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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

See already planning the "Next Trip", if Your GOD why trip at all!! Just reread what I posted, Your falling into a trap!!!!

Hehe. See, its all a wild goose chase until you realize there never was a you to begin with. He's just another "me" falling for the dream. There's no end to this madness.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Ishanga Stop mansplaining to him.

He understands God better than you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Hehe. See, its all a wild goose chase until you realize there never was a you to begin with. He's just another "me" falling for the dream. There's no end to this madness.

The "Dream" is that the truth lies in something OUTSIDE of You, in a pill, drug or plant, but the Experience is only inside of You, and Yes there is YOU, but its not the Body or Mind necessarily, its only Embodied in the Body which is the meaning of Embodiment... 

And the language is wrong, if he had no education or learning of the Word GOD, he would use it, he would just say he felt Great or Love or Oneness,,with using the word GOD, its enhances the Ego, because now he thinks he created everything, everything is imagined or unreal, and nothing matters, but when he has to eat or take a shit and can't then we will see, he will not do my test because it will dispel the trap he is falling into, sad indeed!!


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Just now, Leo Gura said:

@Ishanga Stop mansplaining to him.

He understands God better than you.

How so, because he hallucinated and had a temporary Experience??? Where is that Experience now, or in a week? He's already planning another trip to do what if he is GOD, then why trip again??


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

Earning is a concept of the ego-mind.

In a way. But it's also true, probably the reason you had such a deep trip off a paltry dose is thanks to all the work you've done prior. As you continue developing from both ends, the rewards will increase and your understanding deepen. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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2 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

then why trip again??

You are too closedminded to understand the answer.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

You are too closedminded to understand the answer.

Oh Okay lol.,..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Ishanga Psychedelics can do many things. The person has no choice wethere they do them or not. I beleive the soul will put itself through tests to see if it will remain concious through disruptions of conciousness. Psychedelics can also remove attached entities feeding off you. You can visit realms where you dont exist but remain as an observer and train yourself to remain intact in moments of insanity which is what will happen on death. If you can remain while insane you are holy. The only thing 'you' do is to judge wether its good or bad. He dosent have the choice to take them but he has the choice to view him taking them as good or bad wether its for God or not. Thats karma yoga. He's already programmed his mind and made the decision when he joined the forum now its just thoughts playing out in real time. A manifestation he created to end the game. Being interested in this is a manifestation to stop coming back by the soul. His soul knows he won't meditate so it goes somewhere else to achieve it. Its more dangerous but he won't meditate what is his soul going to do it dosent want to come back. While its not the best he knows he is too traumatized to do it. Doing whatever now to maybe aid in it later is good. He is taking it seriously as he is too scared to do more than a gram 1st time. That is respectful and showing hes not doing it to have fun but to see something that he can't see now as a hint for himself.

Edited by Hojo

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4 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Ishanga Psychedelics can do many things. The person has no choice wethere they do them or not. I beleive the soul will put itself through tests to see if it will remain concious through disruptions of conciousness. Psychedelics can also remove attached entities feeding off you. You can visit realms where you dont exist but remain as an observer and train yourself to remain intact in moments of insanity which is what will happen on death. If you can remain while insane you are holy. The only thing 'you' do is to judge wether its good or bad. He dosent have the choice to take them but he has the choice to view him taking them as good or bad wether its for God or not. Thats karma yoga. He's already programmed his mind and made the decision when he joined the forum now its just thoughts playing out in real time. A manifestation.

Psychedelics for sure have a value and space in the world of exploring Reality, again I am interested in them too and in taking them but it has to be done at the right time and for the right reasons, they are just a tool like any tool, I think they can give one more inspiration and motivation to find the Truth of Reality via natural methods, like Yoga or Taoism, after having a realization via them but a foundation has to be put in place first, where You already have an Ego awareness, a space created btwn what is You and it and body/mind complex, and less identification with those things and lots of Sadhana already under Your belt, then maybe try them and see the result, but coming back and stating I am GOD is not it, and that everything is a figment of my imagination is not it either...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Ishanga Yes , i edited my last reply but it us clear he is not doing it recklessly and is scared. He is taking the minimum amount needed and is treating it respectfully it seems. He is too scared or cant meditate. Without having and experience in spirituality and severaly traumatized to the point of not being able to sit down for long periods can be aided with psychedelics. It will probably take more than 1 trip.

Ultimately the goal of spirituality and psychedelics is to CALM DOWN totally. We are all fucked in the head because of society and its almost impossible to do it when you don't understand your machine. These can help you be with God ie having no identity easier than meditating. We are kind of in the same mode as scared cats right now. The scared cat can't not move when scared the human has a device that can be used to scare itself it can't meditate. But if the scared cat saw God it might slow it down from being scared and help it calm down in the future. 1 small trip will help but you are still scared.

If the tool worked while being used respectfully then why not use it again.

My suggestion which is what I did would be to integrate and contemplate what he learned for several month then eat 18 grams and see if you can see yourself and not be scared or feel anything really while totally insane. If you can accomplish that you know God. Then you can work on calming down ie meditation. Cause it gives you a thing to hold onto while the mind races.

Edited by Hojo

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I had that realization about everything is a dream and I'm the dreamer with 5meo and LSD and I think it's false. Well, I'm sure it's false. It's duality and it's a limited vision that happens with psychedelics until you achieve the real openess. The infinity is not about a subject and an object, it's different, it's fluid, and it's reflecting in itself. Inside and outside are the same, one and multiple, me and you. I'm not dreaming you, I'm not the center, there is not center in infinity because there are infinite perspectives. The total openess is the total dissolution of the self, the absolute breaking of the limits, and it's the absolute glory, and you will say: hallelujah. Nothing can be understood because only one understanding is possible: I am. Everything else are mental constructions, possibilities between infinite possibilities, nothing, irrelevant, zero. The realization is in your heart and it's unfathomable. You understand what you are being it. It's unthinkable by definition because thought are a construction that arise in you.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 hours ago, Hojo said:

@Ishanga Yes , i edited my last reply but it us clear he is not doing it recklessly and is scared. He is taking the minimum amount needed and is treating it respectfully it seems. He is too scared or cant meditate. Without having and experience in spirituality and severaly traumatized to the point of not being able to sit down for long periods can be aided with psychedelics. It will probably take more than 1 trip.

Ultimately the goal of spirituality and psychedelics is to CALM DOWN totally. We are all fucked in the head because of society and its almost impossible to do it when you don't understand your machine. These can help you be with God ie having no identity easier than meditating. We are kind of in the same mode as scared cats right now. The scared cat can't not move when scared the human has a device that can be used to scare itself it can't meditate. But if the scared cat saw God it might slow it down from being scared and help it calm down in the future. 1 small trip will help but you are still scared.

If the tool worked while being used respectfully then why not use it again.

My suggestion which is what I did would be to integrate and contemplate what he learned for several month then eat 18 grams and see if you can see yourself and not be scared or feel anything really while totally insane. If you can accomplish that you know God. Then you can work on calming down ie meditation. Cause it gives you a thing to hold onto while the mind races.

Why use it again? Mostly because he may fall into the trap of Experience chasing, rather than using the Experience to gain higher Consciousness and insights that become normal everyday experiences when not using, why is he already planning another trip when he hasn't integrated this one already???... That is what I researched and found out to be the truth for the majority that use psychedelics as a path to Realization, they experience chase and are still the same or worse in real everyday life... 

This is not so with the Natural Paths, especially done correctly and via some help from a Guru or Mentor of sorts,, its not rocket science, these are time proven methods, have been around for 1000's of years and are safer!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 minute ago, Ishanga said:

Why use it again? Mostly because he may fall into the trap of Experience chasing, rather than using the Experience to gain higher

You could use a lot of times because it's very difficult to achieve a real opening, and it goes easier if you do many times. To achieve a real opening you have to stop being you, it's like an impossible movement that in a given moment happens, but then you can't do it again, you are you again. Then another day you achieve again for a moment. Every time that you really achieve to dissolve the self changes you a bit, makes you lighter, but you have tons of self , then you do again, but still you have self, it's not a simple thing that you can do at will, it's something that could happen if you allow it , but it's like breaking a shell, and the shell gets back again and again.

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On 1/3/2025 at 7:29 PM, r0ckyreed said:

What really amazes me is that I have had similar insights and mystical experiences without mushrooms, but this was even more powerful and direct.

That was a big surprise when I tried 5meos. What you said really resonated with my first psychedelic experiences.

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Hasn't occured to me to do lemon tek. I am too afraid to do 1g but currently 200mg does almost nothing. I'll probably try lemon tek.

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I had god realisation without drugs. It wasn’t even in relation to spiritual practice. It just happened one day during a deep dive enquiry into what I was cause I was trying to omit bias from my observation. My entire reality dissapeared including my body and sense of self. I still had the ability to question the singularity I found myself in which was beyond consciousness ( god) it was a singularity of awareness ( source) before god ( consciousness or knowing created itself by awareness turning back on itself making a self reference) it explored this formless and boundless singularity before recognising itself and remembering it was god. The shock shit me back into reality, body, self identity and left me speechless as a debunked atheist sitting in a chair wondering wtf just happened. I’d never heard of a psychedelic. I subsiquently did psychedelics to contrast the experience and with the exception of the buzzing energy, it was the same ( 5MeO) formless infinity before anything at all. 

I found myself using psychedelics to chase states of ecstacy because I knew how to move the mind to get there. I had already remembered being that which is. But I was not doing it off my own efforts as a fractal of consciousness. 

I cut it way back and started disciplining my mind instead, right back to the very thought of dissolving the self being an inhibiting factor to dissolution. 

I did one marijuana ceremony where I dissolved all belief so much I couldn’t get back to reality until I recreated it all from scratch. I gained a more comprehensive understanding as a human of how I as gif was imagining everything into existence and was holding it there by believing it was real… self deception. Very tricky. 

I went off all psychedelics and substance including coffee and alchohol or psychoactive stimulant to try and become more acutely sensitive to mentations. 

On four occasions at work I lost the belief of reality and it dissolved into the singularity. To others back in the reality, that looked like the body fainting unconscious. The body was taking place in the others perspective. My perspective dissolved and joined back with the totology or source awareness. 

I don’t have much to learn in that state anymore so I now create relative preferences from which to experience life. I don’t judge others nor do I feel emotional reaction to judgment of opinion from others. It’s just life living itself. That doesn’t mean that my little personality doesn’t create boundaries. At some point its perception of its own form in relation to another form has a distinction but it’s for the purpose of experiencing reality (relativity), not placing itself in a moral high ground. 

there are many stories and narratives to be explored here, including the varying states of consciousness itself and the realms one can go into. Removing one’s self from the senses and ceasing all movement of the mind goes back to the singularity but there is always another form and ego that forms. It seems that is what the mind does. Creates worlds to experience. 

ive woken up in realms I could have mistaken myself for having taken mushrooms or dmt. I’ve had a few 5MeO white light happenings. 

I don’t control where I got but I know the frequency at which it happens diminishes when I stop routinely disciplining the mind. This last year I have done nothing at all and even my dreams have diminished. Only recently going back to quiet practice, has it started happening again. 

it depends how engrossed in the belief of the reality I guess but my being learns these things by contrasting between and making distinctions… 

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I had god realisation without drugs. It wasn’t even in relation to spiritual practice. It just happened one day during a deep dive enquiry into what I was cause I was trying to omit bias from my observation. My entire reality dissapeared including my body and sense of self. I still had the ability to question the singularity I found myself in which was beyond consciousness ( god) it was a singularity of awareness ( source) before god ( consciousness or knowing created itself by awareness turning back on itself making a self reference) it explored this formless and boundless singularity before recognising itself and remembering it was god. The shock shot me back into reality, body, self identity and left me speechless as a debunked atheist sitting in a chair wondering wtf just happened. I’d never heard of a psychedelic. I subsiquently did psychedelics to contrast the experience and with the exception of the buzzing energy, it was the same ( 5MeO) formless infinity before anything at all. 

I found myself using psychedelics to chase states of ecstacy because I knew how to move the mind to get there. I had already remembered being that which is, so never had a bad trip nor did I ever really have visuals or any of the journeys people describe. It’s mostly all formless in a realm of ideas before they are fractured and built up. But I was not doing it off my own efforts as a fractal of consciousness. It was the substance. 

I cut it way back and started disciplining my mind instead, right back to the very thought of dissolving the self being an inhibiting factor to dissolution. 

I did one marijuana ceremony where I dissolved all belief so much I couldn’t get back to reality until I recreated it all from scratch. I gained a more comprehensive understanding as a human of how I as consciousness was imagining everything into existence and was holding it there by believing it was real… self deception. Very tricky. 

I went off all psychedelics and substance including coffee and alchohol or psychoactive stimulant to try and become more acutely sensitive to mentation.

On four occasions at work I lost the belief of reality and it dissolved into the singularity. To others back in the reality, that looked like the body fainting unconscious. The body was taking place in the others perspective. My perspective dissolved and joined back with the totology or source awareness. Black/white nothingness. 

I don’t have much to learn in that state anymore so I now create relative preferences from which to experience life. I don’t judge others nor do I feel emotional reaction to judgment of opinion from others much anymore. It’s just life living itself. That doesn’t mean that my little personality doesn’t create boundaries. At some point its perception of its own form in relation to another form has a distinction but it’s for the purpose of experiencing reality (relativity), not placing itself in a moral high ground. 

there are many stories and narratives to be explored here, including the varying states of consciousness itself and the realms one can go into. Removing one’s self from the senses and ceasing all movement of the mind goes back to the singularity but there is always another world and ego that forms. It seems that is what the mind does. Creates worlds to experience. 

ive woken up in realms I could have mistaken myself for having taken mushrooms or dmt. I’ve had a few 5MeO white light happenings. I’ve had one completely conscious out of body or ‘reality shift’ intentionally from start to finish and it was that experience that proved to me there’s nothing but awareness experiencing consciousness in a dream.

I don’t control where I go but I know the frequency at which it happens diminishes when I stop routinely disciplining the mind. This last year I have done nothing at all and even my dreams have diminished. Only recently going back to quiet practice, has it started happening again. 

it depends how engrossed in the belief of the reality I guess but my being learns these things by contrasting between and making distinctions… 

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@Adrian colby Good sharing!! For sure its quite possible to reach the high levels of Consciousness without drugs, they've been doing it for thousands of years...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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It is impossible for a creator god to exist, and it is for a reason: he would be limited since he would want this specific creation now for some reason outside of this creation. then, this entity would be separate from this creation, it would be the source of reality, not reality, but it would want things for reasons, therefore it would be another reality superimposed on this reality. this is impossible. God is reality and is everything. If you are experiencing a part it is not because you want it as God, it is because in the fractal of infinite facets that is reality this facet is being now, and no one wants it or can avoid it, it is the flow of total reality. God is the totality and the being, and you are that, but there is not creator out of the scenes, it's impossible, reality is creating itself now, that's god, here and now and inevitable, because it's synchronized with the infinity 

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