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I took about 1g (.9g) lemon tek.

It took 30 minutes before I started feeling tired and nausea so I laid down and stared at the ceiling and noticed symbols appearing on the ceiling, and some of them looked like Chinese symbols, and they looked alien as well, and I started to realize that I think the Chinese got their symbols inspired by mushrooms. The symbols started to take the shape of my fears, such as snakes, and my desires, such as women.

I had deep profound insights and understanding into reality, consciousness, God, and solipsism. I realized that there is no difference between life and dreams, and I couldn’t even tell the difference between being dead or being alive. I realized that death is imaginary and life is imaginary, and that this is just the universe having a trip of the human experience. I realized that there is no purpose to life other than that I am the purpose of life. I basically hallucinated my whole life and chose my parents and the time period of which I am living now. I realize that I am infinite and eternal. I am consciousness. I am the universe. And I have done nothing but hallucinate and dream. I realized more deeply that I am Consciousness and I am Absolute Truth.

I realized that I created everybody in my life, including actualized.org, YouTube Facebook, the planet Earth, and the universe itself.

I don’t understand how this understanding of reality was possible for me off of not even a gram of mushrooms. What really amazes me is that I have had similar insights and mystical experiences without mushrooms, but this was even more powerful and direct.

I am still trying to integrate this, but I can see now what Leo Gura has been talking about, and the cool thing is I recognize that Leo Gura has just been me trying to convince myself of my own true nature. Such a radical mindfuck. I realized I elected Trump and am Trump. I also realized I am Hitler, the Buddha, and Jesus Christ. I get it now.

I have now answered my own questions about how understanding reality is possible and what awakening is. Thanks to everyone who has supported me on my journey back to oneness. 

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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You got it :)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Wow!!! Amazing!!!!! This really struck me at the core. This is Self Realization!!!!!!! Ohh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am having flashbacks and experiences of all my LSD and mushroom experiences. This is deepening my insights.

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Had something similar happen off my latest trip except at the end of my realization I “let it go”


anyways, welcome home

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@r0ckyreed Congratulations!!

Now you can talk about things just a few members here can talk about but the number is growing. Nice to see such big improvements! 

Edited by OBEler

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God is us :ph34r:

Why does Hitler always come up in cosmic revelations lmao

You may be sensitive to psychedelics if one gram did all that which will have it's pros and cons but don't worry about that 

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5 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

I took about 1g (.9g) lemon tek.

It took 30 minutes before I started feeling tired and nausea so I laid down and stared at the ceiling and noticed symbols appearing on the ceiling, and some of them looked like Chinese symbols, and they looked alien as well, and I started to realize that I think the Chinese got their symbols inspired by mushrooms. The symbols started to take the shape of my fears, such as snakes, and my desires, such as women.

I had deep profound insights and understanding into reality, consciousness, God, and solipsism. I realized that there is no difference between life and dreams, and I couldn’t even tell the difference between being dead or being alive. I realized that death is imaginary and life is imaginary, and that this is just the universe having a trip of the human experience. I realized that there is no purpose to life other than that I am the purpose of life. I basically hallucinated my whole life and chose my parents and the time period of which I am living now. I realize that I am infinite and eternal. I am consciousness. I am the universe. And I have done nothing but hallucinate and dream. I realized more deeply that I am Consciousness and I am Absolute Truth.

I realized that I created everybody in my life, including actualized.org, YouTube Facebook, the planet Earth, and the universe itself.

I don’t understand how this understanding of reality was possible for me off of not even a gram of mushrooms. What really amazes me is that I have had similar insights and mystical experiences without mushrooms, but this was even more powerful and direct.

I am still trying to integrate this, but I can see now what Leo Gura has been talking about, and the cool thing is I recognize that Leo Gura has just been me trying to convince myself of my own true nature. Such a radical mindfuck. I realized I elected Trump and am Trump. I also realized I am Hitler, the Buddha, and Jesus Christ. I get it now.

I have now answered my own questions about how understanding reality is possible and what awakening is. Thanks to everyone who has supported me on my journey back to oneness. 

Congrats.  You have beaten the game and get 1,000,000 points plus access to bonus content.  And you'll be reeling for weeks.  The part i found hardest was sliding back into the ego again..because now your lucid.  Things can be the same again, but only if you forget you beat the game.   Kinda like watching Breaking Bad a second time.   Go into it completely new and fresh again and you'll enjoy it even more this time.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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God has always been in front of you, yet you are too blind to see Him.

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8 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

I have now answered my own questions about how understanding reality is possible and what awakening is. Thanks to everyone who has supported me on my journey back to oneness. 

Now watch out for the trap of thinking you're done and don't need psychs anymore 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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Thanks guys. There’s still so much more to uncover. So much more depth of insight to be had. But I’m grateful to have experienced so much more depth to this work. This is a good starting point.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@r0ckyreed You didn't realize You were God, You realized existence is all One.. and it was because an external substance, and the experience is now gone once the effect wares off.. To know You are GOD, is permanent Experience..

in 2 weeks You will be here asking more questions, if You are GOD why the need to ask questions...and will take the substance again to recreate the experience..soon after that it will need to be more frequent and at higher dosages, this leads to you know what!

Get there naturally via proven methods, not on/off methods because with on/off methods You will crave the experience, not the reality..

With natural methods, You get there without going down or off, much better for You...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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9 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

@r0ckyreed You didn't realize You were God, You realized existence is all One.. and it was because an external substance, and the experience is now gone once the effect wares off.. To know You are GOD, is permanent Experience..

in 2 weeks You will be here asking more questions, if You are GOD why the need to ask questions...and will take the substance again to recreate the experience..soon after that it will need to be more frequent and at higher dosages, this leads to you know what!

Get there naturally via proven methods, not on/off methods because with on/off methods You will crave the experience, not the reality..

With natural methods, You get there without going down or off, much better for You...

9 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Nice, but if he's God then none of this matters or if all is one, then it's all inclusive. No advice needed. I'm not saying don't say what you're saying, but it's all empty words and it's all good either way. I do like what you had to say, though.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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9 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Nice, but if he's God then none of this matters or if all is one, then it's all inclusive. No advice needed. I'm not saying don't say what you're saying, but it's all empty words and it's all good either way. I do like what you had to say, though.

Thanks!  Yes I agree, if You really are this GOD, to whom are You sharing it with? Other GODS?  Where does Other come from when all if One and Inclusive?? 

So its still Ego and not the Reality when its done via these ways, using drugs and such.. Maybe what happened in his experience and when others that do these things, they are taking a peak over the fence of what it is like to witness GODLINESS, like being from a very poor family and going to a rich neighborhood and seeing for the first time big mansions and nice cars and such, if blows ppl minds that others live this way, its the same here, one has to know the persons baseline Consciousness or Experience of Reality, then relate it to their experience while high on the drug and then know what it is, we cannot do that looking from the outside in!!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 minute ago, Ishanga said:

Thanks!  Yes I agree, if You really are this GOD, to whom are You sharing it with? Other GODS?  Where does Other come from when all if One and Inclusive?? 

So its still Ego and not the Reality when its done via these ways, using drugs and such.. Maybe what happened in his experience and with other that do these things, they are taking a peak over the fence of what it is like to witness GODLINESS, like being from a very poor family and going to a rich neighborhood and seeing for the first time big mansions and nice cars and such, if blows ppl minds that others live this way, its the same here, one has to know the persons baseline Consciousness or Experience of Reality, then relate it to their experience while high on the drug and then know what it is, we cannot do that looking from the outside in!!


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I don't think it's that you realize you are God but that whatever it is that you are recognized itself or you realized you're not the human you profess to be. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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When people talk about God they are referring to an entity that creates things for a purpose. This is impossible, since reality is infinite. The god they speak of is finite, it is a projection of the ego.

In the infinite what arises does so by the flow of reality, not by a will. It is inevitable, and it is perfectly coordinated with the whole. in infinity one and multiple mean the same thing, and inside and outside too. Infinity is expansion, and the creator god is contraction. There is no God, there is reality, and it has no limits, and you are that. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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