
How to keep high consciousness?

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I guess I would count myself as "being drawn to/ addicted to" high states of consciousness, which spontaneously occur here and there. However, there seems to be little control over how deep and long such chains of states remain. (Of course with psychedelics you would be able to "force" deep states effectively - but also then you never know what you get). 

And because I just really love to delve in the avalanches of insights, ideas, connections, infinity and "getting that I'm God" I conversely loath to get "kicked out of it". 

Sometimes there is really a aggressive element to it. For example: I could be dreaming and contemplating into novel states of consciousness with ease and efficiency, just to get knocked out of it, by a new shuffle of music in the background. And then its hard or impossible to get into the stream again. And because you can't control it, it can be gone for the remaining of the day. 

Its like waking up from a super exciting dream where you were about to have sex with your crush, only to lose it to your alarm clock.

So my question would be, if some of you have noticed a development in keeping such states for longer and longer. Just like we have incremental progress in keeping a nuclear fusion state. What would be the tool to have progress here?

Let me know..

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How will I lose consciousness? By returning to any egoic thought such as, I need I want I resent I plan I must etc.

Enter each moment with an anything-can-happen attitude.

I am not in charge here; I am but a vessel for good to unfold; I have no agenda in this and I take no credit nor analyse anything that happens.

What happens matters not, except that I see and know it is good and right since it wasn't my doing.

Actions are unimportant; the only thing real is loving thoughts and pure intentions and all else is simply ego.

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That's because you're not in control and there's no such thing as high consciousness for the person. It isn't yours. It appears as a concept and disappears. You're trying to grasp it and hold unto it, it cannot be owned and claimed. Just like happiness and sadness, they come and go, appear and disappear. Life cannot be held unto. THERE'S NOTHING TO KEEP. That's just me energy trying to hold on for dear life. Life is free and spontaneous. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Vynce Make Peacefulness Your Baseline, get rid of "What about Me", have a Space Experientially created btwn what is You and not You (Body/Mind), then You will not go down again, no up and down consciousness levels, only up wards then...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Posted (edited)

I'm going to guess you are touching something in the mind. Like a dream the second you aren't lucid and try to do something in a dream you wake up or get kicked out. Its like a super subtle identity. I would suggest when it happens to focus deeply on what you just did to lose it.

Like imagine your conciousness as a pool of water and you are about to get fucked. You get excited that its going to happen, oops you knocked the pool of water and the dream is gone now. What did I do? I started to identify and 'moved'.

Not sure how to stop it besides letting go more of yourself. Conciouness is like 1 trillion pixels that can leave and come back very fast. Move in any direction and create complex patterns and shapes instantly. Leaving states of dreams is like blowing the dream away by acknowledging you are there and want to do something.

Even in dreams if you aren't deep they can get weird and you can wake yourself by simply saying I do not like this. The answer is you are still there and you are waking yourself up. Why? 

Edited by Hojo

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5 hours ago, gettoefl said:

How will I lose consciousness? By returning to any egoic thought such as, I need I want I resent I plan I must etc.

Enter each moment with an anything-can-happen attitude.

I am not in charge here; I am but a vessel for good to unfold; I have no agenda in this and I take no credit nor analyse anything that happens.

What happens matters not, except that I see and know it is good and right since it wasn't my doing.

Actions are unimportant; the only thing real is loving thoughts and pure intentions and all else is simply ego.

I’d say this „lay back and relax and observe without identity“ is just a part of good conscious exploration. 

Sometimes the miraculous stream of consciousness wants me to to something. Like singing, moving or laughing. Trying to hold back and observe would counter the dance of consciousness there. 

It’s super strange loopy sometimes. There is not clear cut where to observe or act when you are in it I’d say. 

But deep relaxation seems to be a fundamental ingredient in deep exploration of the mind. 

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@Vynce Each layer of categorization builds our theory of reality, each meta-layer builds the ladder to omniscience. That being said, all possible thought hinges on the intimate relationship between the self, perception and the space of identity that is created across their matrix. Categories, that upon deeper and greater differentiation, consciousness cannot help but expand and grow itself even further as its intelligence springs from what was previously its undifferentiated silence that now, higher consciousness has been birthed from. Goodluck.  

Edited by Letho

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Take modafinil. It worked for me for a couple of years but it seems everything I get these days is garbage. 

I gave some of my friends modafinil and it didn't do anything for them cognitively but it did a lot for me. Pattern recognition skyrocketed, spirituality was closer, and my passion for consciousness was amped up to 11. 

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I also want to add, that it is a new kind of skill to let go of states of consciousness that were reminiscent of your essence as God. Because naturally these states have a strong gravitational pull towards projecting every other event in sober life as some kind of signal from Gods intelligence. Which can be super taxing on your mental health, because your mind is constantly at high computational input/output, without rest. 

So letting go of these states and feeling comfortable in ones everyday human consciousness is a new kind of consciousness, which I value a lot. Also in others. 

It is a comfortable, stable and healthy human life that gives the high states of consciousness their next level of satisfaction. At least thats what I'm sensing at the moment.

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18 hours ago, Vynce said:

I’d say this „lay back and relax and observe without identity“ is just a part of good conscious exploration. 

Sometimes the miraculous stream of consciousness wants me to to something. Like singing, moving or laughing. Trying to hold back and observe would counter the dance of consciousness there. 

It’s super strange loopy sometimes. There is not clear cut where to observe or act when you are in it I’d say. 

But deep relaxation seems to be a fundamental ingredient in deep exploration of the mind. 

I was pointing to the place, where you do absent any you.

Edited by gettoefl

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23 hours ago, Vynce said:

It is a comfortable, stable and healthy human life that gives the high states of consciousness their next level of satisfaction. At least thats what I'm sensing at the moment.

Yeah, I agree. It's easy to become attached to it. It doesn't seem sustainable to stay in it indefinitely.

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Just put a smile on your face while the whole world turns to shit :)




Edited by Yimpa


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Start to make love with both high and low. You do not be high all the time. 


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To keep your consciousness high you'll have to make your consciousness wide.

Really contemplate what I said, a great secret has been revealed.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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That's an amazing way to put it.

@Vynce Try some kriya yoga, holotropic breathing, shamanic breathing. Put together a combination of meditative, pranayama exercises daily. The results are amazing and hope you give it go and get something out of it.

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The problem with consciousness work is that the mind inevitably loses all handles on everything. Or it at least takes a lot more effort. So with the mind melting, you can no longer hold in it's crystalline form (like snow). It becomes extremely fluid and natural so it can actually be hard to "keep" anything. I think mantras are good. 

Just recurring mental recitation of statements like "I am God " or "I am creating everything right now." Or one I like "I am immortal."

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