
The best way to get laid

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After a lot of contemplation, i've realized that going to escorts is one of the best ways to get laid. I mean the other options are porn, tinder, night clubs, and marriage. And they all have limitations with porn you have no partner, with tinder, it doesn't always work, with night clubs you need skills and right logistics, with marriage you become even more miserable since now you only have one girl for life, which is total nonsense. However with a hooker you get a new one each time, and it doesn't require much money. Best way to get laid.

Edited by Majed

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Best way to get laid is to increase your own vibration so much that your dream/reality starts to completely compliment your thoughts and you start to "manifest" anything you think of, including a partner. And the thing is most people in spiritual communities know about this it's just that they don't know the best ways to increase vibration.

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47 minutes ago, Majed said:

After a lot of contemplation, i've realized that going to escorts is one of the best ways to get laid.

I think I'm going to tattoo this on my back

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1 hour ago, Tenebroso said:

@Average Actualizer I guess serial killers and abusers have high vibrations, that is why women can't keep their hands off them.

I didn't say it's the only way, i said it's the best way, it's the only way that guarantees success, and this is a spiritual forum so that's why i gave a spiritual answer, this wouldn't be the advice i would give someone outside of these circles they would think i'm tripping.

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2 hours ago, Majed said:

@Average Actualizer Dude this is literally bullshit lmaoo.

It's not i swear, on the contrary i think this is the best possible advice in this topic, because it's the only one that guarantees that you'll get laid, others aren't a 100% guarantees.

And high vibration getting laid is always better than low vibration, it's healthier, no toxicity from either side on any level.

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4 hours ago, Majed said:

After a lot of contemplation, i've realized that going to escorts is one of the best ways to get laid. I mean the other options are porn, tinder, night clubs, and marriage. And they all have limitations with porn you have no partner, with tinder, it doesn't always work, with night clubs you need skills and right logistics, with marriage you become even more miserable since now you only have one girl for life, which is total nonsense. However with a hooker you get a new one each time, and it doesn't require much money. Best way to get laid.

You seriously need to mature up your level of contemplation. lol

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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Have you ever picked a woman up off a porn site? Why are you thinking about multiple women if you cant even get one. One woman to have sex with is better off then you are now.

Edited by Hojo

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The easiest way to get laid....

The best way to not grow as a man and to not level up....

The surest way to stay miserable in life....



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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15 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

@Average Actualizer I guess serial killers and abusers have high vibrations, that is why women can't keep their hands off them.

I know zero women who have openly lusted after serial killers but I have met probably several hundred who have lusted after random dudes in clubs with good energy

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Must be very fulfilling to know the other person is only sleeping with you because you paid, with zero connection…

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19 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

@Average Actualizer I guess serial killers and abusers have high vibrations, that is why women can't keep their hands off them.

I wish you would stop insulting women as much as you do by insinuating such things all the time. This is a very minute few and from very unstable women. As far as abusers,lots aren't aware until they've had contact and are already in the relationship. I won't even address the serial killers part, because that's just so ludicrous. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The easiest? Probably.

Will it be fulfilling? Does it have the capacity to improve you as a man? I guess not, but find out for yourself.

@Average Actualizer This forum may be spirituality-inspired, but we have a dedicated sub-forum for topics and discussions about spirituality. What you are saying can be true, but imagine what it takes for an average dude to reach that level. What we need to go through, years or decades of inner work, trauma healing, self-actualization etc. Is it truly something ideal to strive for?

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If what you want is only to cum with another person's body, then, yes.

In my opinion, sex with prostitutes is one of the lowest forms of sex. 

Having sex with a "normal" girl that you desire that desires you too and that you have "attracted" and flirted and all of that is way more rewarding.

Also, you when you mix feelings with sex, things get 100x better.

Also, most prostitutes aren't genuinely beautiful, they are so fake and have all sorts of bad habits and manners that doesn't make me horny at all.

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How you best get sex is a serious question of contemplation as the need for sex is there, you cant stop that and how you fulfill this desire has a large effect on your life.

I dont think hooker are a good strategy though as you will probably built a bad self image out of that. If you wouldnt take the path of least resistance is that really something you would choose? 

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@Majed I think the best way is to be comfortable with never finding a partner. I know it sounds foolish on the surface but maybe isn't there is something to it -- When you stop looking for love , love finds you.

Check out this video.


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