
"Today the United States launched a trade war against Canada" - Trudeau

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The question is: why? What does he expect to achieve with it? The fentanyl thing is an excuse, there is very little volume from Canada. What is he trying to do by doing this? The answer that he is retarded and does it out of ego, I don't know, it's not possible for him to be so stupid, or is it? must have hidden reasons, some kind of strategy. But what? I don't know.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Hysterical anti-Trumpers?

That framing is its already delusional gaslighting.

Anyone with half a brain can see that Trump should not be within a 1000 miles of any position of power. And this was obvious since 2015.

It's the people calling people hysterical anti-Trumpers who have always been part of the problem.

It should not take 10 years to realize that Trump is an ignorant scumbag.


Fat camp and mental hospital would be a more appropriate place, followed by an elderly retirement home.

Some say prison but that might be harsh.

Edited by Mannyb

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

The question is: why? What does he expect to achieve with it? The fentanyl thing is an excuse, there is very little volume from Canada. What is he trying to do by doing this? The answer that he is retarded and does it out of ego, I don't know, it's not possible for him to be so stupid, or is it? must have hidden reasons, some kind of strategy. But what? I don't know.

Collective American ego backlash due to 40 years of neoliberal economics.

“Life has gotten hard and mean because we thought the benevolent billionaires would make us all rich; when that didn’t happen we decided to bully Canada and Denmark instead :(:(

That’s all this is. Trump is a manifestation of the stupidity of America’s collective psyche. It won’t work forever though; eventually the truth with set fire to all of his bullshit. 

Edited by Apparition of Jack

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

The question is: why? What does he expect to achieve with it? The fentanyl thing is an excuse, there is very little volume from Canada. What is he trying to do by doing this? The answer that he is retarded and does it out of ego, I don't know, it's not possible for him to be so stupid, or is it? must have hidden reasons, some kind of strategy. But what? I don't know.

Maybe it's to serve Putin. Maybe his plan is to do as much damage to the US as possible. 

If Trump was Putin's bitch, Putin would probably have him do exactly what he's doing. Break ties with all our allies to ruin our reputation and make us weaker. Take a wrecking ball to as many institutions as possible. Fire anyone with integrity and make sure to have as many corrupt lackeys in place as possible. 

I suppose it could have something to do with a shady scheme he's going to make billions from by shorting the market or something like that. He's not a systems thinker and has no understanding of economics, so he isn't doing this because he has thought it through and believes it will benefit America. That's obvious. So the only two options I see are Russian asset or an illegal scheme to enrich himself. 

Edited by Joshe

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Hysterical anti-Trumpers?

That framing is its already delusional gaslighting.

Anyone with half a brain can see that Trump should not be within a 1000 miles of any position of power. And this was obvious since 2015.

It's the people calling people hysterical anti-Trumpers who have always been part of the problem.

It should not take 10 years to realize that Trump is an ignorant scumbag.

My sense is that the Post I linked is using strategic steelmanning / a Motte-and-bailey reversal, in order to reach people who are incapable of arriving at this incredibly fucking obvious point otherwise. I don't have a problem with offering an olive branch to conservatives to dump America's Hitler, if that's a building blocking in saving us from fascism.

(I've shouting from the rooftops about the Orange Shit Stain for the better part of a decade, and I hate that I've consistently been proven correct).

But otherwise I completely agree with your point.

Edited by DocWatts

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Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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It’s wild when you think how instrumental Fox News probably was in getting Donald elected.


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35 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

My sense is that the Post I linked is using strategic steelmanning / a Motte-and-bailey reversal, in order to reach people who are incapable of arriving at this incredibly fucking obvious point otherwise. I don't have a problem with offering an olive branch to conservatives to dump America's Hitler, if that's a building blocking in saving us from fascism.

(I've shouting from the rooftops about the Orange Shit Stain for the better part of a decade, and I hate that I've consistently been proven correct).

But otherwise I completely agree with your point.

Yeah, that's my assessment and position as well. 

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

The question is: why? What does he expect to achieve with it? The fentanyl thing is an excuse, there is very little volume from Canada. What is he trying to do by doing this? The answer that he is retarded and does it out of ego, I don't know, it's not possible for him to be so stupid, or is it? must have hidden reasons, some kind of strategy. But what? I don't know.

He wants Our Resources and he wants to cement his legacy by Adding Canada to the Land Mass of the United States, this will make him unforgettable.. All of the switching back and forth on Tariffs and first saying its about Fentanyl, then about Trade Deficits and other things is just a confusion tactic, while he's doing this, ppl are asking what Your asking, WHY, Why is he doing this, what is it all about, What and Why questions, this makes the opponent distracted, they should rather be thinking and acting to gain a solution... With the tariffs we can fuck him bad when we stop buying anything American, and we tariff him back, its happened already he's renegging on Auto Tariffs for a month as he knows he would be screwed with tons of American getting laided off, here too, if he goes thru with it...

He's not a lacky of Putin, that is one of the dumbest things, why would he?? He's out for himself and his legacy and more power... 

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People must keep in mind that these people on the internet could be a bot. They are using it to make you feel like people are more delusional and angry then they are. There is a big problem with people saying opinions online that dont match reality. Each time you believe its a real person and react your mind will stretch into that direction that the population is losing it when it could be a bot.

Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

He's not a lacky of Putin, that is one of the dumbest things, why would he?? He's out for himself and his legacy and more power... 

He could have made a deal with Putin or Putin could have dirt on him. Most of his actions seem to serve Putin's agenda while being detrimental to America, and I know he's not ideological and I know he doesn't care about the health of the US, so he's not doing it out of misguided benevolence. And I don't think strong-arming Canada into becoming the 51st state bodes well for a legacy. He would be seen as an evil POS, not some great uniter.

There are only so many reasons why a president would self-inflict this much economic turmoil on his country... and all the virtuous reasons can probably safely be removed from the list given the character in question. Legacy might be a good contender but I just don't buy it. 

Edited by Joshe

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4 minutes ago, Joshe said:

He could have made a deal with Putin or Putin could have dirt on him. Most of his actions seem to serve Putin's agenda while being detrimental to America, and I know he's not ideological and I know he doesn't care about the health of the US, so he's not doing it out of misguided benevolence. And I don't think strong-arming Canada into becoming the 51st state bodes well for a legacy. He would be seen as an evil POS, not some great uniter. 

In his first term he was accused of most everything, if Putin had dirt on him it wouldn't matter, the media put all the dirt out on him and he became president again, so that is null and void, he's too big headed narcissistic to be a lacky of Putin, he's the President of the most powerful country in the world, so it makes no sense for him to be controlled by someone else...

I think if he were able to annex Canada, and some here would not mind it, me included, in 100yrs he would be remember and maybe praised for it, but I cannot predict that far ahead accurately.. For sure the majority here in Canada are against the idea but the is just an identity problem, they keep on saying we are so culturally and economically linked to America but he idea of becoming a part of America is not wanted, I don't get this logic... I was brought up on American TV, culture and ideologies, and we luv'd travelling to American whenever we could, so now as an Adult I don't get the push back, other than its an Identity problem...

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2 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

he's the President of the most powerful country in the world, so it makes no sense for him to be controlled by someone else

I think you lack imagination. There's no telling the amount and degree of dirty shit Trump has been involved in. We're talking about an international con artist whose been playing the game for decades. Russia is in the business of compromising people and he would have been an easy mark to compromise. Again, I'm not saying this is the case, I'm just saying it shouldn't be discarded. 

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9 minutes ago, Joshe said:

I think you lack imagination. There's no telling the amount and degree of dirty shit Trump has been involved in. We're talking about an international con artist whose been playing the game for decades. Russia is in the business of compromising people and he would have been an easy mark to compromise. Again, I'm not saying this is the case, I'm just saying it shouldn't be discarded. 

I think the problem today with that sort of stuff is the ability to actually prove it, with deep fakes and AI anyone can be duplicated on video and voice recording and such, just the other day there was an AD on instagram with Wayne Gretzky, it was a promotion for an investment strategy, I swear it was just like Wayne, but it was an AI deepfake, so even if Putin had some shit on Trump, he could always use that as an escape goat...and I really don't think this is the case, I think he is showing the world that this is the way he treats his allies, then what is he going to do to everyone else sort of trip, just plays into his power control game and things of this nature...

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26 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

so even if Putin had some shit on Trump, he could always use that as an escape goat

Good point about the deep fakes. Video evidence wouldn't be compelling enough these days. It's probably more likely that they're in cahoots rather than Trump is just an obedient asset. But also, Putin may have put the fear of God into Trump decades ago, and in that case, might still exist in his psychology, even though he is now POTUS, but this is all getting too speculative now.

Bottom line is, when an action gets taken, ask yourself, who benefits? It seems most of Trump's positions/actions align with and please Putin. Putin hates NATO. Trump's hatred of NATO is unprecedented for US presidents. Trump blames Ukraine for the war, Russia loves Trump, on and on and on. Why?

"U.S. intelligence officials have expressed apprehension regarding Trump's perceived subservience to Putin, with some suggesting he may have been manipulated by Moscow"

I just wouldn't write it off as a possibility. 

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3 hours ago, DocWatts said:

a Motte-and-bailey reversal

That's too big-brain for me.


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It is true that Trump is an egomaniac and a cheater but what he does usually has a reason, and in this case there doesn't seem to be one. disconcerting seems to be the only one. surely in the end he will not make the tariffs. Maybe he's crazy, maybe it's a strategy, for now we don't know.

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The only possibility is that Trump has done this with the idea of achieving some benefit, using his well-known Arab market bargaining tactics to pressure and gain "respect." His manners are childish, crude, rude and stupid, and he looks like a clown. But all this is irrelevant, what is relevant is the results. If the US economy improves in the next few years, and there are no wars, Trump is good, even if he is in diapers and poops himself and then throws it at Trudeau in the face in a debate. If the economy worsens or there is war because of his actions, Trump is bad.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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18 hours ago, Joshe said:

Bottom line is, when an action gets taken, ask yourself, who benefits? It seems most of Trump's positions/actions align with and please Putin. Putin hates NATO. Trump's hatred of NATO is unprecedented for US presidents. Trump blames Ukraine for the war, Russia loves Trump, on and on and on. Why?

Imo it's most likely he's working for Russia for some reason, because as you say if he was a Russian asset he'd pretty much be doing the same things he's doing now. 

However, I think another possibility could be he wants to look like a hero and sort out all these problems in the world and make America a great country, but he's just very dumb and doesn't understand how complicated these issues actually are. If you line that up with how he dealt with Zel, he got annoyed because he wanted to be the one stop this war as he promised but Zel was not playing ball and he knew what Putin needed to stop it. The tarifs line up with this as well because they are easy to implement and don't need to voted in or anything. He doesn't seem to understand them and could genuinely believe that he's taxing foreign countries and will make money from it. Same with Musk cutting every department. Trump wants to be a saviour. 

It could also be a mix of both so he could have done a deal aligning with Russia and believing that that would give him even more power. But tbh anything could be true at this point. 

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