Princess Arabia

This Is What Maga Is Really About

85 posts in this topic

9 minutes ago, Elliott said:


Look at the map in this link. All the way to the English Channel.


"In 451 Atilla the Hun launched an Invasion of Gaul against the Western Roman Empire, Atilla the Hun began the Campaign of sacking and burning cities. He ravaged most of Gaul, one of the cities that were attacked was Strasbourg as it was the center of Gaul.[1][2] When Atilla the Hun entered Strasbourg, he and his army began massacring and burning the city to the ground. The city was fully destroyed, and its civilians were killed.[3][4][5][6][7"

Then it makes sense that Putin is a Hunn or a Mongo(l) right? They are still attacking our values and freedoms after 1500 years. He’s jealous of our beauty.

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2 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Then it makes sense that Putin is a Hunn or a Mongo(l) right? They are still attacking our values and freedoms after 1500 years. He’s jealous of our beauty.


A 2003 DNA study found that one in 200 men, or about 16 million people, are genetic descendants of Genghis Khan, the infamous conqueror who led the Mongol Empire.

Do Genghis Khan's Descendants Nu……

Edited by Elliott

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@Average Actualizer Yes, you are on the right track with the inedia and sleeplessness. Could also add kumbhaka / breathlessness, which is generally supposed to lead to levitation.

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2 hours ago, The Crocodile said:

@Average Actualizer Yes, you are on the right track with the inedia and sleeplessness. Could also add kumbhaka / breathlessness, which is generally supposed to lead to levitation.

Yeah i've heard about breathlessness too, i think it will probably start to come naturally once i'm breatharian for months/years.

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Edited by Husseinisdoingfine

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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