Asia P

I want to become an ascetic monk

15 posts in this topic

I want to become an ascetic monk because my ego suffers to much and i think i d rather prefere change my life rarically, and leave my home and my friends, rather than feeling a little bit good when life goes the way i want, and suffer the rest of the time. (I usually feel happy, but when i do feel bad it really sucks) 

If i do become a monk i ll have less distractions and less ways to be attached to my ego and to the people around me. (When i know someone that wants to build a solid relationship with me i might become attached to that deep friendship that i ve made with them, and it is not easy to let go for me)

Is there a way to become an ascetic monk inside my mind, while continue living this life that i have?

At the moment i m actually trying to become like that. I only eat raw and healty food, i dont use social media to distract myself, i spend most of my time reading books, painting, listening to music and being outside in nature. I want to find joy in simple things like eating almonds and watching the sunrise. But i feel like i have to go a step forward to find real peace. Am i deluding myself? Maybe.

I have friends that i love, but i cant manage to be with them without being attached to them. Because i really do enjoy sharing my day, and the things that i like to do with someone, sometimes. (Like chris mcandless said "happiness is real only when it is shared")

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3 minutes ago, Asia P said:

I want to become an ascetic monk because my ego suffers to much and i think i d rather prefere change my life rarically, and leave my home and my friends, rather than feeling a little bit good when life goes the way i want, and suffer the rest of the time. (I usually feel happy, but when i do feel bad it really sucks) 

If i do become a monk i ll have less distractions and less ways to be attached to my ego and to the people around me. (When i know someone that wants to build a solid relationship with me i might become attached to that deep friendship that i ve made with them, and it is not easy to let go for me)

Is there a way to become an ascetic monk inside my mind, while continue living this life that i have?

At the moment i m actually trying to become like that. I only eat raw and healty food, i dont use social media to distract myself, i spend most of my time reading books, painting, listening to music and being outside in nature. I want to find joy in simple things like eating almonds and watching the sunrise. But i feel like i have to go a step forward to find real peace. Am i deluding myself? Maybe.

I have friends that i love, but i cant manage to be with them without being attached to them. Because i really do enjoy sharing my day, and the things that i like to do with someone, sometimes. (Like chris mcandless said "happiness is real only when it is shared")

Hi, of course you do what you want it's your life, that said as the other would say if you tighten the rope too much it breaks, but otherwise there is no music; Siddartha the Buddha found nothing in asceticism.

Personally I don't want to play at losing my life before losing it virtually; I like comfort, food, sex, having friendly and romantic relationships, practicing any activities etc and if I am led to lose what I am attached to (because the evolution of karma, the wheel of samsara all that ...) well I will pay the bill.
In fact from where I look asceticism essentially resembles often if not most of the time an aesthetic posture under which hides a roundabout and repressed way of obtaining power, Nietzsche is the one who speaks about it best in his own words; There are several points of view to approach the same phenomenon.

I am not interested in avoiding suffering.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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just consider maybe it will make you miserable... i live a very reclusive lifestyle and sometimes it can be tough u can do what i do sorta keep your life as is just cut out all the external shit i dont have friends i can still socialize at work talk to people i just don't feel the need for friends or going out right now so i kinda force myself to be sorta monk like live mindfully be more minimalist and ive noticed that life even becomes more enjoyable when it comes from a place of just existing not doing anything as leo says in the satisfaction video. i just really wanna warn about "running off" cuz that can SERIOUSLY fuck up ur life i made a choice to run away with friends while i was on mushrooms, NOT a good idea LOL! i really am afraid of others who might put themsleves into situations they may regret... if ur gonna exist may as well be comfortable just go minimalist crazy shit is not always needed, but those people are out there too

Edited by funkychunkymonkey

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I want to live inside an addiction clinic without WiFi or contact with the outside world (except one day a week).

I want some pay as well.

I have lived in a clinic for more than a year, and if you are really commited, the ascetic life is really worth it.

good luck ;) 

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@Santiago Ram dude... ive trhought about that... i lowkey LOVED the psych ward i could just fucking meditate all day!!!

i would choose a psych ward over an addiction center they make u do stuff in those places but i just sit in my room until i have a meeting with the doctor... it kinda is a load off ur chest feels very easy like the perfect place to go insane!!! xD  

Edited by funkychunkymonkey

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What you seem to want more specifically is the ability to be detached. So that’s like the main thing you’ve identified from the ascetic monks mindset that you wanna adopt. So focus on that one. Sometimes just staying away from the things and people we are attached to forces us to eventually let go of the attachment, but you said you wanna remain the lifestyle you have, so that might not be an option. Observe your mind when it acts in attached way that is one step, it’s hard to be neutral observer but it’s possible 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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6 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

What you seem to want more specifically is the ability to be detached. 

This is actually true 

Thank you.

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8 hours ago, funkychunkymonkey said:

lowkey LOVED the psych ward

Lol I tried to get into a psyc ward just to see what it was like. Told them I'd been to other dimensions but they fucking refused me



Edited by Aaron p

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Yes you can do that and become a committed meditator. Then everything bad will fall away and everything good will fall into place. The false you doesn't stand a chance since awakening will be inevitable. 

The simpler the meditation the more powerful. You just sit and watch. You get to know the real you and laugh at the false you. The longer the better. Build up slowly and gently and don't let the false you compare itself to others. Let the real you guide you and that's all you need.

Edited by gettoefl

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@Asia P
If i understand correcly You feel like your attachement to poeple distract you from spiritual practice.
So, consider these points:

- To dissolve an attachment, You don't necassarely need to separate yourself physically from the object of a attachment.
   You can enjoy the company of other poeple and cherish their presence without being too dependent on their existence.
   There is nothing wrong in havong a good time with poeple. You can cut of the attachment without cutting of the object of attachment.

- A Monk stilll has to deal with other poeple. Still has survival survival needs. Still needs to contribute with manual labour and study.
  You won't spend all day on the cushion meditating anyway. Being a Ascetic is even harder mundane work because you are supposedly alone.

- Only remove your self from a situation when it is superfluous or is damaging you in a serious way. Not when it brings Joy.

18 hours ago, Asia P said:

Is there a way to become an ascetic monk inside my mind, while continue living this life that i have?

So the answer is ultimately yes.
Spend time with your loved ones, work/study, and then practice. Actively on your free time, and passively through the day.
Then here and there throughout the year, if you can, take a break from everything, rent a room and do mini-retreats.


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The thing is that humans form attachments to others because it’s literally wired into us. There are things though that could make the attachment tendency worse and stronger such as any insecurity within yourself (could cause avoidant attachment too but that’s still a form of attachment which can come with idealizing someone for example) so if you work on your eventual insecurities it could help. Also the mind in general is such it forms attachments it’s really hard to rewire that tendency but I believe it’s possible if you really want it, gotta get to the root of what’s causing your attachments. Also some degree of attachment can be acceptable for example missing someone when they’re not there doesn’t have to be unhealthy or much of a hindrance in life

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Difference between false self and true self in terms of attachment is to to do with the entering and the exiting.

When exiting for the day say, the false self requires results: what did I get out of this, how were my needs met, how did these people help me. 

When entering for the day say, the true self aligns with the highest good: Let me bring holiness, healing, harmony to every encounter today.

False self doesn't care how it gets into any situation and only cares what it gets out of it. True self doesn't analyse what happened. That need not and in fact can not be understood. All it looks for is a feeling of peace which means it succeeded in doing what it set out to do.

This is how you detach.

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@Asia P Sorry to say but suffering will always be there in life. The only thing you can do is reduce it because eliminating it is impossible and backfires.

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