Stoica Doru

Meditation/counciousness Work Implies Great Responsibility

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If you think that meditation is all about getting relaxed and chill, while pursuing or doing low counciousness stuff, you're heavily wrong. With great power comes big responsibility, so, while being cleansed, you are also challenged towards quitting all of your addictions for the most part, and giving up certain neurotic uncouncious patterns. If you're not willing to do so, or if the ego puts up a big fight, the body and psyche will go mad, in what we might call a backlash. 

Although it may seem kind of depressing quitting useless and unproductive activities, the advantages of doing so and the wisdom you get are worth the cost. 

For me, it was :

  1. Quitting refined sugar and meat (2 months ago)
  2. Quitting masturbation (Day 54 now)
  3. Quitting porn one year ago
  4. Quiting social media (3 months ago)
  5.  Also, the need for validation is decreasing

There will sure be many adjustments on your journey, and given the fact that we live in an addiction based society, expect a lot of resistance on the way. 

Getting rid of addictions is the first step, as it gives all your traumas and emotional baggage space to come up in order to be healed.

There's no going back on this path, but don't worry, as there's no better one. You're brave, much love :).

Edited by Stoica Doru

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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I can relate 100% to this.

4 hours ago, Stoica Doru said:

If you think that meditation is all about getting relaxed and chill, while pursuing or doing low counciousness stuff, you're heavily wrong. With great power comes big responsibility, so, while being cleansed, you are also challenged towards quitting all of your addictions for the most part, and giving up certain neurotic uncouncious patterns. If you're not willing to do so, or if the ego puts up a big fight, the body and psyche will go mad, in what we might call a backlash. 

This is a huge trap that I didn't become really aware of until recently. I've been in kind of a panic the past two weeks, but now I realize its because my ego was trying to remain the same with my addictions and neurotic patterns. I'm becoming so aware of my suffering now, its crazy. I also realized I took my defense supports down and my ego has never been so exposed, its time to face everything dead on instead of retreating back to my head. Awareness truly is curative, I'm probably going to have to suffer more and more before change starts to happen.

4 hours ago, Stoica Doru said:


There's no going back on this path, but don't worry, as there's no better one. You're brave, much love :).

  That statement right there scares the shit out of me but also excites me at the same time. 

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Interesting one, I haven't really made the connection much between addiction and this work. I see how "addictions" don't bother me, if I don't label them as such and just say: it is how it is. I'm fine with addictions, it's just a label.

Shouldn't it be that the addictions will fall by themselves in the process without having the need to drop them? When you see you're not the one who is addicted, but that one is a false personality, that's a different story. Destroying the false personality will destroy the addictions eh?

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 hour ago, Dodoster said:

Interesting one, I haven't really made the connection much between addiction and this work. I see how "addictions" don't bother me, if I don't label them as such and just say: it is how it is. I'm fine with addictions, it's just a label.

Shouldn't it be that the addictions will fall by themselves in the process without having the need to drop them? When you see you're not the one who is addicted, but that one is a false personality, that's a different story. Destroying the false personality will destroy the addictions eh?

You can't go bragging all life saying "Look how I'm not a character and stuff like that". That needs to be felt. However, until that point, you'll need to learn to drop your addictions, even though, quite true, some of them will fade on their own. Authenticity takes time to be embodied and it can't be obtained by using the spiritual claim "I'm not a person, so nothing can enslave me, not even myself".

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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14 minutes ago, Stoica Doru said:

You can't go bragging all life saying "Look how I'm not a character and stuff like that". That needs to be felt. However, until that point, you'll need to learn to drop your addictions, even though, quite true, some of them will fade on their own. Authenticity takes time to be embodied and it can't be obtained by using the spiritual claim "I'm not a person, so nothing can enslave me, not even myself".

The spiritual claim itself no, its empty like all words and teachings. As a belief it's empty and unhelpful. Another story.

But the present moment first hand realisation of that is what is powerful and what feels like falling into the Self.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster Shirking responsibility will bite you back in the ass, spiritual bypassing is possibly the biggest trap. If you think everything will resolve by itself, that is definitely not the case for me. You're not gonna go deep in this work thinking a couple hours of meditation per day is gonna get you anywhere.

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6 minutes ago, Kserkkj said:

@Dodoster Shirking responsibility will bite you back in the ass, spiritual bypassing is possibly the biggest trap. If you think everything will resolve by itself, that is definitely not the case for me. You're not gonna go deep in this work thinking a couple hours of meditation per day is gonna get you anywhere.

It's not about bypassing really. What im saying is im trying not to target the individual problems, but the root of all! 

My grandma thought me how to pull weeds - from the root, so they dont come back. 

They will still flap about for some time, but the source of energy is cut from the root.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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The level of confidence you get when you drop an addiction is so high that it snowball very quickly (coupled with consciousness work).

If you can quit porn and masturbation, every other addiction will be so easy to drop, it's unreal ...

It just takes time, your psychee won't allow you to do everything at once, otherwise it will backslide big time.


Just so you have an another example, that is what I've been able to defeat in 10 months (since I started to meditate).



  • Porn
  • Masturbation
  • News addiction (don't watch TV)
  • Shows addiction
  • Video game (partially because I still play a bit everyday, but I replaced most of that time with long walks, reading/learning and consciousness work).
  • Chronic needs to imagine future situations in my head (clearly a disease of the mind)
  • Neediness towards women (need for love)
  • Social Anxiety (need for approval)
  • Judgment addiction (to me and everyone else)


I was in a very bad shape 10 months earlier, one of the most neurotics and anxious guy you could meet.
With so much fears and insecurities that all my thoughts were negatives and self-destructive.
So, If I could do all this, this little "I", who was so weak and fragile, each and every one of you can.

It's just a matter of time :)

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin nice work! 

9 minutes ago, Shin said:

Chronic needs to imagine future situations in my head (clearly a disease of the mind)

i have problems with this one as well constantly thinking of possible future outcomes which is ok but probably not 10 times a day

so i guess it makes sense that with the elimination of 1 problem the rest will follow more easily.

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