
My Story with Andrew Tate's War Room

83 posts in this topic

I wanted to share a little bit of my story with you.

By now, almost everyone knows who Andrew Tate is. I was one of the early followers, discovering him at the beginning of 2020 when his social media presence was still small. His YouTube channel had only around 20-30K subscribers at the time.

Before I even understood the concept of consciousness, I was already interested in psychedelics. My first experience with LSD (a low dose) awakened a deep curiosity. This was before I found Tate and later, Leo.

I was working at an insurance agency when a new, success-driven colleague joined. He was from Romania and had seen Tate on the news. He introduced me to him at a time when I was heavily experimenting with various substances. I was fascinated by how different drugs altered perception, but I had also become addicted to getting high.

When I discovered Tate, it coincided with a point in my life where I needed change. I always considered myself open-minded, but in hindsight, I was also very naive. Looking back, I was the ideal customer for Tate.

In November 2020, I decided to join The War Room when it had only 300-400 members. I knew it was a cult before even fully understanding what a cult was. Around the same time, I quit my daily weed use and stopped using other psychoactive substances.

One of the first things I noticed after joining was the constant upselling. Access to various groups required purchasing additional courses. Even other members would pressure you to buy them, despite not personally benefiting from the sales.

They sold me a dream, and I completely bought in. The “perfect” plan for success looked like this:

1. Go regularly to the gym or do some kind of combat sport to get a better mindset and body.
2. Start dating and meeting a lot of women.
3. Use your girlfriend(s) to make money or gain status. (e.g. putting a girlfriend on OnlyFans or webcam)

About six months in, I started my own OnlyFans agency. I even tried convincing girls I dated to participate, though thankfully, none agreed. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t caught up in the mindset. Like everyone else in the network, I fully embraced the so-called “alpha” mentality. I didn’t view relationships in a healthy way, I saw women more as assets than as human beings. It wasn’t about love, it was about extracting value.

Over the next 1-2 years, I built a reputation within the War Room, becoming one of its most successful OnlyFans agency owners, making high five-figure profits per month. I purchased all the courses, attended expensive events, and in total, paid around $50K to Tate. At the time, I didn’t care because I was making good money.

I did start questioning some things, but being young and naive, I was easily convinced otherwise.

Things shifted in summer 2022 when I visited my parents in Germany after a trip to Dubai. I proudly showed off my expensive purchases, completely oblivious to how I had changed. My mother started crying, telling me I had become arrogant. That was the first wake-up call.

The second moment came when I met up with an old friend, the same one who had introduced me to psychedelics. I wanted to share my success, but he was uninterested. Instead, he asked me: “Who are you?”

That question hit me hard.

That same day, he invited me to take LSD again on another day. I had been sober from psychedelics for nearly two years, but I agreed. The trip changed my perspective, making me question everything. Later, his brother introduced me to 5-MeO-DMT, which was another profound experience.

After that, his brother also showed me a vision board with a picture of Leo Gura. When I asked about him, the other brother called him “one of the most intelligent people in the world.” At first, I dismissed it, assuming he meant IQ, but I later realized he was referring to a different kind of intelligence.

At first, I didn’t dive into Leo’s content because it was too long, and I was too focused on making money. But at the comedown of another LSD trip, I decided to watch my first video: “Reading A Poetic Description Of God-Consciousness”
It blew my mind. From that moment, I knew I would explore more of his teachings.

The more time passed and the more I changed, the clearer it became to me that I would have no future in the War Room.

I started seeing that we weren’t just manipulating women, we were being manipulated too. The deeper I analyzed the leaders and members, the clearer things became. When Leo released his video on Tate, it confirmed what I was already thinking.

Still, it took me a while to leave. I had a fear of missing out. But over a year ago, during a magic mushroom trip, I finally decided to leave. I left every War Room group and shut down my OnlyFans agency months later.

There’s a lot more I could say, but I’ll leave it at that. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask in this thread.
Aside from psychedelics, I know that watching Leo’s videos and engaging with this forum helped me too. 

Thank you to everyone who contributes or has contributed to this forum.

Edited by Unlimited

God has always been in front of you, yet you are too blind to see Him.

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Congrats on breaking free. Not easy to do when you are that deep.

Pimping your own girlfriend is the bottom of the barrel of human consciousness xD

Thanks for sharing.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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These courses of his are all pipedreams for men who are easily fooled.

Its all a scam to fund Tates Bugatti.

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@Unlimited what is the added value of "onlyfans agencies"? Do you promote people who work for you in ways they wouldn't be able to do themselves?

Why do they need you instead of just having their own onlyfans?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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1 hour ago, Something Funny said:

Why do they need you instead of just having their own onlyfans?

Because the guy pressures the girl into sex-work when she otherwise wouldn't do it.

And as Tate teaches, unless you manipulate her, she will break off and run her own show within 6 months. Tate's techniques are designed to manipulate her into letting you keep being her middleman by exploiting her love for you.

LoverBoy method.

This is classic pimping transformed into e-pimping.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I see. I guess that's why Tate got into so much trouble with stories about him taking girls' passports, and forcing them to work and such, or emotionally manipulating them. Because there is no reason why they would actually need him to do the same thing. Since they are basically the root source of value.

@Unlimited is this your perspective as well or did you see some actual benefits that you were giving them, that they couldn't get working on their own?

Edited by Something Funny

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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@Leo Gura since you seem generally okay with porn, do you think this could potentially be a legitimate business if instead of all the pimping you offered those girls actual services, like helping them with marketing, or handling taxes and such? Not sure how much they would need this, but I think some people wouldn't want to bother with doing all this stuff on their own.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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@Unlimitedso how do you earn your money now?

You are helping to promote for Andrew Tate. Are his courses very good? I used to join his online program for a short while.

Edited by hyruga

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@Something Funny


pimp; a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return.


I am not a big fan of middlemen for such matters. Real estate agents, salesmen, gig managers, agents, etc.

They are time savers, really. But I choose to make my decisions, while hearing all sides, with as little input as possible. Because I like control.

Whoever you would be pimping would be surrendering part of their control to you.

Sure, that’s the industry and while I have no issue with porn— why that dynamic over girls? Other than money and control?

Feels dirty. And it will lower the quality of the work (the porn, the music— whatever). 

Less money to the value creators themselves, multiple dependencies for the business, etc.

The hot chicks that post a vid with their iPhone in a bathroom make enough for the Deluxe Turbo Tax option and sufficient OF ads. Leave em’ alone and do something else imo.


Edited by yetineti

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9 hours ago, Something Funny said:

@Unlimited is this your perspective as well or did you see some actual benefits that you were giving them, that they couldn't get working on their own?

It really depends because there are many different ways to structure all of this.

I struggled a lot in the beginning to get a girlfriend, but at the same time, I didn’t want to wait to start making money. So, I decided to onboard women from the internet, which turned out to be even better because it was much more scalable. But whether it’s your girlfriend or a woman you don’t personally know, you try to convince her into thinking the deal is good for both of you.

My breakthrough with my agency started when I was recruiting women from South America. I paid them a fixed salary in exchange of photos and videos one time per week. I didn't even give them access to the OnlyFans pages, means that they didn't really know how much the pages were earning. I just looked that they earn enough to not complain. Which was around $1-3k per month depending how much their pages were earning.

Most of them could barely speak english and since most of the market comes from the US, they would definitely not be able to do it on their own. But even if they could speak english it's not that easy to have a successful page. Marketing is hard because of all the competition and you need to be good in chatting aswell. All you try to do is to manipulate the fans into thinking that the models actually care about them. And for that, a hired and trained team in the Philippines that can chat 24/7 is much better. Not saying a woman can't do it on her own.

So there are benefits for OnlyFans models to have agencies that manage them. Of course most agencies try to get most of the profits for themselves but there are ways to make it fair for both sides. The only people who never benefit from it are the fans that fall in love with the models.

I agree to what Leo said about pimping girls that are in love with you, but I'm not sure if you would put what I did into the same category. I also manipulated them but they weren't in love with me. However they were still kind of depended on me which is also not good.

God has always been in front of you, yet you are too blind to see Him.

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@Unlimited I see. I could see why you would get sucked into something like this. It sure is tempting with how much money you can make. But I am glad you didn't get stuck there.

It's honestly mindblowing to me that even some random girls can bring in so much profit and become popular enough that you would need a 24/7 chat support with how much competition there must be, with literally millions of other onlyfans models out there.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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Glad to hear you got out. 

If you're willing to deal with the consequences, you may want to consider sharing your story more publicly. I bet people would be willing to interview you.

Edited by aurum

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Just now, aurum said:

If you're willing to deal with the consequences, you may want to consider sharing your story more publicly. I bet people would be willing to interview you.

why would he want to do that?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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1 minute ago, Something Funny said:

why would he want to do that?

To stop young naive guys from falling into the same traps.

He has a unique story. How many people have both had success with Andrew Tate and also left it behind?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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10 hours ago, hyruga said:

@Unlimitedso how do you earn your money now?

I’m living off my savings right now, which could perhaps last for 1–2 years since I have drastically reduced my expenses. It's really hard to find a good way to make money once you developed yourself morally. I wouldn't want to be an employee again so I'm looking for good ways to make money. I was thinking of music production but it's very hard to make money with it so I might just do it as a hobby. For me personal development is the most important thing right now. I should also finally start with the practical part of the LP course.

10 hours ago, hyruga said:

You are helping to promote for Andrew Tate.

That would be the last thing I would do.

10 hours ago, hyruga said:

Are his courses very good? I used to join his online program for a short while.

They might be okay for people who are just starting out with personal development. But I wouldn't recommend anyone to give Tate even one cent. The LP course is much better and I haven't even watched all of the videos.

Edited by Unlimited

God has always been in front of you, yet you are too blind to see Him.

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@aurum okay, I see your point. But are you sure it's going to work this way?

Cause honestly, what he is talking about is quite tempting, at least it is to me. Now, I know better than to actually go ahead and do it, but how many people, especially younger people, will actually get "inspired" by what he is talking about.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Congrats on breaking free. Not easy to do when you are that deep.

Pimping your own girlfriend is the bottom of the barrel of human consciousness xD

Thanks for sharing.

Honestly I'm the only one who needs to say thanks. Without you I would probably not even be able to share this.

Edited by Unlimited

God has always been in front of you, yet you are too blind to see Him.

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4 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

@aurum okay, I see your point. But are you sure it's going to work this way?

Cause honestly, what he is talking about is quite tempting, at least it is to me. Now, I know better than to actually go ahead and do it, but how many people, especially younger people, will actually get "inspired" by what he is talking about.

If it's done well, it could be a net positive.

How many guys did Leo talk off the edge with his Andrew Tate video? Read the comments.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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19 minutes ago, aurum said:


Glad to hear you got out. 

If you're willing to deal with the consequences, you may want to consider sharing your story more publicly. I bet people would be willing to interview you.

I was thinking about it but I don't know if it can backfire somehow because there are still many people under Tate's influence that know me. In private or places like this forum I have no problem with it.

And also there are still people who don't understand that I was being manipulated in thinking what I was doing is right. I don't just say that to defend myself. I know I was a corrupt piece of shit and still am.

Edited by Unlimited

God has always been in front of you, yet you are too blind to see Him.

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I can’t believe any young dudes think that strategy would work in the first place. The amount of manipulation you have to keep up in order to make it work is frightening. The women are gullible for doing it in the first place. Onlyfans exists to help these women sell their bodies on their own terms, and the guy that created onlyfans is basically a legal pimp. Imagine the amount of money he’s made from creating onlyfans! Incredible!

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