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Savouring, On Board The Synchronicity Train

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Leo's new insight about savouring the present moment was awesome. I'm sure he won't need as much time management when his time is truly enjoyed. This matched what I had just re-learned in a positive psychology workshop, and what I've known since reading the Power of Now (why it's always the first book I recommend). Also, I've noticed the more I am able to savour life's current moments, the more I'm able to hold on, and stay aboard what I call "The Synchronicity Train". I go through phases, when I'm on board, everything in life flows, even if something negative happens the solution presents it's self miraculously, or you bump into just the right person at the right moment, etc...on and on like that, like perfect links in the chain of life...but I always fall off this's difficult not to get distracted...

Some techniques for savouring use mindful morsels of food, slowly appreciated. I find personally, I best savour Nature, certain experiences, (and dark It's hard to savour *everything*...For example: is Leo's video editing *savour worthy* because of the final result...or, is there a way to make tedious things awesome? I know there is...I've done a ridiculous line up where I can get the bitter/ impatient folks around me laughing and having fun together instead...but how would you do this holistically in life...I have so much gratitude...but perhaps not enough yet...other techniques or ideas?


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