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Going through a brain rot right now.

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Going through a brain rot right now.

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Stop listening to music and watching shorts, bullshit content in general; instead read at least 30 pages of books or articles per day, do some walking meditation etc.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Your brain is not rotting you're probably just overwhelmed or lack motivation. That can be sorted. 

Best not to put such labels on or you'll disempower yourself from taking action.

Maybe you could tell us more?

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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It makes sense to feel demotivated in a world without any meaning or purpose. As a result you're just going to do the bare minimum in life to get along and focus on the little joys and vices of life that you like. Honestly, it makes complete sense. Kinda goes against this whole self improvement schtick, but what are you self improving for really. Most of it is BS anyway if you break it down, excluding a few exceptions

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Too much screen time is the plague of so many human beings, but we are addicted like a drug.

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8 minutes ago, sholomar said:

Too much screen time is the plague of so many human beings, but we are addicted like a drug.

Time is TickTocking away.


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11 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Your brain is not rotting you're probably just overwhelmed or lack motivation. That can be sorted. 

Best not to put such labels on or you'll disempower yourself from taking action.

Maybe you could tell us more?

I'm doomed. 

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Posted (edited)

It may be happen at 3PM yesterday and now it's 10AM in the morning. By 5p.m I have already felt ok. It is just something like your brain stopped working and you feel pulled. Which happened (more than once) but not as bad. (I've felt worser.) And I know exactly what is causing it. 

Edited by Sabth

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Im afraid , and im doomed. You can say for the past four day (or even more) i just had this exchange of fate/energy/karma. Like i dont even know where it all come from. Imagine having to swapped your life paths with someone Else forever? 



This, i simply had a dream of meeting someone im supposed to not. 


4/3/25 Today and throughout yesterday (night) my world felt very small. 100m 

am i killing somebody? I said MY world. It was a very small world maybe 

Edited by Sabth

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