
Why does islam have such impossible to follow rules around sexuality ?

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I am trying to follow islamic teachings, but their rules about sexuality are too rigid. Like how are you supposed to sexually satisfy yourself if you're not married? Since masturbation and pornography are unallowed ? i am trying to do ramadan, but like the hardest part isn't food or water, but sexual desires and today i watched pornography. I don't want to quit islam because it is too central in my family and society, but i want a solution with the sexuality problem. 

Their solution is ludicrous like self control and keeping yourself busy with salat and dhikr, however where is the line between discipline and unnecessary torture ? Biological stuff like eating, going to the toilet, sleeping and jerking off cannot be negated, like the only way to transcend those needs is to kill yourself physically. Otherwise as long as you have your body, you'll have them. So why put such ridiculous rules around sexuality in islam, when it is a beautiful and important tradition, especially in its mystical dimensions ? 

Edited by Majed

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LOL just stop following bullshit religions. You can still pretend you are a muslim in front of your family or people who are rigid muslims, and plan your escape from that society if you have to

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I don't get why you need to follow the religion. If you want to for the cultural or deep seated conditioning reasons even then you don't need to follow every thing. You can use your own mind right? Even consciously practicing religion in a nice way will create an identity which isn't healthy in a long run.


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1 hour ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

You can still pretend you are a muslim in front of your family or people who are rigid muslim

They only get sus about my faith when It's Ramadan and I'm not observing fasting otherwise I'm a good actorxD

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There’s probably a bunch of things the average Muslim isn’t following strictly , or haven’t even heard of because they haven’t read the holy scripture. You can be religious and follow a religion to a degree, doesn’t have to be every little thing, because that would rule out most Muslims probably. A lot of it is up for interpretation too.

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You are still complaining, if you can't stand Islam stop being a Muslim.
Also Islam is right about not sleeping with just anyone.

Sex is not a need it is a leisure activity.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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You should also understand religion as you see it in your lifespan. It's a more crude way of survival.

If you're going to follow Islam or any other religion, you should understand that you'll pay a price.

Luckily, in this century, it is possible to construct your life by yourself, although not in all places.

Edited by Nemra

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Islam is an Ideology. Ideologies are limiting.  Think for yourself. Think from scratch. Use information for thinking not acting. Act on your original thinking.

Authenticity, consciousness, Understanding, Learning, Art, Mastery

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They are just guidelines. Nobody can follow any ideology 100%. The people who judge the most are usually the most wicked. 

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences because in conflict the first casualty is the truth. 

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35 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Sex is not a need it is a leisure activity.

Tell that to dudes in prison. 

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5 hours ago, Majed said:

I am trying to follow islamic teachings, but their rules about sexuality are too rigid. Like how are you supposed to sexually satisfy yourself if you're not married? Since masturbation and pornography are unallowed ? i am trying to do ramadan, but like the hardest part isn't food or water, but sexual desires and today i watched pornography. I don't want to quit islam because it is too central in my family and society, but i want a solution with the sexuality problem. 

Their solution is ludicrous like self control and keeping yourself busy with salat and dhikr, however where is the line between discipline and unnecessary torture ? Biological stuff like eating, going to the toilet, sleeping and jerking off cannot be negated, like the only way to transcend those needs is to kill yourself physically. Otherwise as long as you have your body, you'll have them. So why put such ridiculous rules around sexuality in islam, when it is a beautiful and important tradition, especially in its mystical dimensions ? 

What about Sufism? What does it teach different from the widely recognized Islam?

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4 hours ago, Sandhu said:

They only get sus about my faith when It's Ramadan and I'm not observing fasting otherwise I'm a good actorxD

Ridicilous. Such a random thing to be disciplined about during a period of some random month. LOL

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Live a life that resonate with your higher self not arbitrary rules.

Religion can be of great benefit but don’t use it at the expense of who you truly are. 

Edited by Moon

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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I feel you brother.

It's okay.

God knows we're needy creatures.

He has created us after all.

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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13 hours ago, Moon said:

Live a life that resonate with your higher self not arbitrary rules.

Religion can be of great benefit but don’t use it at the expense of who you truly are. 

Does higher self even exists ? 🤔

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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11 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Does higher self even exists ? 🤔

If you are referring to the illusion then the higher self is probably as real as the lower self.

Intuitive guidance towards certain passions, lifestyles and paths as well as synchronicities stem from the higher self, which is more in tune with infinite intelligence. The more the human self evolves and gets rid of inauthentic conditioning and desires, the closer it is to being its highest self. 

There are certain practices you can do to experience truly being the higher self in the moment such as light body activation, as your higher self is materially less dense but denser in terms of light. Others may also experience such a state as a spinning “vortex”. It is a part of you that still cares about your human experience but also lives in a state of pure love, joy and peace- so also more in tune with source.



Edited by Moon

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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On 05/03/2025 at 10:56 PM, Moon said:

If you are referring to the illusion then the higher self is probably as real as the lower self.

Intuitive guidance towards certain passions, lifestyles and paths as well as synchronicities stem from the higher self, which is more in tune with infinite intelligence. The more the human self evolves and gets rid of inauthentic conditioning and desires, the closer it is to being its highest self. 

There are certain practices you can do to experience truly being the higher self in the moment such as light body activation, as your higher self is materially less dense but denser in terms of light. Others may also experience such a state as a spinning “vortex”. It is a part of you that still cares about your human experience but also lives in a state of pure love, joy and peace- so also more in tune with source.



You're right, I said that because I can see how I can actually play characters of profoundly different natures.

But from a certain point it's hard to know if the difference in pleasure in playing the characters is vertical/quantitative (so towards a higher self) or simply horizontal/qualitative.

I think that if I want as much love as possible I'll end up being a monk lol or even directly mahasamadhi; My ego doesn't want that at all but I mean, objectively.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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