
Sensitive As A Mothafucka

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mindfulnesss has helped me see how sensitive i am like if my family subtly attacks my ego i get affected emotionallly i say family cuz ther the only ones clos enough to me to feel comfortable insultin my ego but howcan ibecom less sensitive to it like im really aware of it and i kno awareness is supposeed to be curative but im not cured im still really sensitive how can i stop bein affected by harsh judgements and insults? they constantly trigger negative emotion when it occurs and ireally want to get to the point wher anyone can attack my ego and im indifrrent to it. please if anyone has advice id love some!

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Well, what you can possibly do is: 
- Trying to master your emotions / control them.
Leo has a video about it. Your emotions are created by the form you see the things.
Its like Situation > A filter of interpretation > Emotion.
Some people usually don't feel affected 'cause the way they see the situation is different.
"Master yourself, master the enemy"

Another thing you can do is:
-Simply stop giving a fuck, giving two fucks, giving a damn fucking fuck about what they say to you (in a sense that it affects and triggers you emotionally, somethings is hard to admit that those people are right but sometimes they are, so be aware).

Hope it helps.

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I'm in the same boat as you. The more mindful you become, the more action you need to take. What has been helping me lately is practicing the labeling technique, as you go about your day just be labeling your sensations, feel, hear, see, etc. Especially when your having negative thoughts, just label it and savior the sensation. This has been helping me greatly. Hope this helps!

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The very wanting to stop it makes it go away. You have a child that is crying for being constantly insulted inside of you. On top of that, you come and say: SHUT UP!!! :D

Look into Byron Katie's work or Noah Elkrief on youtube.

Nobody is doing ANYTHING to you. Your emotional wounds are being triggered and will continue to be triggered until you actively heal them (compassion and acceptance is the key here)



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