New world versus old world mindset

3 posts in this topic

Do you think there is a big difference between people from America versus Europe?

I recently met some new American friends and there are huge differences. These guys were the American dream in flesh and I’m talking about the mindset of entrepreneurship, open mindedness and friendliness. 

Europeans tend to be more closed off, and some other ugly attributes which I won’t mention because I don’t want to start a hissy fit. 

Mind you that I was born and I live in Europe. And I do like it here. Especially the prosperity and social security. In the US if you are a baller you don’t have to worry about this while if you are poor you will be doing better in the EU. 

So do you guys experienced huge difference in the mindset of Europeans vis-à-vis Americans? Obviously it is just about experiences although I think some generalizations can be made. Please no butt hurt and judging. Just sharing. 

Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences because in conflict the first casualty is the truth. 

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I’ve heard this repeated to me my whole life. I don’t buy it.

Americans are arrogant af. What they claim is a “culture of ambition” I call entitlement, selfishness, bullying and wilful ignorance.

Americans seem to be ambitious in everything other than helping their fellow man. You’re more rewarded there for being a devil who fucks over countless lives in the pursuit of profit than a conscious humanitarian who aims to uplift humanity. Of course this is true for most of the world, but Americans dial it up to 11.

Get back to me when Americans “strive” to create sustainable energy, a universal health system, a renewed investment in democracy and a bunch of cool, pro-humanitarian projects (social AI? Space exploration? etc.)

Until then, I’ll ignore them for the sinking ship they are.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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Americans are pretty much the most vile, selfish and delusional out of all developed nations.

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