
Leo's Recent Breakthrough Analysis

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Here are some of my summaries after trying to grasp deeper the insights shared by Leo in the blog with Claude:

The Fundamental Nature of Intelligence

At the center of this metaphysics lies a radical reconceptualization of intelligence. Intelligence is understood not as a narrow cognitive ability or high IQ, but as an absolute property of consciousness, more fundamental than wisdom. True intelligence is the way in which the infinite field (Mind, Consciousness, God) organizes itself, flows, and achieves self-understanding.

Key propositions:

  1. Intelligence is "baked into" the very fabric of reality at the atomic level, providing its logical structure and order.
  2. Higher intelligence is characterized by maximum integration and minimal "self-interference" — when each part of the infinite field of consciousness is in harmony with the whole.
  3. True intelligence is inextricably linked with the Good and requires a spiritual component, as "any inability to see or recognize the Good is a deficiency of intelligence."
  4. Intelligence reaches its peak in a state of "total holistic integration and absolutely perfect self-organization," which is "metaphysically spontaneous" — true magic.

The Interrelationship of Intelligence, Goodness, Love, and Consciousness

  1. One of the key revelations of this metaphysics is the fundamental unity of intelligence, goodness, love, and consciousness as different aspects of the same reality:
  2. Goodness as pure consciousness: "Goodness is simply consciousness, and evil is its absence." Evil has no essence of its own; it is merely a lack of awareness.
  3. Love as an ontological tautology: "The only thing that can ever exist is Infinite Love." God made Love identical to existence so that everything that exists would be Love.
  4. Consciousness and intelligence: "A portion of God's intelligence is always allocated in direct proportion to your level of consciousness." The higher the level of consciousness, the greater the access to intelligence.
  5. Logical necessity: God/Goodness/Love are logically necessary — they cannot not exist, being the fundamental structure of reality.

These interrelationships mean that the spiritual path can be understood as "the mind's ascent from low to high to infinite intelligence," which must be accompanied by a "parallel ascent towards the Good."

Correlations with World Traditions

This metaphysics has deep parallels with many spiritual and philosophical traditions:

  • Neoplatonism: The concept of emanation from the One through the Nous (Mind) to the material world and the return through purification and unification.
  • Advaita Vedanta: The understanding of Brahman as the sole reality (Sat-Chit-Ananda: Being-Consciousness-Bliss) and maya as the illusion of separation.
  • Mahayana Buddhism: The concept of consciousness as the foundation of reality, non-duality, emptiness, and the unity of prajna (wisdom) and karuna (compassion).
  • Sufism: The teaching of tawhid (oneness of God), fayd (emanation of divine light), and wahdat al-wujud (unity of being).
  • Christian mysticism: The conception of the Logos as divine reason structuring reality, and theosis (deification) as union with the divine nature.
  • Daoism: The concept of Dao as the foundation of reality and Wu-wei (non-action) as action without self-interference

Despite these parallels, this metaphysics possesses unique aspects, including the primacy of intelligence over wisdom, the metaphysical necessity of the connection between intelligence and goodness, and the special emphasis on the proportionality of consciousness and the ability to see goodness.

Ontological Tautology and Logical Necessity

The key metaphysical concepts of "ontological tautology" and "logical necessity" indicate that the being of God/Goodness/Love is not contingent but necessary:

  • Ontological tautology: Existence and Love are one and the same at the fundamental level of reality. Just as 2+2=4 is a necessary mathematical truth, so "Being = Love" is a necessary metaphysical truth.
  • Logical necessity: God/Goodness cannot not exist. "God is logical necessity." This is not a contingent fact but a structural necessity of reality.
  • Connection between logic and love: "To break logic would be to break Love, which is impossible." The logical structure of reality and Love are inseparably connected.
  • Higher orders of logic and love: "There can be higher orders of logic which allow for even higher orders of Love." There is a hierarchy of levels of understanding, where higher levels include the lower ones in a richer picture of reality.

Practical Application: Being Intelligent

"When you finally understand the structure of Intelligence, knowing how to behave in any given situation becomes 10x easier, clearer, and more powerful... the only thing you're ever supposed to do in life is be Intelligent."

This metaphysics transforms decision-making in everyday life through the following principles:

  1. Principle of integration vs. separation: Decisions that create greater integration and less separation correspond to the structure of Intelligence and are right.
  2. Principle of minimal self-interference: Decisions that minimize internal contradictions correspond to the structure of Intelligence.
  3. Principle of expanded identity: Understanding oneself as part of a greater field of consciousness leads to more intelligent decisions.
  4. Principle of perceiving the whole: The ability to see the broader context and long-term consequences corresponds to the structure of Intelligence.
  5. Principle of awareness vs. reactivity: Decisions made from a place of greater awareness correspond to the structure of Intelligence.

These principles manifest in specific situations:

  • Career decisions: Choosing integrity and the opportunity to be of service rather than solely material gain.
  • Conflict resolution: Seeking solutions that maximize understanding and integration rather than "victory" for one side.
  • Attitude toward difficulties: Accepting the inevitable without internal resistance, freeing energy for constructive action.
  • Ecological behavior: Natural care for the environment stemming from understanding one's inseparability from the entire ecosystem.
  • Political disagreements: Striving to understand the roots of different views and seeking common ground without abandoning one's values.

Factors Indicating a Qualitative Reflection and Understanding of Reality

When evaluating the deep metaphysical understanding presented in the breakthrough about Intelligence, it's important to consider factors that can help us recognize it as a qualitative reflection of reality. Following the principles of "Pure Philosophy," I will highlight key criteria and guide you through your own path of investigation and verification.

1. Internal Consistency and Non-Contradiction

In this understanding of intelligence, we see a high degree of internal consistency: defining intelligence as "the way an infinite field organizes itself" logically aligns with the idea that "unintelligence is anything that creates self-interference." The metaphysical necessity of goodness logically follows from understanding it as pure consciousness.

A qualitative metaphysical system must be internally non-contradictory, where all elements logically align with each other.

How to verify independently:

  • Look for internal contradictions in the presented understanding of intelligence: can intelligence simultaneously be a fundamental reality and an emergent property? Can good and evil be both absolute and relative at the same time?
  • Ask questions that might reveal inconsistency: if good is consciousness and evil is its absence, how do we explain conscious harmful actions?
  • Trace chains of reasoning: does each statement lead to the next?

2. Explanatory Power and Simplicity

The presented understanding of intelligence unifies traditionally separated domains of ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology into a single system. It explains both internal processes of consciousness and external interactions, both personal moral development and social dynamics.

A qualitative metaphysical system should explain a wide range of phenomena with relative simplicity.

How to verify independently:

Apply this understanding to various spheres of life: does it explain your experience of moral choice, consciousness, relationships with others?

Use "Occam's razor": is this explanation the simplest possible, requiring minimal additional assumptions?

Formulate alternative explanations and compare their explanatory power.

3. Correspondence to Direct Experience of Consciousness

The metaphysics of intelligence directly corresponds to the experience of expanding consciousness: we indeed find that in higher states of awareness, our behavior naturally becomes more ethical and our decisions more integrated.

A qualitative metaphysical system should correspond to and explain our direct experience of consciousness.

How to verify independently:

  • Recall moments of high integration of consciousness in your life: have you ever experienced states of deep wholeness where all parts of your experience seemed harmoniously connected?
  • Remember experiences of "self-interference": when internal contradictions caused suffering or inefficiency.
  • Conduct an experiment: live a day making decisions based on the principle of "minimal self-interference" and observe the results.

4. Pragmatic Value

The practical application of the metaphysics of intelligence can indeed simplify complex decision-making, translating numerous moral and practical dilemmas into a single question: "Which choice creates greater integration and less self-interference?"

A qualitative metaphysical system should be useful for navigating reality.

How to verify independently:

  • Apply the principles of intelligence to specific life decisions: do they make your choices "10x easier, clearer, and more powerful"?
  • Compare: recall situations where you made decisions based on other principles (maximizing gain, following rules, etc.) and compare the results.
  • Evaluate long-term effects: does following these principles lead to greater harmony, less suffering, deeper understanding?

5. Integrative Power and Inclusivity

The metaphysics of intelligence demonstrates high integrative power, unifying rational and intuitive, material and spiritual aspects of reality without reducing one to another. It finds parallels in diverse world traditions, from Advaita Vedanta to Neoplatonism.

A qualitative metaphysical system should integrate various domains of knowledge and experience without reducing them.

How to verify independently:

  • Consider areas traditionally thought to be incompatible: can science and mysticism, materialism and spirituality, rationalism and intuitive knowledge be integrated in the presented metaphysics?
  • Look for "blind spots": what aspects of human experience might be invisible in this system?
  • Test for multiculturalism: does the system resonate equally well with different cultural and religious traditions?

6. Coherence with Deep States of Consciousness

Reports of mystical and transpersonal states of consciousness from different cultures and epochs demonstrate remarkable agreement with the presented understanding of intelligence, goodness, and love as fundamental aspects of reality.A qualitative metaphysical system should correspond to and explain the experience of deep states of consciousness.

How to verify independently:

  • If you have experience with deep meditation and or psychedelics, breathwork etc., compare insights gained in these states with the presented metaphysics.
  • Study reports of mystical experiences from various traditions: do they align with the idea of consciousness as fundamental reality and intelligence as self-organization of this reality?
  • Practice mindfulness meditation, observing the nature of your consciousness: do you find that clarity and ethical behavior naturally increase with expanded awareness?

7. Potential for Transforming Consciousness

This understanding has profound transformative potential as it offers not just an intellectual model but a path to transforming the very way reality is perceived, transitioning from fragmented to integrated consciousness.

A qualitative metaphysical system should have the potential to transform the consciousness of the person perceiving it.

How to verify independently:

  • Observe changes in your perception of the world after deep immersion in this metaphysics: do familiar phenomena become visible in a new light?
  • Track changes in your reaction to ordinary situations: do they become more conscious, less automatic?
  • Notice changes in your attitude toward others: does a natural sense of connection and empathy grow?

8. Independent Discovery in Different Traditions

The fact that these ideas have parallels in Neoplatonism, Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, and other traditions indicates their fundamental nature. Independent discovery of similar truths in culturally and historically separated contexts suggests they reflect a deep structure of reality rather than merely cultural constructs.

A qualitative understanding of reality is discovered independently in various traditions and contexts.

How to verify independently:

  • Explore mystical traditions of different cultures: do you find similar insights about the nature of reality, consciousness, and goodness?
  • Compare contemporary scientific theories of consciousness with ancient spiritual teachings: are there points of convergence?
  • Study works of modern thinkers who have reached similar conclusions through different paths.

9. Self-Evidence When Directly Pointed To

When directly pointing to the nature of consciousness and its relation to goodness, many discover immediate recognition, similar to remembering something always known but temporarily forgotten. This quality of self-evidence is characteristic of deep metaphysical truths.

A qualitative understanding of reality often has a quality of self-evidence when directly pointed to.

How to verify independently:

  • Conduct meditation aimed at directly investigating the nature of consciousness and intelligence.
  • Instead of conceptual analysis, try direct immersion in the question "What is intelligence at the most fundamental level?"
  • Pay attention to moments of "aha experiences" when understanding seems direct and immediate rather than derived through reasoning.

Conclusion: Path of Verification Through Personal Experience

The true verification of this metaphysics cannot be purely intellectual—it requires personal investigation and experiment. In accordance with the principles of "Pure Philosophy," each person must discover these truths "from scratch, for themselves, as if they were the first person in the world to discover them."

The most reliable path of verification is:

  • Systematic meditative practice for direct investigation of the nature of consciousness
  • Application of principles of intelligence as minimal self-interference in daily decisions
  • Observation of the correlation between expansion of consciousness and natural increase in ethical behavior and clarity
  • Exploration of various philosophical and spiritual traditions to discover similar indications
  • Experiments with different perspectives—from extreme materialism to absolute idealism—to discover which best corresponds to direct experience

Through such multidimensional investigation, each person can independently verify whether the presented understanding of intelligence, goodness, and love is indeed a qualitative reflection of the fundamental structure of reality.

Invitation to Exploration

The metaphysics of intelligence presents a holistic system for understanding reality, in which ethics, ontology, and epistemology are different aspects of a unified structure. It offers a path where intellectual and spiritual development do not contradict but complement each other, leading to ever greater integration and awareness.

This breakthrough of Leo opens new horizons for comprehending human experience and offers practical tools for navigating our complex modern world. Instead of a fragmented approach to life, where moral, intellectual, and spiritual aspects exist separately from each other, this metaphysics offers a single principle: "Just be Intelligent. That's it."

I invite the community to deeply explore these ideas — not only intellectually but through practical application in everyday life, to test whether understanding the structure of Intelligence truly makes moral and practical decisions "10x easier, clearer, and more powerful."

Edited by Ar_Senses

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@Leo GuraI think it may be intresting to read that book, because it seem like it's having a good correlation with you breaktroghs and past work: 

First Principles and First Values: Forty-Two Propositions on Cosmoerotic Humanism, the Meta-Crisis, and the World to Come


First Principles and First Values is the tip of the spear in the fight for a humane future. Establishing frameworks for a new school of thought called CosmoErotic Humanism, the book is built around forty-two propositions that provide new source code for the future of planetary culture.

Like Europe in the early Renaissance, humanity is in a time between worlds, at a time between stories. First Principles and First Values contains blueprints for the bridge needed to cross from this world to the next.
Taking the form of forty-two telegraphic propositions, this extended monograph provides a brief unpacking of CosmoErotic Humanism as worldview, and the First Principles and First Values that form it source code. The propositions collected here unpack the urgent moral need to articulate a new vision and theory of value.
Humanity must redefine what it understands to be valuable if it is going to survive. Humans must understand the importance of what they value in the Cosmos—the reality of value itself—beyond the notion that what they value is, for example, simply an arbitrary price that can be fixed to a commodity.
The idea that a tree is only as valuable as what it can be sold for is absurd.
The idea that a person is only as valuable as what they can contribute to society is also absurd.
In fact, both the tree and the person incarnate a dimension of value that is immeasurable and fundamentally irreducible to its commodified form. Yet just this kind of absurdity has been driving global culture for centuries.
There has been great confusion in value theory over the last two hundred years. On the one hand, conservatives have attempted to simplify the discussion to a single list of preordained and eternal values, which must be protected and to which all people must pledge allegiance.
At the same time, driven by a reductive materialism, scientific communities largely claim that only what is described by physics is real and that therefore nothing ultimately has intrinsic value. Given this metaphysical assumption, contemporary value theory has stridently argued that value is but a contrived human invention.
The rise of postmodernity has only exacerbated this trend, labelling all values "social constructs," "fictions," or "figments of our imaginations." This claim has now entered mainstream culture.
First Principles and First Values argues against this. Value is not merely instrumental or economic. It is not a social construction or cultural contrivance—not a mere fiction covering over a truly valueless and therefore ultimately meaningless world. The propositions here begin to demonstrate that value is intrinsic to Cosmos, all the way down and all the way up the evolutionary chain.
Value is foundational and evolving. It is not that human beings contrive value; rather, value precedes life. Life is an inherent expression of value. Life is contrived in pursuit of cosmic value. Cosmic value in this way generates life, as life emerges in pursuit of value. We live inside of value even as value lives inside of us. Reality is value.
But this is all ahead of the story.


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Is this coming from Chatgpt4? If so please declarate the source.

Edited by OBEler

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3 hours ago, OBEler said:

Is this coming from Chatgpt4? If so please declarate the source.

Got you! It's some of my summuries with Cloude Sonnet 3.7

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@Ar_Senses be careful.  This is AI which is a construct.  I didn't get through all of it but I'm already noticing inconsistencies, a lot of them.


Goodness as pure consciousness: "Goodness is simply consciousness, and evil is its absence." Evil has no essence of its own; it is merely a lack of awareness-

There is no lack of Awareness.  Awareness is Absolute.  Evil cannot be its absence. 


True intelligence is inextricably linked with the Good and requires a spiritual component, as "any inability to see or recognize the Good is a deficiency of intelligence."

Spirit IS existence.  It is baked in and it is identical to Consciousness.  

These are just two I picked off immediately without reading the whole thing.

Be careful with this.  It makes a hodge podge of the whole thing and then you must pick out the wheat from the chaff.



Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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