
Collective Male Shame Patterns - Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg

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I've talked a bit about patterns I've noticed around collective male shame in the past.

But I ran into this video that talks a bit about the origin point of that shame through the lens of discussing the insecurity of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.


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I only watched the first 3 minutes of this video, it seems good,  it reminded me of a similar video Charisma on Command did that really helped me tackle my own shame


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It isn't helping when every online content creator and troll is shaming them publicly.

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These videos don’t really address anything in depth.  It is just more name calling.  A small time youtuber says the richest man in the world is insecure, so we should believe him.  But stones can be tossed in either direction.  What I find interesting is that Elon Musk has 13 children (alleged).  Many years ago, I knew a man who was a polygamist.  He had a high sex drive and an intense desire to have as many children as possible.   He was brilliant and highly self confident.   These videos don’t even come close to addressing this drive.

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@Jodistrict He doesn't even seem to have sex with these women, he just donates sperm to them.

Quite a creepy way to reproduce.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I think the whole shame craze on this forum is getting out of hand. Not everything is shame in my opinion. Musk obviously had a very complex childhood and that is why he has such a complex mind.

I think there is also the risk of being ashamed about being ashamed. Shame is a legitimate emotion and it is ok to have it. The thing with people like Elon Musk. He didn't chose to be Elon Musk, life chose him. And people only have so much agency. Sometimes you have nothing else to do than accept our dharma.

Being fixated on just one emotion bastardizes the human condition. I think Elon Musk accepts he is a freak of nature and he accepted his place in the metaphorical jungle. He doesn't come across as somebody in denial or internal conflict. My guess is that people project their own shame onto Elon Musk.
Mind you that these people are out to get clicks or out to get theirs.

Edited by AION

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Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It isn't helping when every online content creator and troll is shaming them publicly.

Certainly it is not.

It's really only 100% unconditional compassion that allows us to properly understand how people like Elon Musk are just the way that our collective shame comes to a head and impacts major institutions and societal structures through the amplification of the power of individuals.

Huge collective traumas spill over into individual traumas and subsequent maladaptive coping mechanisms. 

And then, those coping mechanisms either get expressed through the collective itself... or through powerful individuals and society shapers like Musk.

But looking at Musk through this lens really highlights a collective pattern. 

And while I'm angry at him because of the harm he's causing, it's not really helpful to look at the issue through that lens. It would just be chopping off the head of the hydra while three more grow in its place.

You must cauterize the stump... which is understanding the role that shame plays in the collective consciousness of society.

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I think it’s more they are just looking at exploiting whatever political winds give them the most benefit.

They backed the dei stuff when the left had cultural hegemony to avoid their ire being focused on them and make inroads with power in Washington.

Now the left started turning on them (Bernie and AOC pressured Amazon to increase minimum wage, congress shamed Zuck at hearings) and the rightwing has made major gains so they’re shifting to appeal there hoping to get on the republicans good side again.

I don’t think it’s shame. I think they view their companies as their life work, and will do whatever and side with whomever to keep it growing.

Edited by Raze

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Jodistrict He doesn't even seem to have sex with these women, he just donates sperm to them.

Quite a creepy way to reproduce.

How do you know that? The latest lady claimed Elon started played video games right after they had sex. Don't know what's the deal with the names of those children either, naming your son Techno Mechanicus is bound to cause some trauma.

Edited by Andrey

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50 minutes ago, Andrey said:

How do you know that?

I read stories that he has some babies via lab insemination.

Perhaps I'm mistaken.


naming your son Techno Mechanicus is bound to cause some trauma.

Not as much trauma as Musk being an absent father.

Edited by Leo Gura

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28 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I read stories that he has some babies via lab insemination.

He often talked about this.

I wonder what kind of humans we would have if his dream of massively producing lab-made and grown babies came true.

I imagine numerous fetuses growing;

Never hearing a mother's heartbeat nor feeling human warmth during their earliest development. O.o

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Meanwhile, as the masses psychoanalyze Musk's baby names and Zuckerberg's MMA phase, their own lives slip by. Unexamined, unlived, and dictated by an algorithm.

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Posted (edited)

Your gender is the true root cause of that shame

You are also the root cause of "patriarchy" from the past that yall keep complaining about

Edited by NewKidOnTheBlock

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On 2/27/2025 at 8:14 PM, shree said:

if his dream of massively producing lab-made and grown babies came true


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18 hours ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Your gender is the true root cause of that shame

Careful with the victim's mentality. It'll ruin your life!

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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On 2/27/2025 at 0:37 AM, LifeEnjoyer said:

I only watched the first 3 minutes of this video, it seems good,  it reminded me of a similar video Charisma on Command did that really helped me tackle my own shame


I watched that one as well. It's really important to see how much even a single individual's trauma can impact our species.

It really emphasizes the importance of understanding and resolving the true root causes of the macrocosmic issues that our world is faced with.

Otherwise it's just throwing knives at the shadows on the cave walls.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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LOL it is actually your gender that is swimming in the Victimhood sea nowadays, constantly complaining about the collateral damage of the system you're partaking in and indirectly had a big role in creating, while being completely oblivious to all the ways in which you've always been benefiting from these systems. At our expense of course, due to our foolish nature

Edited by NewKidOnTheBlock

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@NewKidOnTheBlock You don't even recognize that you're in victim's mentality right now.

And you're not even taking personal responsibility for your own victim's mentality... and prefer to blame women for your own victim's mentality. 

You're itching to scapegoat women for something just so you can continue to complain and wallow in victimhood.

Edited by Emerald

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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I could care less about your personal attacks. You don't know anything about me anyway and you never will. And even if I had the so called "victim mentality", whatever that even means, that doesn't change anything about what I've said. My points still stands independent of who I am, whether I am a millionaire self actualized playboy or a brokie debbie downer, doesn't matter at all. All you can do is make empty vague meaningless assumptions and psychoanalysies anyway. Maybe you should stick to that

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It's normal to want to be more attractive when you have the money.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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