Santiago Ram

Leo, what is Addiction?

36 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura  You made a video titled "Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause of Every Addiction" in 2017. Your teachings and understanding since then have grown.

Recently you made a post about Intelligence where you encompassed many things to be unintelligent like consuming junk food, watching poor content, chasing after clicks and views, chasing after sex and money, etc.

It seems to me like all those are addictions.

So I will drop (most of) the BS I've learnt about addiction for the past 5 years and I would like to know your Tier 2 understanding of Addiction.

What is the essence of addiction? What is the essence of sobriety?

I live in a with addicts and serving them is basically my Life Purpose. Your insight will be very useful for many people.



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Posted (edited)

@Leo Gura Yup.

Helping someone in their 2nd or 3rd nugget is quite easy.

How can you recover when you are in your 200th nugget?

Edit: tbh sometimes I think I, and the Sponsors are just lucky to be Sober and full of shit, that's why I'm asking you

Edited by Santiago Ram

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@Santiago Ram I don't know. That's not my area of experience.

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Posted (edited)

@Leo Gura Well maybe the simple realization that with every relapse, things will get harder is enough.

Like the next time you eat junk food know it makes you even more dependent. Just realizing it gets harder helps.

Next time you use social media, it gets harder.

Next time you chase after prestige and fame, it gets harder.

Simply stop. Now that you still can.

Also, some clinics in Mexico use 5 meo DMT for recovery as it has proven quite effective.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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Posted (edited)

@Santiago Ram It comes down to consciousness.

Ultimately there needs to be a recognition, down to your bones, that sober life is the only way.

What it will take for you to realize that is unknown. Lots and lots of suffering.

The reason 5-MeO works is by giving you more consciousness which is needed to have that realization.

Spirituality is just hyper-sobriety.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

Why do you say those things you mentioned are addictions. Someone chasing after sex doesn't necessarily make them an addict. So is eating junk food or chasing money to survive. 

If someone drinks ONE GLASS of wine every night for the rest of their lives, does that make them an addict and that alcohol is destroying them and they need to stop. I don't think you'll think that's the case,.but you'll probably say that drinking alcohol is bad and low consciousness and unintelligent. No, abuse of alcohol is and so is the abuse of everything else.



Edited by Princess Arabia

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Santiago Ram 

What it will take for you to realize that is unknown. Lots and lots of suffering.

@Leo Gura Wow. Thank you, that is a great insight. I'll be working on awareness of suffering.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Santiago Ram 

The reason 5-MeO works is by giving you more consciousness which is needed to have that realization.

Spirituality is just hyper-sobriety.

When I put up my own clinic, I'll administer 5 meo DMT (along with spiritual coaching). I still have a shit ton to learn but that's my dream.

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@Princess Arabia of course I'm talking about abuse. The people I talk to do not drink only One glass of wine.

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People are addicted to whining


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@Yimpa How much suffering has whining brought into your life? How much suffering can it bring? Become aware of it. Feel it in your bones.

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For serious addicts, trauma healing will be fundamental.

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35 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

People are addicted to whining

Sommelier of whine

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Posted (edited)

@Princess Arabia all addiction is the same thing. Smoking and sex are the same addiction. Alcohol and weed are the same addiction. Obsessing over someone and drinking a glass of wine every night, all examples listed are coming from the same source. If you can not have a glass and are fine then its fine if you realize you are never allowed to have a glass of wine ever again and it pains you, that is the source pointing to itself its the same feeling as dying.

Edited by Hojo

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

For serious addicts, trauma healing will be fundamental.

Reminds me of the Friday afternoons in the clinic when the therapist Nance came and taught us about The 5 Wounds of the Soul. Happy times.

I like Leo's video on

How Survival Shapes Who You Are.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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@Leo Gura just talking to you last Sunday helped me quit smoking weed. I had been smoking regularly for almost a year, about 2g a day. Your videos about addiction were also very helpful. Thank you.

Edited by Unlimited

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That nuggets video is nifty, it's the simplest ones that getcha

Also @Santiago Ram check out this video 

So there's the points in that video too 


But honestly, to me, there's nothing that beats the trojan horse method. Just sheer pragmatism and strategy. Like for example stopping contacting all people who use. Stopping hanging out with them, messaging them saying your quitting and never contact me again, deleting all convo histories, deleting all contacts (not blocking as these numbers stay on blocked list) and then double checking for ones the mind conveniently forgot to delete ;) that one is very central, social connections. And just bring very firm and hard with the person and teaching them to be firm with themselves and having backup emergency plans for when the tipping point urges comes. Accountability is big too.

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@Leo Gura, respectfully, isn't it hypocritical to advocate for a sober life while holding a pro-psychedelic stance for spiritual and other purposes?

Edited by Nemra

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Posted (edited)

Addiction is trying to fill your inner void with something, when what you should do to fill it is give it to the world, and then realize that it's not a void, it's full.

Addiction searches and grabs, but it never fills what cannot be filled, in the other hand, it feels more and more empty when you try to fill it 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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