
Talking to the dream characters

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So Leo claims that everyone you see in so-called "real life", is a dream character. He claims that the reason they tell you they are real is because the "dream would come to an end" if they didn't do this.

My question is, from my perspective, why is "Leo" the only dream character who contradicts this rule.

What makes the dream character "Leo Gura" so special?


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How does he contradict this rule?

From a much higher state of consciousness you can directly see the dream like quality of reality and how your perception of everything is geared towards your abilities to survive. Now don't conflate the absolute with the relative. Leo never said he is special. All dream characters are hallucinated by you. Leo is you. I am you. There is only one I that dreams All. It's radical.

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3 hours ago, ExploringReality said:

How does he contradict this rule?

From a much higher state of consciousness you can directly see the dream like quality of reality and how your perception of everything is geared towards your abilities to survive. Now don't conflate the absolute with the relative. Leo never said he is special. All dream characters are hallucinated by you. Leo is you. I am you. There is only one I that dreams All. It's radical.

It's even more radical than that.

There isn't even actually an I 

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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It's the ultimate strange loop. There is no I but this "No-I" is the absolute, Truth, God. It is the Self which is not an object of perception. It is the non dual suchness that transcends and is imminent. Realizing no self is Truth but that is only one aspect of the awakening jewel. There is the true self which is formless but also takes on every form. 

Edited by ExploringReality

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4 hours ago, ExploringReality said:

How does he contradict this rule?

From a much higher state of consciousness you can directly see the dream like quality of reality and how your perception of everything is geared towards your abilities to survive. Now don't conflate the absolute with the relative. Leo never said he is special. All dream characters are hallucinated by you. Leo is you. I am you. There is only one I that dreams All. It's radical.

He contradicts the rule because he made the solipsism video in which he is my dream character, yet he is trying to end the dream, which no other dream character would do, up until the point I watched the video.

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If solipsism is true, then it's all me. But I wouldn't argue with myself. So all these people on this forum cannot be me, because some of them disagree with me.

If I say now "OK solipsism is true", then I would be the only thing in existence and I would have control.

If this is the case, then, yes, I am God - and I am deciding that all wars should end. Peace will come to the planet permanently. Heaven is now on Earth, because I am God, and it is my will.

Game over.

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He clearly states in that video that yes he is a dream character, but that he is no other than you. You are Leo. You are trying to help yourself remember that you are the only one, by teaching yourself this stuff so that you can awaken. Leo is not some special dream character. What's required is a non dual awareness that you and others are only the ever present One Self.

You have a misguided notion of what solipsism entails. When you realize what other is and what self is, you realize that you created everything perfectly. Whether consciousness remembers or forgets itself.  Your petty ego is projecting it's control and bias on solipsism anthropomorphically  as though you would just manipulate reality to serve your petty human agenda and stage of moral development.

Heaven is here, it is now. You are God yes. Thy Will be done. 

You truly aren't conscious of yourself. You are only imagining from the dream characters perspective that you've created for yourself. You need to go meta so you won't fall into the trap of conflating absolute with the relative.

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9 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:


He clearly states in that video that yes he is a dream character, but that he is no other than you. You are Leo. You are trying to help yourself remember that you are the only one, by teaching yourself this stuff so that you can awaken. Leo is not some special dream character. What's required is a non dual awareness that you and others are only the ever present One Self.

You have a misguided notion of what solipsism entails. When you realize what other is and what self is, you realize that you created everything perfectly. Whether consciousness remembers or forgets itself.  Your petty ego is projecting it's control and bias on solipsism anthropomorphically  as though you would just manipulate reality to serve your petty human agenda and stage of moral development.

Heaven is here, it is now. You are God yes. Thy Will be done. 

You truly aren't conscious of yourself. You are only imagining from the dream characters perspective that you've created for yourself. You need to go meta so you won't fall into the trap of conflating absolute with the relative.

You saying that TruthFreedom is not conscious, is creating duality. Wake up.

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Duality is non-duality in disguise. Relatively speaking you are not conscious of yourself as God. That's okay bro, you can still work at it.  It's not about my wording, my words point to something like a finger pointing at the moon. Your stuck at the finger. Your taking the finger to be the moon. You will create fantasies about truth by staring at concepts and words.

Edited by ExploringReality

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4 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

Duality is non-duality in disguise. Relatively speaking you are not conscious of yourself as God. That's okay bro, you can still work at it. 

That's what one ego would say to another ego. I thought God was talking here?

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Your lost in concepts about words such as God self and others. Everything is God, there is nothing but God. God is talking to itself. It's like a huge infinite mansion that God divided itself into different rooms and pretends to exist apart from itself and create the illusion of others.

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1 minute ago, ExploringReality said:


Your lost in concepts about words such as God self and others. Everything is God, there is nothing but God. God is talking to itself. It's like a huge infinite mansion that God divided itself into different rooms and pretends to exist apart from itself and create the illusion of others.

That;s just like...uh...your OPINION, man.

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2 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:


What is your position on this really, no hocus pokus. What is your belief?

I believe in nussink Lebowski, I cut off your johnson!

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