Daniel Balan

COVID Killed My Erections

79 posts in this topic

kim anami has a sexual mastery course for men. it is very pricey but i really do believe her sex courses are life changing. i used to be asexual and for the first time a man made me orgasm! twice! he was not even the best looking man ive been in bed with.  you will regain your sexual vitality again trust me just stop believing you are doomed, be open to miracles!

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2 hours ago, integral said:

How often do you ejaculate a week?

Once a week, My GF has stopped giving me any kind of intimacy so it's when I masturbate. I don't really have time for that either because as I mentioned I have a job to go to and I rarely find myself alone at home, I live in a 12 square meters room with 4 other family members. 

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Thank you everyone for your kind words of support. I deeply thank each and every one of you. I'll try some of the things you guys recommended. I'll keep you updated every 6 months to tell you if I got any progress.

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17 hours ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Lol. Just LOL at most of your advice, people. I am probably not even abiding by one fourth of the advice you people suggested to this guy, and yet my boners are as strong and frequent as ever. Porn also had zero effect on it, so I don't know why yall keeping this nofap superstition alive

This guy has some sort of internal bodily damage and you're recommending him lifestyle changes and supplements, like come on. He should first and foremost get examined and scanned by a urologist specialist, seeing if and where he has the damage, then act accordingly (according to what the specialist advises him, that is)

Thank you for this response @NewKidOnTheBlock. You are completely right. I tried already everything that the majority of people recommended but nothing changed. I went to urologists but here in Romania the medical system is piss poor. All they do to me is send me to do expensive blood tests and when everything comes all right they prescribe me Cialis. I've been to four urologists until now and when I mention that it is covid related they say to go to psychologist maybe I have anxiety. I've been to the psychologist too, there I almost lost my temper because it charged me 50 dollars for 2 hours of asking me BS questions about my childhood. I make 20 dollars a day at my job and I had to pay 50 for 2 hours of asking me if my father abused me....... I gave up on urologists because here they just milk me dry of money whilst sending me to pharmacies to get milked even further. I will gather some money and I will go in a more developed country for medical help if I can't fix this on my own.

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@Daniel Balan you might want to investigate functional medicine. From my experience they give give you more thorough testing and evaluation

Edited by CuriousJames

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The biggest difference between me in 2020 and me now is that, before COVID, I could just picture a woman’s figure and within 15 seconds, I’d have a full-on erection. Now, no matter how much I focus on women sexually—whether I imagine their bodies or even visualize myself having sex with them—I can’t get hard, even if my life depended on it. My theory is that COVID completely wrecked the nervous system mechanisms that control erections. 

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I don't think it's going to be a nervous system damage because in that case ot would also affect other parts of your body and you would be much worse off, erections would be the least of your problems. It could be vascular damage related perhaps since blood supply is the most important thing in this case, either way you should get certain specific areas scanned to find out, get doppler ultrasound or something. General practitioners and regular urologists are obviously going to be kinda shit especially in your country, yeah, you need to go to some private practicioner's clinic

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The nervous system wouldn’t have to be damaged, just not being fueled correctly.

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@Daniel Balan Make sure you do some deep internet searches for people with the same condition as yours. Searching Reddit can be very helpful. People share things they've tried to give you ideas.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Daniel Balan I copy pasted your posts on this forum and pasted it into "Deep Research", its a really good AI agent by Open AI that scours through tons of sources online intelligently to deeply analyze a situation, as another mentioned on this forum. As Leo also suggested to search Reddit, I made sure the deep research included many sources from reddit. 

I went through a good amount of this response, and actually found some good answers. On a high level, what I understood is that a "combo" of solutions works for people, and this issue was somewhat quite prevalent. I wouldn't give up hope as there are many "combos of solutions" here that you can try. I'd do some research though on a specific solution to assess its safety first though. 

In this PDF attached there are many such combos. There's also potential causes, etc. It's a long document, but I believe its worth reading a good amount of it. 

I actually did read some cases on reddit here that solved it "80%" or "beat it" as in 100% from my understanding, so hopefully you can read through this, find solutions you haven't tried and implement them systematically. 

In one of Leo's videos he talks about requisite variety to solve a problem, you systematically try one solution after another. You become more creative than the problem itself. I believe that's how Leo discovered the carnivore diet after trying a lot of different solutions, which helped him a lot. (If I got that correctly) 

I hope this gets resolved. Don't give up hope. I recall finding a solution for a problem when I thought no solution existed. The solution existed, I just thought I tried it all. But I didn't. I'm sure there are solutions you can try. Wish you the best of luck.

PDF link

Edited by Jayson G
Previous link wasnt working

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Also I kindly ask everyone of you that if you ever come across some article about Covid related ED, to share it here on this post. I do my best to do thorough  research but this kind of information may still be yet to be released. Thank you everyone. 

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Very sorry to hear of your troubles with ED.

Apologies if this is awkward as I am a woman, and could not possibly comprehend your issues myself.

I wish to supply an anecdote:

My brother experienced something very similar himself, after having contracted Covid.

He also experienced ED following recovery.

It showed up roughly 3 weeks after his main symptoms cleared.

I believe it was early 2021 he contracted it, marking roughly 4 years since.

He has not made a full recovery, however he no longer has issues getting an erection.

I believe he now has residual issues maintaining hardness and reaching orgasm. 'I need to concentrate hard to keep an erection, and also to 'cross the line'

  • 1) His lungs are totally cooked after Covid - medical records show 'lung capacity of 98 year old'. He has asthma now
  • 2) He has had full blood panels a few times since, including thyroid + hormones. No issues - all levels including Test are in good range.
  • 3) No other conditions, decent diet (he hasn't attempted to address it with diet, pisses me off). Sleeps well. Runs regularly with me. Weight trains.
  • 4) He has been vaccinated twice with Pfizer 

Perhaps it could be a circulatory issue, as he has lung damage. No psychological issues.

He works in construction with me. There's a chance he could have lung damage from particulate matter. However the lung issues / asthma did show up suddenly.

His thyroid levels do move about, but this is genetic. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (as well as my grandmother), so we watch for that.

Hope this is of assistance ! <3




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I looked around at the different suggestions, and most of them seem king of boiler-plate responses to increase sexual function for someone who's dealing with ED that isn't Covid-originated.

The best advice that I saw seems to be around getting a scan to see what the root cause issue is... and also looking up information on Long Covid ED.

Now, I do have a suggestion that's from a slightly different angle to look at this from... because it's not about fixing or changing the situation.

But I find it useful and empowering when I find myself in deeply unwanted situations without clarity on how to change the situation, or even if the situation can be changed.

What I do is ask myself the following, "If I am the pure consciousness that creates reality and all of my experiences... and I assume that that consciousness is 100% trustworthy and benevolent... and that it is always working in the best interests of a greater trajectory of my/its' personal expansion, even in deeply unwanted situations... what is the function for this unwanted situation showing up in my life?"

It won't change the situation. But it will often provide deeper levels of understanding and new leverage points for personal expansion.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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ChatGPT Deep-Research Scanning Reddit


I'll look into Reddit discussions where people have shared their experiences with long COVID-related erectile dysfunction and the solutions they've found helpful. I'll gather their approaches, remedies, and any medical or lifestyle changes they mention. I'll update you once I have the information.

Long COVID-Related Erectile Dysfunction – Reddit Users’ Solutions

Many Reddit users who experienced erectile dysfunction (ED) due to long COVID have shared their remedies. Below is a summary of what helped them, including medications, lifestyle changes, supplements, and therapies. (These focus on long COVID-specific solutions rather than generic ED treatments.)

Medications & Medical Treatments

PDE5 Inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis) – Many long-haulers use these for symptom relief. For example, one user takes daily low-dose Cialis (5 mg) which “helps” with erections (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). Others said Viagra restored their ability to get a boner, but it didn’t fix the lost libido/desire (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). In short, pills can help you get an erection, but they won’t necessarily address the underlying long COVID issues (fatigue, low sex drive, etc.). On the upside, one person found staying on Cialis not only resolved their ED but even improved their brain fog over time (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Always consult a doctor for proper dosage.

Hormone Therapy (TRT) – Long COVID can disrupt hormones. Several men discovered their testosterone plunged after COVID (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Doctors in long COVID clinics often check hormone levels; one Redditor’s $896 blood panel showed normal results, but others had very low testosterone (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Some started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which “helped a bit” but was “no silver bullet” (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). Takeaway: Get a full hormone panel. If levels are off, treating that deficiency (with TRT or other endocrinologist guidance) can improve sexual function.

Targeting Microclots & Blood Flow – There is evidence COVID causes microvascular damage. One user in an Mt. Sinai trial found he had microclots impairing penile blood flow (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). His doctor put him on anticoagulants (Eliquis + aspirin) for nearly a year, until labs normalized (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). He also took fibrinolytic enzymes to dissolve clots and did hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) – together these brought him “essentially to baseline” and ultimately cured his ED (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Numbness in the groin was attributed to small-fiber neuropathy from poor circulation, which improved with these treatments (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). This suggests that addressing microcirculation issues (under medical supervision) can restore erectile function in long COVID.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) – Increasing oxygen supply to tissues can promote healing. Several long COVID sufferers tried HBOT (often alongside blood thinners) with great success. One rented a home HBOT chamber (1.3 ATA pressure) and did 200+ sessions, calling it his “top treatment” – he regained normal erections, and notes “studies show HBOT directly helps with ED” (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Another user’s anecdote explains HBOT likely works by pushing oxygen into tissues, clearing blockages, and stimulating new blood vessel growth (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). HBOT is expensive and typically off-label for ED, but some were able to access it via long COVID studies or out-of-pocket clinics. (If considering HBOT, do it under medical guidance – one commenter cautioned not to combine it with ED meds in your system, as that can be risky (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers).)

Anti-Inflammatory Therapy – Because long COVID involves chronic inflammation, some have tried anti-inflammatories to relieve ED. One Redditor “finally beat” his year-long ED by using a multi-faceted approach that included low-dose hydrocortisone (a corticosteroid) for several months (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). He reported this “helped tremendously” in restoring function (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). (Steroids can calm inflammation but carry side effects – only use if prescribed by a doctor). Others have experimented with prescription anti-histamines or mast cell stabilizers for long COVID inflammation (not directly cited for ED, but part of some users’ regimens). Reducing overall inflammation appears to correlate with improvement in sexual function.

Other Medical Advice – Some remedies are about uncovering hidden issues that COVID may worsen:

Check for Sleep Apnea & Heart Health: COVID can damage autonomic regulation, so conditions like sleep apnea or cardiovascular issues might emerge and contribute to ED. Users urge getting a sleep study if you snore or have low night oxygen, because “sleep apnea can wreak havoc...lack of oxygen is the problem” for erections (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Treating sleep apnea (CPAP, etc.) can markedly improve ED. Likewise, have a cardiologist evaluate you – long COVID can cause heart inflammation or endothelial dysfunction. One spouse noted her husband’s ED was severe post-COVID, and a reply suggested checking cholesterol and cardiovascular health as well (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction). Rule out any blockage or heart issue that could be fixed.

Nicotine Patches: Interestingly, nicotine patches (yes, the quit-smoking aid) helped some long COVID patients with neurological symptoms and libido. One user with anhedonia and no libido said nicotine patches “moved the needle a bit” for sexual interest (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Another explained they never smoked but started patches for long COVID after seeing case studies where patients improved; the theory is nicotine competes with the virus’s effects on acetylcholine receptors (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). In the ED context, a Redditor recommended giving nicotine patches a try (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). This is anecdotal and not a typical ED remedy, but it’s mentioned in the long COVID community.

Low-Dose Tadalafil for Brain Fog: A user (male mysteries) noted that continuing daily Cialis even after ED resolved significantly cleared his brain fog – an unexpected perk (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). This isn’t an ED treatment per se, but it highlights how improving blood flow (via meds like tadalafil) might help other long COVID symptoms too.

Supplements & Nutritional Support

Many long COVID ED sufferers turned to supplements to support blood flow, nerve health, and hormonal balance. Here are supplements users found helpful:

Nitric Oxide Boosters: Since ED often stems from poor circulation, several people tried supplements to increase nitric oxide:

L-Arginine and L-Citrulline – These amino acids are known vasodilators. A 42M long-hauler took arginine and citrulline daily (along with Cialis and other herbs) and said it helped (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). Another user started an over-the-counter nitric oxide supplement but didn’t see improvement until he tried other measures (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction) (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction). Overall, many include arginine/citrulline in their stack for potential benefits to blood flow.

Beet Root (Nitrates) – Beet supplements (high in nitrates) can also boost NO. One Redditor said “I had a good response with Beet Flow… noticed stronger erections” (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Beet Flow is a beetroot extract; by improving circulation naturally, it helped counter long COVID ED. (He did note single-dose Cialis gave him headaches, so he preferred the natural route) (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers).

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – Flush niacin (the form that causes a hot “flush” sensation) had a remarkable effect for at least one user. He “couldn’t get an erection… started niacin and started waking up with one in the morning”, a sign it was working (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). He took up to 1500 mg (500 mg is a good starting dose) and within a few days noticed improved blood flow and the return of morning wood (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Niacin is a vasodilator and may help break down small clots; this user now takes it daily as part of his long COVID regimen. (Be aware high-dose niacin can cause flushing and affect liver enzymes – use responsibly.)

Herbal Libido Enhancers: A number of traditional herbs were credited with restoring sexual function:

Maca Root – An adaptogenic herb known to boost libido and energy. One long COVID patient with “crushed” libido added Maca to his daily arginine/Cialis routine and found it helpful (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). Another who became “almost asexual” post-COVID started taking maca to see if it would spark his interest again (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Maca is safe for most and widely used for sexual wellness.

Horny Goat Weed & Cordyceps – A 34-year-old shared that a “heavy dose of Cordyceps, Maca, and HGW (Horny Goat Weed)” brought him “70% back to normal” sexually (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). He hadn’t felt like himself as a man (even his fiancé noticed a personality change when his testosterone dropped), but after weeks on these supplements he was “quite… functional again” (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium) contains icariin, which has Viagra-like effects on blood flow, and Cordyceps mushroom may support energy and testosterone. This combo significantly improved his erections and stamina.

Cistanche – An herb used in Chinese medicine (dubbed “Rou Cong Rong” for impotence). One Redditor said fitness + nattokinase + Cistanche + gut health fixes got him to “80%” recovery (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Cistanche is known to boost nitric oxide and testosterone; it likely complemented his regimen. Another user on r/LongCovid also mentioned trying cistanche and tongkat ali (not in our excerpts, but commonly discussed for long COVID low testosterone).

Others: Some have tried ashwagandha (for stress/cortisol), ginseng, and Tribulus terrestris – while not specifically mentioned in the quotes above, these are common supplements for libido that long COVID folks discuss. Results vary individually.

Enzymes for Clotting Issues: As mentioned, nattokinase (an enzyme from fermented soy) gained popularity for long COVID. It helps break down fibrin and can improve microcirculation. Users report taking nattokinase daily to target microclots contributing to ED (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). In the example above, adding nattokinase and Cistanche plus exercise got one man largely back to normal erectile function (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Another enzyme, lumbrokinase (from earthworms), is similarly used by some, though our sources specifically mention nattokinase. Always research dosing and get medical advice, as these affect blood coagulation.

Antioxidants & Amino Acids: Long COVID can cause oxidative stress and neurotransmitter imbalances that affect sexual function. Some supplements addressing this:

EGCG (Green Tea Extract) – An antioxidant that crosses the blood-brain barrier. One user said it gave him “an extra 10%” improvement and even “windows of dopamine” (i.e. better mood/libido) (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). EGCG might help by reducing inflammation or boosting dopamine, which in turn revived some sexual desire.

DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA) – An amino acid that can elevate dopamine and endorphins. A Redditor with low libido and energy said he was trying DLPA and magnesium threonate to “upregulate dopamine” and help motivation/libido (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). (No follow-up on results, but it’s a plausible strategy since dopamine is key to arousal.)

Magnesium – Especially magnesium L-threonate or glycinate for brain and nerve health. Magnesium is often depleted in chronic illness and supplementing it can support relaxation, improve sleep, and aid testosterone production. The user above paired it with DLPA (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Others haven’t explicitly cited magnesium for ED, but many long COVID patients take it for general recovery.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fish oil (omega-3) may help by supporting cardiovascular health and reducing inflammation. One person who developed ED after a COVID vaccine dose said “Try omega-3 for one month – it helped me a lot”, and eventually he was “cured and don’t take anything” now (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction). Omega-3s improve blood vessel function and hormone synthesis, so this makes sense. It’s an easy, heart-healthy supplement to include.

Miscellaneous: Vitamin D and zinc (important for testosterone) are commonly recommended in long COVID forums, though not specifically mentioned in these threads’ quotes. B-complex vitamins, CoQ10, and acetyl-L-carnitine are other supplements people try for energy and circulation. Many users took a shotgun approach with supplements – as one said, “plenty of supplements too but who knows which helped the most” (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Combining multiple supplements that target different angles (blood flow, hormones, nerve function) seems common. It may be the synergy that ultimately yields improvement, rather than one “magic pill.”

Therapies & Lifestyle Changes

Beyond meds and pills, lifestyle adjustments and non-drug therapies played a big role in recovering sexual function. Redditors emphasize treating your whole body well:

Gradual Exercise & Fitness: Many long COVID sufferers have exercise intolerance, but gentle, consistent exercise can aid recovery. Multiple users report that rebuilding fitness improved their ED. One said regular exercise, on top of nattokinase and supplements, got him to 80% of normal (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Another, who lost erections when his long COVID was at its worst, eventually saw them return as he slowly regained stamina over months (likely as his cardiovascular system healed). Advice: do what you can – walking, light cycling, etc. – without crashing (avoid severe post-exertional malaise). Over time, better cardiovascular health = better erections (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Even pelvic floor exercises (if no contraindications) might help increase blood flow downstairs.

Healthy Diet (Anti-Inflammatory Eating): Diet came up repeatedly as a factor. In one thread, a user flat-out states “Diet is also super important for reducing that inflammation” (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Long COVID is an inflammatory condition, so cutting out pro-inflammatory foods (processed junk, refined sugars, seed oils, excessive alcohol) and eating a nutrient-dense diet can help the body heal and potentially improve ED. Some tips mentioned:

Increase antioxidant-rich foods (berries, greens, turmeric, green tea) to combat oxidative stress.

Eat nitrate-rich veggies (beetroot, spinach, arugula) to naturally boost nitric oxide.

Ensure sufficient protein and healthy fats for hormone production (e.g. eggs, nuts, fish).

Stay hydrated (good for circulation).

While specifics weren’t detailed in posts, long COVID clinics often give patients diet guidelines. The original poster in r/LongCovid said the clinic gave him “a list of foods to avoid and increase intake of” (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid) alongside Viagra. So, cleaning up your diet and possibly adding anti-inflammatory supplements (like fish oil, vitamin D, quercetin) is part of the holistic solution.

Rest & Patience: One unfortunate truth is that healing takes time. Several Redditors noted their sexual function gradually returned after many months of recovery. One said his issues “resolved by themselves” after about 14–15 months, stressing that with time everything gets better (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Another who got COVID in Jan was “about 75% better” by later in the year – “give it time, it’s definitely not permanent!” he encouraged (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction). Improvements can be very slow and subtle; one user mentioned it took ~2 years for him to feel fully normal again sexually (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Prioritize rest (don’t push through severe fatigue), as the body needs energy to repair. Also, don’t lose hope – many accounts ended with a positive note that libido and potency do come back as your long COVID improves.

Sleep (especially Apnea Treatment): Quality sleep is crucial for hormone regulation and tissue repair. Long COVID wreaks havoc on sleep for many (due to dysautonomia, pain, etc.), so addressing sleep problems can help ED. If you snore or have daytime drowsiness, get evaluated for obstructive sleep apnea – multiple users pointed out that untreated apnea (which causes low oxygen at night) can cause ED even in healthy people (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). One commenter detailed how his severe sleep apnea gave him ED and numbness even before COVID; now he suspects he has both apnea and long COVID contributing (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Using a CPAP machine or other treatments to normalize nighttime breathing can dramatically improve morning erections and overall erectile quality. Even without apnea, focus on sleep hygiene: cool dark room, regular schedule, no screens before bed. Some long COVID patients take supplements like melatonin or magnesium at night – better sleep = better testosterone and erections.

Mental Health & Stress Reduction: The mind plays a big role in sexual function. Long COVID often brings anxiety, depression, brain fog, and loss of sensation, which can kill libido and confidence (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid) (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Several men described feeling “asexual” or not like themselves, which was psychologically distressing (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). It’s important to recognize the mental toll:

Depression and ED can create a vicious cycle. One user noted that even with Viagra, “you have to be in the right mind as well – depression and low confidence can ruin it” (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). If you’re dealing with long COVID depression or anxiety, seek support – therapy, support groups, or medication. Just be aware some antidepressants (SSRIs) can worsen ED; one person said an SSRI made it “hard to orgasm” and worsened his sexual dysfunction (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). If you need an antidepressant, talk to your doctor about avoiding those with strong sexual side effects (or consider low-dose bupropion which can improve libido).

Stress management: Chronic illness is extremely stressful, and stress itself can lower libido and erection quality. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or even light yoga stretching the pelvic region might help. One user’s fiancé dragged him to couples therapy due to his long COVID issues; once he addressed the emotional strain (feeling emasculated by the illness), it helped him commit to solutions like supplements (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). Reducing stress hormones (cortisol) can help rebalance sex hormones.

Rebuilding Confidence: Regaining sexual function after a slump can be as much a mental hurdle as a physical one. Celebrate small improvements (like the first time you get decent morning wood again). One user reassured others that ED from long COVID “is an illness, remember that. Not you.” (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid) – in other words, don’t blame or shame yourself. With time and treatment, your body will likely recover, and maintaining a positive mindset can help performance anxiety from creeping in.

Pelvic Floor Therapy: A less obvious but important angle – pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Some long COVID patients (especially those with coughing or long periods of inactivity) may develop tight pelvic floor muscles that hinder erections. In one thread, a user commented to someone with post-COVID ED: “Dude, you have pelvic floor dysfunction… It’s curable.” (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction) They strongly suspected a hypertonic (over-tight) pelvic floor was the cause. The “cure” for that is doing pelvic floor relaxation exercises (reverse Kegels, yoga stretches) or seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist. Even if COVID triggered the issue indirectly, pelvic therapy could improve blood flow and nerve function to the genitals, enhancing erections. If you have symptoms like hard flaccid, pelvic pain, or urinary hesitancy, definitely consider this route.

Aids & Hacks for ED: While working on the underlying issues, many users used assistive devices or techniques to have a better sex life in the meantime:

Cock Rings (Constriction Rings): Several people mentioned using a “c-ring” (cock ring) to maintain erections (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid) (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction). This simple device traps blood in the penis, helping sustain hardness even if your blood flow is weak. It was recommended alongside Cialis and supplements in one recovery story (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid). Note: Use cock rings carefully – don’t leave on too long or use a size that causes pain.

Leg Elevation Trick: One innovative tip – sleep with your legs elevated on a pillow. A user discovered that when he propped his feet up at night, he woke up with “boom, morning wood” after having none for ages (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction). For three days in a row he had morning erections again, making him realize his ED had a circulatory component (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction). Elevating legs helps venous blood return and may relieve autonomic dysfunction overnight. He also noted many of us became more sedentary during illness, which worsens circulation (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction). So, elevating your legs or doing some light leg exercises might counteract blood pooling and improve erectile quality.

Avoid Substance Triggers: Although not heavily discussed in these threads, it’s worth noting: alcohol tends to worsen ED (and long COVID vascular issues), so moderating or avoiding alcohol can help. Smoking is of course bad for circulation; if you do smoke, quitting is one of the best things for ED. (Most long COVID folks in the threads were non-smokers already, and some started nicotine patches for therapeutic reasons as noted, but cigarette smoking will only compound problems.)

In summary, recovery from long COVID-related ED often requires a multifaceted approach. Reddit users have tried everything from conventional ED meds and hormone therapy to cutting-edge treatments like HBOT, as well as a host of supplements and lifestyle changes. The general consensus is to address the root causes (circulation issues, inflammation, hormone imbalances, etc.) rather than just the symptoms. Improvements can be slow, but many have reported partial or full recovery over time by staying proactive and healthy.

Most importantly, you’re not alone – the Reddit community has numerous firsthand accounts of men regaining function after long COVID. Below are some of the discussions where these solutions were shared, which you may find useful to explore for more detail and personal stories.

Relevant Reddit Discussions (Further Reading)

“Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction” – r/covidlonghaulers – A thread where the original poster and others discuss COVID-induced ED and what helped them recover (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). (Includes discussion of Cialis use, microclot theory with blood thinners+HBOT, etc.)

“Zero libido and erectile dysfunction” – r/covidlonghaulers – Users with long COVID share their loss of libido and ED experiences, and remedies like niacin, testosterone checks, etc. (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Zero libido and erectile dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers).

“Men’s sexual health and long COVID?” – r/LongCovid – A detailed post by a 34M with ED, low drive, and testicular changes after COVID, and numerous comments about supplements (Maca, arginine), TRT, Cialis, and recovery outlook (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid) (Men's sexual health and long COVID? : r/LongCovid).

“I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction” – r/erectiledysfunction – Discussion in an ED-focused subreddit about the link between COVID and sudden ED in a 34M. Includes tips like elevating legs during sleep, using cock rings, and waiting it out with healthy habits (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction) (I think Covid gave me erectile dysfunction : r/erectiledysfunction).

“Covid gave ED?” – r/erectiledysfunction – Another thread where a young man suspects COVID caused his ED. Users advise on checking varicocele, going on daily tadalafil, and other steps (Covid gave ED? : r/erectiledysfunction) (Covid gave ED? : r/erectiledysfunction). (This highlights that COVID might exacerbate underlying issues, so a full urological workup is wise.)

Each thread contains personal anecdotes and additional context that might resonate with your situation. Always remember to consult your healthcare provider before starting new treatments. Good luck, and here’s to a full recovery in both health and sexual function!


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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@integral This one seems promising...

Targeting Microclots & Blood Flow – There is evidence COVID causes microvascular damage. One user in an Mt. Sinai trial found he had microclots impairing penile blood flow (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). His doctor put him on anticoagulants (Eliquis + aspirin) for nearly a year, until labs normalized (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). He also took fibrinolytic enzymes to dissolve clots and did hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) – together these brought him “essentially to baseline” and ultimately cured his ED (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers) (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). Numbness in the groin was attributed to small-fiber neuropathy from poor circulation, which improved with these treatments (Long haulers with Erectile Dysfunction : r/covidlonghaulers). This suggests that addressing microcirculation issues (under medical supervision) can restore erectile function in long COVID.

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On 03/03/2025 at 8:32 PM, Daniel Balan said:

Once a Once a week

On 03/03/2025 at 5:31 PM, integral said:

How often do you ejaculate a week?

Thats it right there . What are you doing cumming Once a week ? It takes minimum 30 days for a sperm to fully mature . And you by  Cumming Once a week you are not giving your testicle enough time to produce sperms.  And obviously without semen in your balls you can't get it up even if you took a whole bottle of viagra and eat spicy goat  meat . Its like you are trying to force your car to move while overlooking that there is no Gas left .There is something called refractory period . When you ejaculate too often ..you will lose all interest in your dick for a few days. But then you ejaculate again and extend this period .then you Cum again and extend this period. Etc etc . And please don't tell me "nofap is bullshit and men are supposed to empty their balls weekly".

Here's what you gotta do :

1-stop Cumming or even touching your dick in a sexual way for 6 months at least.

2-eat like a hourse .

3- exercise daily .

Then watch your ED vanishing .



Edited by Someone here

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