
Hidden Capabilitys in humans unlocked with psychedelics?

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We can detect magnetic fields with our eyes however we cannot process it with our brains. Could it be that on higher doses of LSD this ability to see and processes will be revealed and we mistake that for "seeing energy"?

Some reports of "seeing energy" on LSD could be synesthetic experiences where the brain translates normally unconscious magnetic field data into visual hallucinations.

Look at how electromagnetic field waves behave. Does that look familiar to you on LSD?


Edited by OBEler

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Why couldn't the brain process magnetic fields?

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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@Schizophonia there is 

22 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Why couldn't the brain process magnetic fields?

From Chatgpt4: "

The human brain likely doesn’t process magnetic fields consciously because:

1. We lack specialized receptors.

2. The signals are too weak.

3. Evolution didn’t favor it.

4. The brain filters out weak, non-useful information.

That said, weak magnetic sensitivity might exist at a subconscious level, and future research could reveal more about how it interacts with brain activity"

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5 hours ago, OBEler said:


We can detect magnetic fields with our eyes however we cannot process it with our brains. Could it be that on higher doses of LSD this ability to see and processes will be revealed and we mistake that for "seeing energy"?

Some reports of "seeing energy" on LSD could be synesthetic experiences where the brain translates normally unconscious magnetic field data into visual hallucinations.

Look at how electromagnetic field waves behave. Does that look familiar to you on LSD?


@OBEler Absolutely, and that's a theoretical conviction that is no less accurate and more so given I'm not biased yet by the experience nor the attachment to psychedelics and needing them to either validate such paths or deepen mastery of the most vital ones for me at this stage of my life.

A drug is a 'specialised system momentum', as such it gives consciousness access to a divergent spectrum that contradicts its regular lived consciousness experience. This alters the game controller and the way the user wills their consciousness in one way or another, the momentum being the very determination of unchartered alien areas of consciousness. This can obviously happen for better or for worse, in the case of psychedelics, it has a territory of both outcomes that are yet to be fully navigated through the scope of both generalisation and specific use cases that are unique to peoples own experience with psychedelics that aren't commonly reflected by others. 

To the contrary, this can very much be like opening up the 'UFO Files' of a discussion, and that is, the entertainment of belief without evidence especially when there are a large sum of people that have had unexplainable experiences that are also scientifically unexplainable all the way to scientifically undared, where the former cases are often used as irrational fuel for invalidating the latter. As such, I very much encourage going deeper down this path, however to pair it with a rigorousness that is rarely invited by those that tend to be less disciplined in their thought processes and paths towards the truth, hedging their bets more on conspiratorial possibilities rather than accurate conspiratorial investigation as a means of growing one's integrity across this and related disciplines of inquiry. 

On a personal level, my own experimental investigation with psychedelics will likely begin between 2027-2030, where between now and then I will not only be reaping the benefits I put into my related preparations in mastering the mind and body but also in trying to creatively learn from others interesting approaches, so if you ever share anything deeply formal or have anyone else that you believe has followed the required rigour already, please share and a thank you or anyone else in advance. 

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5 hours ago, OBEler said:

@Schizophonia there is 

From Chatgpt4: "

The human brain likely doesn’t process magnetic fields consciously because:

1. We lack specialized receptors.

2. The signals are too weak.

3. Evolution didn’t favor it.

4. The brain filters out weak, non-useful information.

That said, weak magnetic sensitivity might exist at a subconscious level, and future research could reveal more about how it interacts with brain activity"

ChatGPT will only bring out your belief system that constitutes your maya, simply with a fairly high degree of precision ("It is possible but not very significant given the capacity of the human body to capture magnetic fields and the central nervous system to interpret them, maybe with regular training and an increase in neurogenesis and neuroplasticity by electrodes and an injection of exogenous neurotrophins we could increase the capacity of the central nervous system to bla bla bla bla bla...")

Absolutely everything is possible.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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You can see electromagnetism without psychedelics. Even tinnitus is electromagnetism. Everything is electromagnetism. If you're seeing the electricity in the form of vital lights and patterns and figures and more vivid indescribable stuff that goes way above normal consciousness it will affect the tactile field too. So you'll have a nonvisual nonspatial force affecting both the tactile and the visual field, or the auditory field and the visual field will be vibrating at the same rate.

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I am hesitant about all of the EM arguments coming from people who don’t even understand what a spectrum or wave polarisation is. It is the first thing new age types latch on for their pseudoscientific justification. That said, the impact and potential of psychedelics is definitely understudied and I am erring more on the side of increased capabilities by virtue of reality being Consciousness. I have had some rather unique experiences, such as telepathy, premonition and alien intelligence.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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Posted (edited)

Note that the human cryptochrome (CRY2) is light-dependent and as such not the same as the one animals  have (CRY4 in birds is a pair-based magnetoreceptor).

Edited by Ero

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Gaydar unlocked.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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39 minutes ago, Ero said:

I am hesitant about all of the EM arguments coming from people who don’t even understand what a spectrum or wave polarisation is. It is the first thing new age types latch on for their pseudoscientific justification. That said, the impact and potential of psychedelics is definitely understudied and I am erring more on the side of increased capabilities by virtue of reality being Consciousness. I have had some rather unique experiences, such as telepathy, premonition and alien intelligence.

blah blah blah blah bl;ah

First of all, everybody has had telepathy and premonition-type experiences. Unless you mean being able to read whole entire sentences from somebody's mind, which you can't do.

"Alien intelligence" is vague and Leo would say your alien intelligence awakening is incomplete.

I don't think you're Western but there's definitely too much Westernized "reason" and Europeanized "logic" in how you (and even Leo) think about things, as not just is reality Consciousness but actually materialism as a whole is wrong.

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People with neurodivergent  brains can sense it like Teal Swan. I can sense it too but not like Teal Swan.. it is not sensed with your physical eyes but with your mind's eye. On very high magic truffle or LSD I had these experiences.

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences because in conflict the first casualty is the truth. 

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Posted (edited)

@Schizophonia "

ChatGPT will only bring out your belief system that constitutes your maya, simply with a fairly high degree of precision

"Is it possible that the human can unlock special capabilities where he can on LSD detect cartoons who come out of the tv and live in the real world?"

Chatgpt4: " No, LSD does not unlock any "special capabilities" that allow a person to detect cartoons stepping out of the TV into the real world. What it does is alter perception, causing vivid hallucinations."


Edited by OBEler

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31 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

Unless you mean being able to read whole entire sentences from somebody's mind, which you can't do.

And yet that’s exactly what I mean.

31 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

"Alien intelligence" is vague and Leo would say your alien intelligence awakening is incomplete.

You still have a linear (1D) view of awakenings as if there were achievements to be unlocked. The space of minds is infinite-dimensional, including various types and degrees of intelligence.


31 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

I don't think you're Western but there's definitely too much Westernized "reason" and Europeanized "logic" in how you (and even Leo) think

You are falling squarely within the pre/post fallacy. It is pretty clear you are at the Green/ new age stage of development, and as such cannot yet appreciate the post-rational forms of logic that include self-loops, paradoxes, superstition and relativity of truth values, etc.

31 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

as not just is reality Consciousness but actually materialism as a whole is wrong.

A consciousness ontology is by definition incompatible with materialism, so your point is moot. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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Just now, Ero said:

You still have a linear (1D) view of awakenings as if there were achievements to be unlocked. The space of minds is infinite-dimensional, including various types and degrees of intelligence.

You're just assuming this for no reason. Literally nothing to do with what we're talking about.


You are falling squarely within the pre/post fallacy. It is pretty clear you are at the Green/ new age stage of development, and as such cannot yet appreciate the post-rational forms of logic that include self-loops, paradoxes, superstition and relativity of truth values, etc.

No, it isn't. You are an imbecile.


A consciousness ontology is by definition incompatible with materialism, so your point is moot. 

No, it isn't. You literally think that all of materialism is true and all of its logical conclusions are true with the caveat that it's actually just Consciousness which is responsible for materialism.


And yet that’s exactly what I mean.

Then in all likelihood you're literally just lying, unless you could recount the tales.

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@The Crocodile I responded to you so people reading can get an idea of where the problems with your worldview are.

I am beyond the idea of convincing you in anything, given how dense you are, and as such am not interested in engaging with you. Your conduct is a sufficient marker for an immature intellect.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

@Schizophonia "

ChatGPT will only bring out your belief system that constitutes your maya, simply with a fairly high degree of precision

"Is it possible that the human can unlock special capabilities where he can on LSD detect cartoons who come out of the tv and live in the real world?"

Chatgpt4: " No, LSD does not unlock any "special capabilities" that allow a person to detect cartoons stepping out of the TV into the real world. What it does is alter perception, causing vivid hallucinations."




Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Ero said:

a sufficient marker for an immature intellect.

What we are discussing here, namely "hidden capabilities in humans unlocked with psychedelics" (or without psychedelics), again, has got nothing to do with the Western intellect or Western pretense of understanding reality through intellectual and material terms whatsoever, it is in a domain of direct consciousness which is post-rational and totally unequivocally recontextualizes what the rational and pre-rational (and incomplete or partially deviated post-rational) even are--setting them on the planes of reality where they belong. It is a matter of higher perception and overall higher consciousness, not higher meager human-type cognition, but seeing the mechanics of reality and the reality system as it actually is. We are perceivers.

To deal your ego away, there is a disgusting strain of pseudointellectualism on this forum where you (and user Nilsi) have no actual regard for truths or Truth and simply want to self-aggrandize by appearing as cool, badass, well-rounded philosopher-gods who can hold their own against anybody in any field of development. You are closer to the Absolute, Nilsi is also a valid expression of the Absolute's power because he is less so about the intellect per se and more about his own vitality and greatness, whereas your samurai perspectival development and integral badassery are less vital and more mental, less caring about human academia and more so the high end of what logic is and what it can do. Yet all of this is folly and vanity unless both of you knock it off, burn off your egos, and use your powers for good rather than for arbitrary self-assertion and -aggrandizement in the form of arrogance, posturing, and pretense.

Now that we have certainly got the introductions out of the way,

a legitimately notable instance of telepathy that would be self-evident in having notability and uniqueness would be if you went to a thought-reader and were asked to speak five questions internally, in your internal dialogue. The questions are what is to be noted, the answers. You ask, "What is the color of a rubber duck?" "Which town was this candle manufactured in?" "What ocean is on the West of America?" "How to scientifically explicate a cloud formation?" "What is the definition of telempathy?" The thought-reader without you speaking out loud successfully writes all of this down word for word on a piece of paper and hands it to you, verifiable and verified proof.

In contrast, ordinary non-unique telepathy experiences that everybody has include reading single words or a few words from somebody's head in non-repeatable ways, or reading an abstract thought or general mental tendency or, even to say, "vibe" orientation from somebody's head or mental atmosphere, which is not unique and not notable at all except inasmuch as human organisms ARE telepathic naturally or privy to it by nature of being consciousnesses existing together in an open system where thoughts (and thoughts of others) are logically linked and linked by the emanation of what they are, their relations to other subjects and objects and energies within the open system. Your telepathy experiences you mentioned, are in most certainty, of this second variety and not the coveted first variety.

My statement you interpreted as an affront to how obviously brilliant and amazing you are, '"Alien intelligence" is vague and Leo would say your alien intelligence awakening is incomplete,' is literally true and totally indisputable. Your response of "You still have a linear (1D) view of awakenings as if there were achievements to be unlocked. The space of minds is infinite-dimensional, including various types and degrees of intelligence," is literally just wrong and ironic in so much as you are a pseudo-materialist, and think there is truth in, what is it, Wilber's right hand quadrants? and inasmuch as you were just stating your mental interpretation of what Leo's alien experience is and that there can be multiple and even infinite varieties of alien experiences, which is true--yet my statement you had not experienced any remains true.

When you say, "You are falling squarely within the pre/post fallacy. It is pretty clear you are at the Green/ new age," it is clear you have not genuinely thought about any of this and are repeating Leonian-Wilberian garbage, which of course has deep profundity in it (the Leo part). Wilber is a shit cereal box version of Sri Aurobindo and con artist. It is not clear that I am at Green / new age, since Green / new age do not have any understanding or experience of such "electromagnetism" except through pretending, through drugs, or through even rarer exception.

Talking about rarer exception I am thinking of someone I knew named John who was in cognition a typical MAGA or QAnon idiot, but because he incarnated here from a different planet he had natural telepathic abilities which were developed with ease through occult practice taught by a Rosicrucian-Taoist, and even gained the ability to bend tinfoil remotely yet never developed it further. He had enough of a development of certain perceptual and energetic faculties to have an expanded view of time as time relates to energy and how reality is all the Mind, nonlinearity of reality, abstraction, and other amazing, amazing stuff . . . but was cognitively impaired. Yet he still knew the importance of mental faculty and higher principles organizing reality, and conceptual ideas, archetypes, and processes as polarity and balance, doing infinitesimal visualizations of white light into his center of mass to try to achieve longevity, but was still inferior enough to not know "trump bad".

You on the other are rather the reverse, enamored with the intellect and the reason, thinking it holds a particular importance it does not have, spuriously justifying this because it is the focal point of the fifth color of a limited overly simplistic psychological model adapted by spiritual teachers Wilber and Gura.

This leads us to address your original, let us say, "objections".

2 hours ago, Ero said:

I am hesitant about all of the EM arguments

Your hesitancy, because of the modernity and rationality of your mind, is understandable, but not at all justifiable, given that obviously EVEN IN THE CONTEXT OF MATERIALISTIC SCIENCE psychedelic visuals are electromagnetic, as is everything else in the universe, including visible light in its place on the electromagnetic spectrum.

From a post-rational view, (ie. Leo's video "Why Brains Do Not Exist") we know the brain for most people is merely a vague tactile sensation within the skull or if one cuts open a skull then a visual view of another's, or an image on a screen, a memory of an image on a screen, a thought, a belief, a visualization, a remote view or vision or other emanative connection to the object in question. The object in question as people think of it simply does not exist. Likewise your visual field is not *in your brain* or *in your eyes*, it is literally and not in the slightest metaphorically in front of both your physical eyes and brain, your physical eyes and physical brain simply have an energetic or emanative connection to them which is nonlinear. That is to say, not only is materialism wrong, ALL OF THE LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS OF MATERIALISM ARE . . . also wrong.

If we admit an energetic field that extends outside the bubble of consciousness, and surely it exists, it is an infinitely extended continuum which is immaterial. Ie. the brain does not think, the mind thinks, and exists on a mental continuum. Desires and other subtle sensations in the body and mind come from the nervous world. The energy that enters the nerves comes from an external environment. Same with thoughts, they come from an external mental environment. Everything that appears to you exists prior to its appearance, principially and energetically they have an existence of actuality before they are presented to you, and exist in an interactive system which is wholly nonphysical, not physical at all. The tactile sensation of the brain or the physical visual sensation, goes down into another plane which you could call the "subtle physical", but that is not any more emanationally fundamental than the mind, the vitality, or the spirit. Of course all of this is too complex, too beyond people's tiny perceptions and micro physical consciousnesses, for laypeople and scientists (scientists who in the end are just believers or practitioners of a highly specialized highly deluded faith in intellectual pretension as replacement for actual perception of reality).

It is a great mistake to think one lives only physically. 

Edited by The Crocodile

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@The Crocodile You are not construct-aware which is why you keep conflating my perspective with some caricature you have of “western materialism “.

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18 hours ago, Ero said:

@The Crocodile You are not construct-aware which is why you keep conflating my perspective with some caricature you have of “western materialism “.

@Ero I didn't know a lot about the paradigm relating to 'construct-awareness', sincerely upon my review just now I inferred 'Hyper-Construct Awareness'. It sounds fancy but its pretty basic, its just consciousness establishing a concert singularity of joint self-referentiality and self-building on itself, which I've deemed one step further than 'Omni-Construct Awareness', or at the very least, the natural seeds to such. I'd like to learn about how the brakes, gas and engine fire in conjunction with your will if you'd like to go more into that, like where do you discern you presently fall on 'Robert Kegan’s Constructive-Developmental Theory' or just 'construct awareness'?

Curious how you’d map things.

Edited by Letho

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@Letho Stage 5 in Kegan’s model, construct-awareness in Cook-Greuter or Tier 2 in Spiral Dynamics all communicate the same thing -  that you have realised you are running on pre-installed OS (beliefs, ideologies, etc.) and can now begin to actually change it. For those who have not yet jailbroken their mind it is impossible to access the compilers/kernels of their OS and as such any statement about their structure is conflated with a program they have access to, whereas the two processes are happening at a different level of abstraction.

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