Stupid Mind Games from this Woman

22 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, integral said:

15 minutes is within the accepted range of uncertainty of scheduling events. I wouldn't even expect someone to text me about it.

There needs to be some bad history with this woman for you to be behaving like this.

This is what I was gonna say, even if you book a table at a restaurant and are late 15 mins it's within the accepted time for them to hold it for you. 

I actually think is was quite courteous to tell you an hour before so that you don't have to go and wait needlessly, this obviously shows care on her part. Then the blocking her is way over the top. I think what's happening which you won't accept of course, is that you've watched content around this and have put yourself as the 'prize' and set basically impossible standards on the women that you meet. The paradox is that in pretending to be confident and emulating what you think that looks like, you're actually coming across very insecure. So uli would suggest working on your inner game as a priority 

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Yeah we're definitely not getting the full picture here. What has she REALLY done to you in the past to make you react this way? Because, personally speaking, no one I know would respond to a 15mins late message like that.

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