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Santiago Ram

Martin Ball on Harmony

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Yesterday I had a session with Martin Ball.

When I had the vision of The Kingdom of Heaven, the word Conflict popped up as what could turn Heaven into Earth

Here are some of his insights.

What is conflict?
Energy is very real. Now, we can label certain energies of, Oh, I didn't like that, so that one's bad. Then this energy over here, I like that, so that one's good. Then when we get into questions of truth or honesty and lies and deceptions, then really what we're getting at is not something it's not necessarily metaphysical, it's more energetic in the sense of, do the words match reality or not? If they don't match reality, and if it's intentional, then it's a lie.

Okay. It has an energy of truth. It has an energy of harmony. It has an energy of peace. It has an energy of love. And you're seeing these complex geometric structures that, as you say, you're seeing angels, but they're geometric structures. You're also noticing some of them seem to be more important than others. There is is the way that it all harmonizes together, all the pieces fit together. And then, like with this conflict, you see a disruption within the energetic construct. So That's your answer. Conflict is disruption of the harmony. It doesn't mean it's good, it doesn't mean it's bad. It just means it's disruption of the harmony in some way. In this context, we can see that the concept of conflict is presenting itself to you, Santiago, through the medium of the divine imagination of this visionary experience in which there is a subject, an object, This is the way that you are interfacing with the greater mind, which I would call God. It is presenting these concepts that come with these energies of feelings and sensations as well. It's representing that to you. It's giving you something for your mind to concretize it like, Oh, that's This is heaven.

This is what heaven is. This is what harmony in heaven is. This is how conflict or disruption enters into this system. Here with this experience, there's nothing within the experience that somebody might also experience in a psychedelic visionary state. The same content that we can get. It is a representation and an appearance within the divine imagination. Is it fundamentally true? Well, it's a representation of truth, but in and of itself, it's still a representation. How you are able to receive it and feel it in your body is part of how you're able to process it. Then the appearance of the devil and the trickster and lies and delusions and evil, that that becomes another representation of as we contemplate the question, what is evil? What are lies? What does it do? How does it work? It creates disharmony. There's a trickster. It goes back to what I was saying that a lie is when the energy of what is being shared is intentionally given in a way that does not coincide with energetic reality. That is a lie versus just being wrong. If somebody says, If you ask somebody, did you feed the dog before you left?

They say, Oh, yeah, I fed the dog. Then you get home and you realize, Oh, they didn't feed the dog? Well, then it's a question. Well, did this person lie to me? Were they trying to deceive me? 


Okay. Well, harmony See, even there, that's nice. Harmonie is nice, but sometimes dissonance is really awesome. If we consider the spectrum of music, yeah, most of the time when we're listening to music, we want nice harmonies. But sometimes you insert the right dissonance into it, and that makes it a more interesting piece of music. Now, Does that make it more interesting in some metaphysical or cosmological sense? No, not really. Maybe in a mathematical sense, it might make it more interesting. But even there, really, it's a subjective thing. Like, whoa, what What defines what is interesting? Because, again, according to whom? According to whom is something interesting or not interesting? Sometimes we want all the instruments to work together. Sometimes when they don't all work together, there's a desire for that. It's good in a practical sense to say, Oh, I want to live a more harmonious life. But sometimes, this is one of my critiques of the monastic approach is, well, that's just seeking inner harmony by avoiding everything else. I'm going to go live as a monk up on the mountain. I'm not going to interact with anyone. I'm not going to I'm not going to deal with life.

I'm just going to sit here and meditate. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So maybe you're finding harmony, but then you're also not living. If we look at the natural world, there's conflict all the time. Animals are chasing each other all over the place, eating each other. And that there's all kinds of beautiful harmonies that exist within nature. And then there's also volcanic eruptions and there's asteroid impacts. There's all kinds of shit that happens. Just like these visions of heaven and hell, it actually takes both of those to create a meaningful existent reality. So if we're only If we're only going for harmony, it's like... Because, again, these are both representations of God. These are both representations of reality and being. If we're choosing like, Oh, I don't want to be on one side of this, well, then you are choosing to limit yourself according to some ideal, but that's not necessarily living in reality. That's living within a chosen spectrum of reality.

Well, what it means is whatever you take it to mean. That meaning is a construct of the human mind. Right. There, I would... Rather than ask the meaning, I would go back to, Well, how did it make you feel?

Great. Okay.

Why do you need more meaning than that?

Amazing. Okay. Yeah.

That's the energy. The energy is, I felt great. That felt amazing. That's the truest essence of it, that it's a projected reflection that helps you feel amazing. Then you, as an individuated unit, an expression of God, you get to decide, Okay, well, if I like that, what can I actively do to create more of that? It sounds like that's what you did for a time in the clinic, where you were trying to be this role model or be this inspiration to act in a certain way and to increase the betterment of other people's experience. That's great. That's the value of it, is that it can inspire you and it can give you a model of what it ever is that you're going to do. In some ways, I'm reminded of this vision that I had on ayahuasca once, where the vision started, it was just pure black. Nothing there. Then there was this really bright light, right in the middle, it was like, bing, like a a star, a really bright star. I saw that and I was like, Oh, it's me for whatever reason. Then that lit up and then more stars light up around it.

It's like, Oh. If I just let myself really just shine as brightly as I want to, then that can help inspire others to shine as brightly. Then once those other ones lit up, then more lit up around each one. Then And by the end, it was this perfect geometric grid of this connection of light everywhere. So what I took it to mean was, Okay, it's up to me to be my most authentic self. And that can then help and inspire others to be their most authentic selves, and that will help others to be their most authentic selves. And that will help others to be their most authentic selves. And then we can more objectively live in harmony if people are being the light that they are, and it made me feel inspired, but I don't ask the question, What does it mean beyond that? It was an appearance, and it was me interacting with myself and showing myself things. And this was you showing yourself things.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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