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samael aun weor

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What do you aII think of the teachings of samael aun weor? It's a hardcore way to enlightenment and invoIves severaI factors. EImination of ego, sexuaI transmutation, sacrifice for humanity.

What do you think of this man and his teachings?

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When I first got into spirituality after having an out-of-body experience, I read about him. I was mostly wanting to explore astral projection, and for a few years I was in communication with a group of people who were involved in Gnosticism. 

I tried for a while to leave my body at will every night, but my only out-of-body experiences happened when I wasn't trying.

I was younger, and I suppose my physical form was less dense, which made entering the astral plane easier.

I don't take it seriously any more, haha.

Edited by TruthFreedom

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@krockerman there’s two schools in the states that used to offer free recordings (website) which included thousands of hours of lectures which covered quite a range of teachings (religions/mythologies/sacred texts/alchemy//meditation).

I’m not sure if all the audio is still available for the public but I image you can sign up to get access. Some of the teachers of these aun woer “gnostic” schools are impressive, their knowledge and insight. I think to spend some hours listening to some of lectures would be very beneficial. To be a student though would require quite a dedication and I do think they can be a little rigid and over confident in their interpretation of ancient teachings but I’d still highly recommend a dive into what they have to offer. They had an awesome series of lectures on opera and of how it (theatre) was one form of western spiritual  initiation. It was a way to practice publicly without authorities (church) knowing, and the culture could still receive/obsorb the teachings.

Edited by CuriousJames

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