism



Fana fi illah = anhilation in god

Baqa = immortality

Edited by Ramanujan

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43 minutes ago, Someone here said:

A piece of horse shit is a full God into itself.


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I think it's more to empathize with people who don't have food due to poverty or unfortunate circumstances 

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I can't speak for Islamic traditions specifically but all religions have practices that are genuinely healing and spiritual. Like confession in Christianity is kind of therapy.

Be careful of religious dogma arresting your mind in group think and dogmatism however.

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As legit as going to the toilet or the mall imo.

Everything could be “spiritual”

If everything is god or whatever then how could you get further or closer to that?

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14 hours ago, Majed said:

Are islamic practices like prayer, fasting in ramadan and dhikr, legitimate spirtual practices to reach higher and altered states of consciousness, and deep insights ? 

Why don't you try it and tell us? 

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