Princess Arabia

This Is What Maga Is Really About

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Just now, Average Actualizer said:

Kanye being critical of jews in power has nothing to do with black nationalism.

It has to do with ethnocentric thinking. Like obviously Kanye considers himself superior to the Jews and thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with them.

1 minute ago, Average Actualizer said:

Thats not the same thing as if he was a black nationalist, living in a black majority country.

Usually black majority countries have black nationalist politics because there are white people or mulattoes who have disproportionate power, which is not the same thing as in white majority countries where the white people in power just want to stop contamination by racial minorities.

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@The Crocodile

14 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

It has to do with ethnocentric thinking. Like obviously Kanye considers himself superior to the Jews and thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with them.

Usually black majority countries have black nationalist politics because there are white people or mulattoes who have disproportionate power, which is not the same thing as in white majority countries where the white people in power just want to stop contamination by racial minorities.

Why do white countries continue forth with usury? If they were in the positions of REAL power and were interested in lifting their people up, why would they continue to subjugate their own people and profit off of their debt?

If I critique realities about the power structure that I see as negative for all, and it so happens muslims/Jews/trans (“minorities”) are associated with that which I critique, I as white guy can be fined or thrown in jail for “hate crime” in various countries - how does this work if my people are in the positions of power? 


Edited by CuriousJames

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20 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

It has to do with ethnocentric thinking. Like obviously Kanye considers himself superior to the Jews and thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with them.

Usually black majority countries have black nationalist politics because there are white people or mulattoes who have disproportionate power, which is not the same thing as in white majority countries where the white people in power just want to stop contamination by racial minorities.

Kanye doesn't consider himself superior to jews, i don't get how you concluded that from him talking about their power and lack of trust he has with the jewish people that he knows, if anything it's the jews that consider themselves superior to anyone non-jewish because they are taught to by Judaism that they are the chosen people and that everyone non-jewish is sub-human or in some cases sub-animal that is destined to serve them as their slave once they own the planet. (All of this is as per their teachings in Talmud, Torah, etc.)

The part about black nationalist wanting whites out of power because they're overpowered is true but not the point i was making. I was just saying that being critical of someone in powerful position doesn't mean that you want your country to be mostly of your own race, those are 2 different, separate topics, they can be correlated like in the example you gave but they don't have to like in the example with Kanye.

And there aren't really any white people in power that want to stop the "contamination" at least there haven't been in any western countries since the 40s. Some may advertise themselves that way, but none truly have that intent.

Edited by Average Actualizer

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5 minutes ago, CuriousJames said:

@The Crocodile

Why do white countries continue forth with usury? If they were in the positions of REAL power and were interested in lifting their people up, why would they confuse to subjugate their own people? 

If I critique realities about the power structure that I see as negative for all, and it so happens muslims/Jews/trans (“minorities”) are associated with that which I critique, I as white guy can be fined or thrown in jail for “hate crime” in various countries - how does this work if my people are in the positions of power? 


Exactly, there is always a talk about white nationalists in power but there has been no white nationalists in a single western country for many decades now, if there was the western countries wouldn't be as eastern as they are now.

Edited by Average Actualizer

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And enthocentrism, I’m seeing various definitions imply it means thinking your own people are superior to others which is not the stance that I think many of us are supporting. Instead, what I think Leo/myself/others are suggesting is that a people should be able to celebrate their culture and work to maintain it. As long as we are not subjugating or colonizing other people, I think this would be in support of diversity and so therefore a good thing

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6 minutes ago, CuriousJames said:

And enthocentrism, I’m seeing various definitions imply it means thinking your own people are superior to others which is not the stance that I think many of us are supporting. Instead, what I think Leo/myself/others are suggesting is that a people should be able to celebrate their culture and work to maintain it. As long as we are not subjugating or colonizing other people, I think this would be in support of diversity and so therefore a good thing

Exactly, i share the exact same view.

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47 minutes ago, CuriousJames said:

@The Crocodile

Why do white countries continue forth with usury? If they were in the positions of REAL power and were interested in lifting their people up, why would they continue to subjugate their own people and profit off of their debt?

If I critique realities about the power structure that I see as negative for all, and it so happens muslims/Jews/trans (“minorities”) are associated with that which I critique, I as white guy can be fined or thrown in jail for “hate crime” in various countries - how does this work if my people are in the positions of power? 


don't know what you're talking about

28 minutes ago, CuriousJames said:

And enthocentrism, I’m seeing various definitions imply it means thinking your own people are superior to others which is not the stance that I think many of us are supporting. Instead, what I think Leo/myself/others are suggesting is that a people should be able to celebrate their culture and work to maintain it. As long as we are not subjugating or colonizing other people, I think this would be in support of diversity and so therefore a good thing

It's a level of cognitive identification. Ethnocentrists are people who only have the cognitive complexity to identify with their "own people".

49 minutes ago, Average Actualizer said:

Kanye doesn't consider himself superior to jews

He considers himself superior to a lot of people.


, i don't get how you concluded that from him talking about their power and lack of trust he has with the jewish people that he knows,

Because that's a severe whitewashing understatement. He's a nazi.


if anything it's the jews that consider themselves superior to anyone non-jewish because they are taught to by Judaism that they are the chosen people and that everyone non-jewish is sub-human or in some cases sub-animal that is destined to serve them as their slave once they own the planet. (All of this is as per their teachings in Talmud, Torah, etc.)

This doesn't have anything to do with anything.


And there aren't really any white people in power that want to stop the "contamination" at least there haven't been in any western countries since the 40s. Some may advertise themselves that way, but none truly have that intent.

Anti-black racism IN GENERAL WHAT IT IS is that you don't want contamination. Which is why you're like that.

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34 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

don't know what you're talking about

It's a level of cognitive identification. Ethnocentrists are people who only have the cognitive complexity to identify with their "own people".

He considers himself superior to a lot of people.

Because that's a severe whitewashing understatement. He's a nazi.

This doesn't have anything to do with anything.

Anti-black racism IN GENERAL WHAT IT IS is that you don't want contamination. Which is why you're like that.

Ffs this is such a closeminded but expected take, to say that if someone is ethnocentrist it must mean they can't identify with more than just their own people is too black & white (no pun intended), i am ethnocentric and a white nationalist (if i was any other race i would be a nationalist for that race too, it's not about identfying with a race for the sake of race, it's for the sake of not having your race wiped off the face of earth) and at the same time i am aware at all times that this is my dream that i'm constructing in this moment as God where everything is a figment of my Godly imagination including people of different races meaning that ultimately everything is one and there is no duality, but despite all of this there is still duality in maya and as long as i'm dreaming this dream it's absolutely healthy to want to have your race of people to stay alive on the planet, it's basic survival 101 and survival is a healthy thing, what you're subtly proposing by calling ethnocentrism "level of cognitive identificiation" is suicide, which you show in a more direct manner at the end of your post by calling me racist for caring about the survival of my race within the dream.

Sure, Kanye considers himself superior to many people but that's more from an egoic point of view, Kanye doesn't see any race or group of people superior to another, which is what you implemented by saying he thinks he's superior to jews because he sees something wrong with them.

Kanye is not a nazi, all the nazi stuff that he does is just an intentional response to supression of all the nazi things, this happens with every supressed thing in the world, if things like nazis, swastikas, Hitler, talking about the jews weren't supressed topics he wouldn't see a need to put resistence to that supression which is what he's doing, him making a swastika shirt and saying i love hitler is him giving a big fuck you to the overall supression, that's mostly done by the jews in the media (which also proves his point about jews being overpowered in the media and all jew releated things like the Holocaust and Isreal being "greatest ally" being the most pushed topics by that same media in comparison to all the other topics within those categories).

The example i gave you of jews seeing themselves as superior to others is directly releated to you saying Kanye sees himself as superior to jews, i gave you the reverse example and it actually made more sense because it has an entire religion backing it instead of an ego of a famous rapper.

And in that last sentence of course you have to use the overused racism card in big 2025 because someone thinks one of the races of planet earth actually shouldn't cease to exist, there is nothing wrong with being protective of your own race, if i was black i would be a black nationalist, it's not about race, it's about not being suicial and instead wanting to keep existing, it's literally that simple and blatant.

And you're the one talking about "contamination", i don't use that word so stop putting it in my mouth.

And also your main point wasn't about me but about people in power, i'm not a person in power so that still doesn't explain the claim that there are white nationalists in positions in power, as i have said there are people in power who have talked the white nationalist talk but didn't walk the white nationalist walk, it's been this way since the 40s.

Edited by Average Actualizer

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@Average Actualizer Too much noise. I'm letting you know when Leo uses the term ethnocentrism he means from a point of view of cognitive development or ability to identify your consciousness with things.

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18 minutes ago, Average Actualizer said:

Ffs this is such a closeminded but expected take

So you call yourself "Actualizer“

do you actually do stuff like inner work, shadow work, consciousness work, psychedelics, inquiry and so on?

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Can somebody please tell me the name of a race that has been wiped off the face of the earth....already.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, Princess Arabia said:

Can somebody please tell me the name of a race that has been wiped off the face of the earth....already.


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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

So you call yourself "Actualizer“

do you actually do stuff like inner work, shadow work, consciousness work, psychedelics, inquiry and so on?

That's more of a mock name but yes i do inner work, specifically semen retention, breatharianism/fasting, no-sleep and just being aware of the inner dialogue as much as possible to catch out little ego traps and patterns that it likes to fall into.

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1 minute ago, Average Actualizer said:

That's more of a mock name but yes i do inner work, specifically semen retention, breatharianism/fasting, no-sleep and just being aware of the inner dialogue as much as possible to catch out little ego traps and patterns that it likes to fall into.

How about some nice psychedelics?


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3 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:


That's not a race, that's a breed. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Can somebody please tell me the name of a race that has been wiped off the face of the earth....already.

Even if not wiped off completely people still wouldn't want their race to reach low numbers, if it wasn't for the age of aquarius coming up and changing the planet completely in the next 40-50 years there wouldn't be more than 10 million white people on the planet 100 years from now, at the rate that everything is going combined with uninentional mass migration that comes up at the same time as the mass dip in birth rate for various reasons. 

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8 minutes ago, Average Actualizer said:

it's for the sake of not having your race wiped off the face of earth

You probably are paranoid most of the time.

Eventually you'll move on from it, but until then you'll get fooled a lot by that fear.

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3 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

How about some nice psychedelics?


No, i don't think it's necessary for enlightement/happiness and health, which is what my goal always was, i don't care about exploring aspects of God, i just care about health, bliss, longevity.

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2 minutes ago, Average Actualizer said:

No, i don't think it's necessary for enlightement/happiness and health, which is what my goal always was, i don't care about exploring aspects of God, i just care about health, bliss, longevity.

It might be necessary for "deeper" truth or something. I mean you think you have the "truth" on your side no?

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1 minute ago, Nemra said:

You probably are paranoid most of the time.

Eventually you'll move on from it, but until then you'll get fooled a lot by that fear.

I'm not because i personally don't care as much as it may seem because i'm not even from a western country and also because of mankind transitioning into 5D which will dissolve society and all the duality in mankind anyway, so we won't have to deal with these problems. I'm only explaining why a white nationalist would think this way, i'm more of a temproary white nationalist, i will probably stop being within next 2-3 years because i think there will already be drastic 5D changes that will show to mankind that we have more important things to focus on aka manifesting heaven on earth will start.

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