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Active Mindfulness

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The main method I am using to advance my consciousness is through active mindfulness. 


I am curious if anyone else is doing this as well. 


I know that mostly my first goal was in finding what mindfulness is like - some kind of basic grasp of it. 

Then currently I am focusing on bringing that mindfulness often, frequently, and enduring - to try to keep a mindful sense of my doings in addition to the automatic processing that are unconscious when without practice. 


And in the long run my future strategy of focus will be to grow that awareness to become more full and less difficult to maintain. In a way to make consciousness unconscious lol - so ironic! 


But I anticipate that there will always be some next level consiousness part of my effort is working towards doing, in my active mindfulness practice. There is no limit to what consiousness can be, and at every stage so far and I anticipate this is ongoing - there will be a sense of [oh that is easy] and contrasting [oh that that is new, and difficult] with the midway of [hey look, I'm doing this!]





I'm curious if anyone else regularly practices active mindfulness like this, tho in a way all forms of mindfulness is yet as one just the general pursuit of transcending unconsciousnesses. 

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